Pay the poster above a compliment


Literotica Guru
Dec 30, 2013
But you have to give something to compliment: am image of you; a thought; a thing you’ve done

I expect to see lots of men posting, because you guys need more compliments in your lives

me?: I’ve started a thread
I'm going to go with this; You are kind when you have no need or reason to be. You will now be inundated by references to your anatomy and sexual proclivities for about 50 pages. Go!
I'm going to go with this; You are kind when you have no need or reason to be. You will now be inundated by references to your anatomy and sexual proclivities for about 50 pages. Go!
Nevyn is one of the realest, most honest people here. If he says it, that check will cash anywhere. :)
He makes lovely bread and his bacon is worth getting up in the middle of the night for.

He gives me belly laughs when I need them most 😂❤️
I’ve only seen a couple of posts, she seems shyly sweet with a delightfully provocative side. I think we could easily be friends.

Also smacked backsides for the lot of you not giving any fodder for compliments. Does everybody know each other nowadays?

I am very patiently awaiting my avatar approval, and vaguely regretting choosing my very first one (an evocative Google image that represents me rather than a real me one)
I’ve only seen a couple of posts, she seems shyly sweet with a delightfully provocative side. I think we could easily be friends.

Also smacked backsides for the lot of you not giving any fodder for compliments. Does everybody know each other nowadays?

I am very patiently awaiting my avatar approval, and vaguely regretting choosing my very first one (an evocative Google image that represents me rather than a real me one)

She is brand new and already making Lit a fun place to stop by in 🥰