Pet Peeve


Literotica Guru
Oct 8, 2002
I have a few pet peeves to share and see if anyone else has any thoughts on things I find irritating.

1. Rating a story without giving any comment, particularly if you rate it a 1 or 2. Why, what didn't the reader like. It would sure help me going forward to know what was not working. It also helps to know what people liked so I can do more of it.

2. Along the same vein editors who approve a thread, or reject a thread without explanation. Did you like it? Was it moving the story forward the direction you wanted? Did you change anything?

3. Failing to keep the point of view consistent. I have enough trouble with this as it is. When I go into a story that says it is 3rd person, and is written in 2nd person then I am really confused.

This stuff bother anyone else?

1) Ay.

2) Ya.

3) Indeed.

I'd like to add a 4) Suddenly changing a character's personnality.

Example: during 5-6 threads, a character makes it very clear he/she does NOT want anything to do with another character.

Then, all of a sudden, he/she says something along the lines of "what the heck" and they have mad sex.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Cheapening a character.

I agree.

One thing I hate the most is where you've built the character's personality through a number of threads then somebody adds one that is totally out of character. Just like Bunga's example. I have found that some writers cheapen characters. Say for example there is a character who has morals and doesn't sleep with everybody, and then suddenly she is fucking everything with two legs, without an explaination! Atleast explain the person's actions. Why are they now a slut. lol.

I hope I am not scarying abody away from writting a thread because of what I am saying. I just think it should be common sense to keep a character's persona.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
Re: Cheapening a character.

niceguy2002tim said:
I agree.

One thing I hate the most is where you've built the character's personality through a number of threads then somebody adds one that is totally out of character.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)

Well, it strikes me that part of the blame for that should be given to the editor for accepting such a thread. I imagine that there are some out there who accept everything that comes their way just to make their story bigger, but I tend to scrutinize over the threads I receive, make small changes if necessary, and occasionally I will make large changes and reject them - giving the author a chance to approve my editing so that they may submit them again (please note that a rejection from me is therefore not always a real rejection - sometimes I just want to give people the chance to approve my editing before something goes out with their name on it).

I guess that I just don't get that involved with characters that aren't in my own stories, and that way I don't care much if someone comes along and changes them when I don't have a say in it.
I don't have too much problem with personality change. Its just another writer's take on that character's personality - or maybe they feel that they have found an acceptable way to get that character into bed.

If a thread is well-written, I will tend to accept it unless it blatently contradicts something writen elsewhere.

In stories where I am not the editor: If somebody changes a character that I have created and the editor accepts it, its no problem, because I (or anybody else) can simply write an alternative thread that brings the character back on track.

Just my 2p (or 2c)
I dislike when people don't edit their own stuff before submitting it - SPELL CHECK, PEOPLE! small errors can tear you out of the fantasy and thrust you into "frustrated" mode.

unfortunatly my MS word is down right now so i dont have a spell check but all the posts i have been sending to people i have asked them to check it for me before they post