Peter Arnett Fired By Free Press For Speaking Freely

Purple Haze

Literally Stimulated
Sep 19, 2000
Tell me I'm reading this wrong, please. According to this article, he was "aiding and comforting" the enemy. NBC had defended him initially, but fired him after a conversation he had with the president of news. Boy, what I wouldn't give to have a transcript of that exchange.

Anybody have the whole interview he gave?

I'm just curious...
I would respectfully submit that he was fired for being stupid after advertisers called the Peacock execs to pull ads...
Take a good look at the guy.

Obviously, he was fired for having a very bad comb-over!
McCarthyism rolls on

The new McCarthyism rolls on. The only difference is today the bogeyman is "terrorism"; before, it was "communism." In reality, it's anyone who poses a threat to the property interests of the rich. This is clearly intended to intimidate and chill free speech. The message is if we can fire a well-known journalist like Arnett for saying what everyone knows is true, but contradicts the official line, think what we can do to you if you dare speak out.

In the immortal words of Ari Fleischer, "People had better watch what they say."

Fighting to protect our freedoms, hell! War is always used as an excuse to take away our freedom.
Thank Gawd you're free to spew that hatred...

(Since you obviously cannot thank the military for keeping your pink assholed puckered up and free to be buggered by the forces of darkness and ignorance.)

U R a hater.

(c) yayati
No, they canned him too.

If he were that bright he would have picked up on the Susan Sarandin and Dixie Chick thing.

If he were as important and connected as he is appearantly beginning to think he is, judging by his own comments, then he would have been interviewing Saddam and Uday instead of "covering" for them...
Re: McCarthyism rolls on

Red/Peter are just pawns ..... talking heads for the enemy
Canada will wecome him. They lose all their good reporters to the south.
I wouldn't call it giving aid and comfort to the enemy, but he's sure got Iraqi poop all over his nose.
TREASON! TREASON! He should be stripped of his New Zealand citizenship! If he doesn't like it there he should have to move out of the country! Let's get a lynch mob together. After we're done, can I have his Pulitzer?
What ever happened to the first ammendment. This dissapoints me.
Yes, he was also speaking freely when he reported that US GIs had gassed a village in Cambodia with sarin. CNN fired him for that, and had to retract his report.

Then, he was speaking freely again during the Gulf War when he reported that US GIs bombed a baby milk factory which was in fact a chemical weapons factory.

Peter Arnett would report anything for a scoop with Hussein.

I watched his whole report and it was biased, leaning toward traitorous propaganda.
Cherry said:
Yes, he was also speaking freely when he reported that US GIs had gassed a village in Cambodia with sarin. CNN fired him for that, and had to retract his report.

Then, he was speaking freely again during the Gulf War when he reported that US GIs bombed a baby milk factory which was in fact a chemical weapons factory.

Peter Arnett would report anything for a scoop with Hussein.

I watched his whole report and it was biased, leaning toward traitorous propaganda.



I don't have a point, I just read up on it this a.m.

edit bahaha. I just realized the sources on these. Someone at Google is a Commie Pinko!
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It's all a ratings game for these guys. I guess this time it backfired. Too bad.
SilvaTungDevil said:
Yesss! It's all about the ratings.......on Iraqi TV?:confused:

First western journalist to get an interview on Iraqi TV with Saddam? Hell yeah. He'd probably sell his mother for that interview. It's all about give and take. He does this interview, then he gets bigger and better interviews. Pretty soon he's calling America a shithole so he can get in good with Saddam. This was the same guy that went and interviewed Osama. I mean come on... do you really trust this guy not to do whatever it takes to get an interview with Saddam?
P. B. Walker said:
First western journalist to get an interview on Iraqi TV with Saddam? Hell yeah. He'd probably sell his mother for that interview. It's all about give and take. He does this interview, then he gets bigger and better interviews. Pretty soon he's calling America a shithole so he can get in good with Saddam. This was the same guy that went and interviewed Osama. I mean come on... do you really trust this guy not to do whatever it takes to get an interview with Saddam?
I thought Dan Rather had a Saddam interview not just a few weeks ago . . .

At any rate, I hear al-Jazeera is interested in Arnett's services.

Iraqi TV is all about providing the people with an excuse to rise up (since the US is made out to be such monsters) as well as a false sense of security.

I'm telling you--Saddam (or his regime) knows what they are doing by setting the people up for death. He cares not for human life, not even those of his own countrymen. I cry for the Iraqis so in need of hope; of something to cling on to that they will swallow everything the press is feeding them and marching to their own deaths. Because if they rise against us--that is exactly what will happen.

And *sigh*--and then the international media will go into a frenzy about how we are even bigger monsters than we were before--when it's their own leader who is the cause of their demise.

teddybear4play said:
I thought Dan Rather had a Saddam interview not just a few weeks ago . . .

At any rate, I hear al-Jazeera is interested in Arnett's services.


Ok... first WAR-TIME interview. Same thing. It would be a major deal.
One quick point, in no way meant to be incendiary. This guy is not an American. He's pretty much an international freelance journalist. Ok, I've got to finish putting saran wrap around my house, that SARS scares the shit out of me.
SilvaTungDevil said:
One quick point, in no way meant to be incendiary. This guy is not an American. He's pretty much an international freelance journalist. Ok, I've got to finish putting saran wrap around my house, that SARS scares the shit out of me.

Good point, but that doesn't mean he is off the hook. He still works for a US owned new station (plus National Geographic).

That also means, as a non-US citizen, he doesn't necessarily have free speech rights.