People line up for half-mile to get free 30-round ammo magazines before Colorado ban


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
Thousands of people lined up in Colorado on Saturday for the chance to get free 30-round gun magazines before they’re banned by a new state law.

The line at the “Farewell to Arms Freedom” festival in the Denver suburb of Glendale stretched more than half a mile, the Denver Post reported. Magpul Industries, a maker of firearms accessories based in Erie, Colo., had donated 20,000 magazines for the event, with 1,500 given away and the rest to be sold at a discount.

The Post reported that the proceeds would go to the effort to recall two state senators who helped push through the law, which goes into effect Monday. The event was put on by Free Colorado, which says on its website that it is a nonprofit aimed at ensuring the rights of firearm owners.