paul mcCartney joke


Literotica Guru
Jun 3, 2001
paul mcCartney had bought wife heather mills a plane
now she can shave the other leg
boom boom
Purple Haze said:
I thought her name was "Eileen."

I always liked that name - at every function requiring ridiculous nametags, I am always Eileen Dover, and my man goes as Ben -

(why are ya picking on the new Mrs. McCartney?)
sweetsubsarahh said:
I always liked that name - at every function requiring ridiculous nametags, I am always Eileen Dover, and my man goes as Ben -

(why are ya picking on the new Mrs. McCartney?)

there is a porn star in this country called ben dover
sweetsubsarahh said:
I always liked that name - at every function requiring ridiculous nametags, I am always Eileen Dover, and my man goes as Ben -

(why are ya picking on the new Mrs. McCartney?)

If Sir Paul can bag a cutie, even an evil one, at his age more power to him. At least she looks better than Joko.
pabloback said:
paul mcCartney had bought wife heather mills a plane
now she can shave the other leg
boom boom

You're a sick person. Instant karma's gonna get you.
You know what Yoko Ono and Africans have in common?

They're surviving off of dead beetles...