Peanut Butter Sandwich, the unloved food...

yayati said:
Whats wrong with you guys?? How come everyone hates peanut butter sandwiches??

yayati - "taking the last bite of my peanut butter sandwich"

Cause you can't curry them.
*loves them with a big glass of milk* :D wow something i agree with you on...scary.....*shock*
There is nothing like peanut butter. I like it on white crusty bread, thick, with butter pats and drooling with jelly....
yayati said:

has anyone ever tried peanut butter and banana?

or do you find it too riskAy?

Yup, you can grill this one too, very good

but mt family love ..accept me :D hehe...

two slice of toasts

Chunky PEanut Butter

BANAnA:ana: slieds thick..



and JAM

very very yackyly sweet..<gag>

for the is yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyum !!!!!!!!!!