pay my bills


Sep 5, 2002
i want a female to pay my bills. i will do what ever it takes and or you want. i know that it is highly unlikely that anyone will respond but hey why not see. i am a 25/ from co e-mail me if at all interested.
hahahahah boy would i love someone to pay my bills too.. but i dont wanna have to do anything for it.. just send it to my account.. um ya putz like thats gonna happen aye
go back home and live with ya mummy
sdk1331 said:
i want a female to pay my bills. i will do what ever it takes and or you want. i know that it is highly unlikely that anyone will respond but hey why not see. i am a 25/ from co e-mail me if at all interested.
You'd better be careful. (as if anyone will actually reply) Solicitation is illegal in most states.
Is this some silly little ploy to see how many people will bitch you out for being lazy, self-centered, ect........

Hell it may work....

Good luck,

may be surprised

You may be surprised, I have often found very dominant females posting for live in stay at home sissy boys .....go look for a dom female, you are just what they are looking for. Good Luck!
I'd like a man to pay for my bills. But I'd never be silly enough to ask.

Good luck in your endeavor.

But wouldn't everyone like for somone else to pay there bills???

I know I would but don't see that happening,so do what I did and get a better paying job!