Payment in full (closed for minutesister )


Literotica Guru
Sep 5, 2011
Hardboiled 5-O (closed for minutesister )

The boss was not happy, to put it mildly. He had moved though from murderous ranting to a simmering rage over the last week. An entire branch of his operation had been closed down. Friends and associates had been killed or arrested in the raid, and only time would tell whether what the feds found out would bring them to his doorstep.

The bit of news that drove him now was that the person responsible for this, an undercover officer of some form, had been captured. When he first found out, he was on the verge of ordering an execution, on the spot. But that would be too easy. He wanted revenge. He wanted them to suffer. When he learned the agent was a woman, he doubly wanted to be the one to exact payment, and ordered her brought to him.

It had been a week and he had thought of little else. He had been dining at a local establishment when he received a text, announcing she had arrived. He left immediately. A short time later, he stormed into his 'offfice' and looked down.
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additional content

Agent Ivette protested and tried to shrug off the thug's hand fondling her left shoulder lecherously, "Get your filthy hands off me!"

Ivette couldn't do anything since she is bound and kneeling on the floor.

The thug just continues to fondle her shoulderand grins at her situation.

The crimeboss thought that the agent they captured is a middle-aged woman nearing on her winters but unexpected to him that the agent is a rare beauty to behold in the realm of criminal underworld. Likewise a fitting spoils of war.

Agent Ivette is an european blonde rookie interpol nearing on her promotion as a senior agent. Standing 5 foot 9, white skinned semi-slim and sporting a vital stat of 33-23-35

"All of her tracking devices have been removed from her, no one will find her here boss, hehehe." Chuckled the thug who is fondling her shoulder.
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"Put her on the table," he ordered, "I wanna get a good look at who fucked me over."

His associate hauled the slender blonde off the floor and dropped her on a large wooden table. The woman immediate began squirming, trying to escape her bond. Her clothes, once elegant, were now dirty. In her position, her skirt rode up high on her legs.

The boss looked her over, nodding, "alright, now I understand. So, how many of my associates did you fuck, before you ratted them out?"

He walked to a cabinet and took out some rope, then looked at his associate, "Tie her hands and feet to the legs of the table. She and I are gonna have a talk."
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"Almost all of them you son of a bitch! Your criminal clubhouse is going to be wipe out soon." Agent Ivette replied with conviction even though she is helpless and bound to the four corners of the table with the hem of her skirt pulled up to her thighs, one could get a good view of her black panty covered crotch if the person lower his head on the table.

The thug just chuckled on her empty threats, seeing her tied with her arms and legs spread surely was a reliever of their predicament.
"Perhaps," Edward replied evenly, "but they won't do so in time to save you."

The boss reached into his pocket and produced a small, if exquisite, knife. He flipped it open, and walked to the side of the table nearest to the head of the agent. He ran the flat of the blade over her face and down her neck, slipping it under the hem of her blouse. He turned the blade and slided open her top, revealing a pale tan camisole beneath. He slipped the "blade between her pert breast and the undergarment open. He set the knife down and tore the rest of her blouse and cami open, then off.

"Nice face, nice tits babe," he commented, "pity you chose to work against me."

He reached down and slapped one of her breasts hard, then the other. He went back and forth a few times, relishing their bounce. He pinched her nipples and pulled them hard, taunting her, "bet the boys just loved these."
Ivette panted as she feels the cold sharp blade racing over one of her delicate parts, the knife made an intimidating presence on her breasts

"Stop it!" Ivette squirmed her upper body trying to evade the hands assaulting her perky breasts and nipples. Her breasts jiggles left and right while squirming and getting slapped at the same time.

"I demand you release me and I will guarantee you will not be killed on sight."Ivette trying to act tough and hiding her fears despite the fact she knows that she is having a tour in hell.
"Ohhh, how very kind of you," he mocked, "I don't think you are in any position to guarantee much of anything right now."

