"pending" stories


Really Really Experienced
Dec 29, 2002
While a story is pending, you can click on the word pending and see what you submitted - at this point, can you still make changes to it or will you mess everything up if you try?
Oops - one more question.

I made a change and clicked "submit" - am I back to the end of the line?
You know, I have no idea. But if you make a change, and you don't click submit, you're taken out of the line entirely until you do.
Good thing I hit submit then, because I just can't stand the waiting.

Oh well. Thanks.
KillerMuffin said:
I asked. It puts you at the end of the list.

Which bites.

Which means be careful as well if you are posting multi-chapter stories over the course of several days. You could end up with chapter 2 ahead of chapter 1 in that line. :rolleyes:

Actually, no. If you post multichapter stories, Laurel will not post them out of order on purpose. If chapter three shows up prior to chapter two, she'll either hunt down chapter two or she'll reject it asking for chapter two first. She explained it to me once and I'm, well, pretty confused about the whole thing.
I'm glad she can keep up with it. Would seem like a nightmare to me. Guess that comes with the job. ;)

I could not IMAGINE doing all the work it takes to make this site run so well. It's just that I get nervous about submitting something and I would feel better if I could just hit "submit" and then just brace myself for possible mean feedback right away, rather than having to check my submissions page ever few hours, wondering... wondering.
If you make any changes to your story during the "pending" stage, it does indeed get kicked back to the end of the line. Not so bad if you submit in the evening and then make a change the next day, reall. (as happened to me) Can be a major bummer if you change something the day before it is to be posted, though.

As far as different parts go, I've only submitted one story that had multiple parts. I submitted both at the same time. Strange thing was, Part 2 posted first! I think what happened was Part 2 got tossed in prior to midnight and Part 1 got picked up after midnight. At least that's what I think, but I've been known to be wrong!

And DN, I've never had to wait longer than 3 days for a submission to be posted, with the exception of that one I changed. And then it was 4 days. So, if you were to submit a story, say, tonight, it should be posted around midnight Friday. (That's Pacific time)
I can help with the submission checking! New stories are post on or (hopefully) just after midnight PST.
I'm still waiting for my audio poem.....Maybe it was rejected and I don't know about it since I emailed it and then submitted the words on the reg submit page.

Maybe I'll give up on this one and try again.

Audio Rejection

In the past when something I've emailed Laurel hasn't worked, she's sent me an e-mail telling me. It took an awful long time for my Audio Story to be posted, but it did get up, eventually, and I think if you wait long enough your poem will get some answer = ) Don't worry about it being rejected; I'm sure it won't be.

As long as a story's status is "pending" does that mean it's definitely in the queue to post?

I made a change in my story while it was pending and I'm 98% sure I hit submit afterwards, but maybe I didn't.

I originally submitted on Monday night (US) and made the changes on Tuesday night.
If it says "pending", then you did submit it. It will only say that after you click "submit" as I remember.

Yeah, otherwise it says "In Preview, Needs To Be Submitted".

Which reminds me I have one story to edit and resubmit and another to kill...
