Peoples favorite stories???



I have joined and started reading recently here at chyoo, and I was wandering, what are your favorite stories here? I havent found one yet but I'm still reading. :)
My Fav's.

well I know most people and they are not going to respond to this thread. They'll read it, but they won't post. Anyway, my favourite stories are...

I am biased because this one is mine...

1) A College girl to be...

My second favourite is written by daciasdesire.

2) The Choices We Make.

I think I am going to only name the top two. There are so many good stories on Chyoo that I'd go on forever... what the hell... here goes!

- Sappho's Amulet

- In From The Snow

- Good Girl Forced Bad

- A Bet Leads to Domination in the office

- The Alien War

Now I challenge everybody else to post their favourites.
Tim (niceguy2002tim)
This is my first time back at this board for a while as my wife has just had our second baby and things are a bit hectic at the moment. I was just randomly reading the threads when I came across this one, I would like to thank Jakelyon for mentioning one of my stories as one of his favourites, Kaitlins Revenge I will be adding more to this story and my other one A Party to Remember soon.