He took up the knife again and walked to her feet. Her skirt was short, so it only took one quick swipe to slice it open. It fell open with one tug, revealing small black panties beneath. The thin waist band he cut with a careless flick of his wrist. He jerked the whisp of fabric away to reveal her sex. He ran a rough hand over her mons, laughing, "haven't shaved in a few days, have we? Such unsightly stubble on such a pretty cunt. We can fix that."

He turned the knife and began to run it over her, the edge against her skin. The blade was razor sharp, so it did shave her, but it also pulled the hairs and gave her nicks. She squirmed violently, and he chuckled, "might not want to move so much. We wouldn't want to cut off anything important."

When he was done, he stood back and slapped the 'shaved' area a few times. The skin look raw and bled in several places. He walked to a nearby cabinet and got out a bottle of vodka. Opening it, he poured some of the clear liquid onto the area he had been working on, knowing the alcohol would burn like hell.
"Aaaaaaggggghhh!!!!!" "What the fck?!" Ivette screams in tears and shudders violently, the pain was quite unbearable. Ivette's womanhood turns almost tomato red.

"You will pay for that I swear!" Her face showing a deep gesture of anger, she was sweating and panting due to the warmness of the alcohol.
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"Such language," he chuckled.

He stood back, making sure she could see him, as he unbuckled his belt. He watched her eyes widen and laughed again, "such a dirty mind."

He slid his belt from his pants. It was long and flexible, polished leather. "You know," he began, "when I used that kind of language as a kid, my old man would tan my hide with his belt. Always kept me in check. Maybe you just need a little tough love."

Holding the buckle end of the belt, he whipped the belt across her belly. Crack! He whipped her torso a few more times. "Hey," he mentioned, "this is hard to get right. Must need practice." And so he began, lashing her body with his belt in an even rhythm. He particularly loved her breasts as targets. They bounced and shook so nicely with each impact. When they were a cherry red, the skin rough and abused, he walked towards her head and began whipped down her torso, the end of the belt aimed at her pussy. It was harder to get just right, but each perfect lash was so rewarding. He was really beginning to enjoy this.
She shuddered and shriek violently, screaming with each hit on her breasts, tears roll down from her eyes as she starts losing strength and with fear starting to take over her. She screamed louder and whimpered as her pussy got strucked hardly. She shrieked more feeling like her body is burning in pain. After the whipping she starts sweating and begins to appear feverish, especially her delicates turning red.

"What do yyou want from me? I can pay you ten thousand dollars jsut let me go."
"Ten thousand?" he laughed. "Chump change for the lives of some of my men? Ohhhh no, you are going to pay in kind, eye for an eye."

He reached for the vodka again, pouring all over her body. He rubbed it in roughly onto her reddened, abuse breasts. He poured more on her pussy, then took the open end of the bottle and pushed it between her labia. He kept pushing until it sank into her. He tilted the bottle up, "nothing like an alcohol douche to clean you up." He jerked the bottle out and vodka gushed from her cunt.

He took a sip from the bottle and walked over to the two men watching. He spoke with them briefly and took another sip. "You're not a bad tasting cunt," he mused, "pity no one is every going to lick your pussy again."

One of his men returned, with a box in hand. He handed it to the Boss, who set it down on the table. He reached inside and pulled out some alligator clamps, heavy duty, with teeth, designed to clamp and hold anything, from battery terminal to wood. He took one and opened the jaws. He pressed into the soft flesh of her left breast and released. The jaws clamped, and the teeth bit into her skin and the soft tissue beneath. He opened another and clamped into on her other breast. Back and forth, he attached clamp after clamp, until her breasts were ringed with them. Blood dripped from each bite and her jugs stretched with the weight. He rummaged through the box for the last two, nasty heavy clamps with particularly vicious looking teeth. He opened one and pushed it over her nipple, pressing deeply into her boob, then released it. He laughed at the response and took the other, pushing even deeper, denting her other mound deeply, before clamping it.

Then he sat back to survey his work, reached over the tweak various clamps, simply to hear her cries.
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