persistent genital arousal disorder


God Mod
Jul 21, 2011

Molannen, 39, suffered from persistent genital arousal disorder, a debilitating condition marked by continuous sexual arousal. Women who have the disorder are physically but not psychologically aroused. Many must masturbate for hours for just a few minutes of relief. Some doctors believe the condition is caused by a nerve malfunction.

So many funny things here, but as a girl is dead I will refrain and leave it to you sick fucks....

Molannen, 39, suffered from persistent genital arousal disorder, a debilitating condition marked by continuous sexual arousal. Women who have the disorder are physically but not psychologically aroused. Many must masturbate for hours for just a few minutes of relief. Some doctors believe the condition is caused by a nerve malfunction.

So many funny things here, but as a girl is dead I will refrain and leave it to you sick fucks....

That is very sad. I would think that neurologically there would have been some kind of help. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like anybody helped her get it.

Molannen, 39, suffered from persistent genital arousal disorder, a debilitating condition marked by continuous sexual arousal. Women who have the disorder are physically but not psychologically aroused. Many must masturbate for hours for just a few minutes of relief. Some doctors believe the condition is caused by a nerve malfunction.

So many funny things here, but as a girl is dead I will refrain and leave it to you sick fucks....

So let me get this straight... A woman suffered from a rare medical condition that prevented her from working and living her life successfully. She tried getting help but couldn't afford to pay for treatment for her rare condition. It then proceeded to get so bad that she took her own life.

And you find so many funny things about it. But other people are the sick fucks though, not you.