Pet Names - what're yours?


plays well with self
Apr 8, 2002
My cats are Cosmic Creepers, Mogwai, and Kenna Bear.

Jessy, Daisy, Maggie. First two are dogs, Maggie is the cat.
My cat doesn't have a name...

We all call him DC... short for "Damn Cat"
Cats: Jazzy, Dudley, Connie and String-bean (Stringy for short)
TARDIS, Bad-Ass, Kitling, George (my cat, he predates the president), Midget are the cats. Mazy and Muffy are the dogs.
Lady Tugbutton of C&L Farm...we call her Tug. She is a pug and when we went to look at her she kept tugging on the buttons on hubby's shirt. She was 5 weeks old at the time and could fit in the palm of my hand. We thought Tug the Pug was cute but needed to come up with something different for her papers.
We also have an English Cocker named Bear but that was his name when we got him.
Edited because I forgot the cat and the others. Her name is Motor because she has such a loud purr that you can hear her across the room with the radio on.

I also have 2 cockatiels named Chloe and Tweets...2 fish named Mutt and Jeff.

How about the cows? Do they count? If so...Sweet Pea and Pansy are their names...
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my ex bf's cat was "super badass sweet daddy jones" aka "fuzzybutt."
I had a dog named Lucky but he got hit by a car, so I guess he didn't live up to his name. :(
carrie-on said:
Lady Tugbutton of C&L Farm...we call her Tug. She is a pug and when we went to look at her she kept tugging on the buttons on hubby's shirt. She was 5 weeks old at the time and could fit in the palm of my hand. We thought Tug the Pug was cute but needed to come up with something different for her papers.

lol that is great!
Have a dog named Taz and a fish named Sunshine. They were both named by my seven year old cousin.
LOL When I first saw the name of this thread I thought it was going to be Pet names for you or your partner...LOL
My late, great Siamese long-hair had the very appropriate name of Fluffybum. I miss him **sigh**
My dog is named Jasper ... but I usually call him Pooper or some variation of that...

I want my next dog to be a female pug so I can name her...
Sylvia Pugjolie... ;)
Indy and Apollo (greyhounds) and Dipper and Charlie (turtles).
Tabby cat - Laurie
Black and white cat - Jenny
Australian Bearded Dragon - Chunkybutt
Leopard Spotted Gecko - Dale Jr.
Green Anoles (2) - Chip & Dale

Adopted orange cat from next door - Charlie
Adopted Siberian Husky (summers only) - Boscoe

Coyotes don't get names.