Paul Krugman diagnoses "Republican Health Care Panic"


Literotica Guru
Jul 27, 2008
Writing in the NYT:

Op-Ed Columnist

Republican Health Care Panic


Published: July 25, 2013

Leading Republicans appear to be nerving themselves up for another round of attempted fiscal blackmail. With the end of the fiscal year looming, they aren’t offering the kinds of compromises that might produce a deal and avoid a government shutdown; instead, they’re drafting extremist legislation — bills that would, for example, cut clean-water grants by 83 percent — that has no chance of becoming law. Furthermore, they’re threatening, once again, to block any rise in the debt ceiling, a move that would damage the U.S. economy and possibly provoke a world financial crisis.

Yet even as Republican politicians seem ready to go on the offensive, there’s a palpable sense of anxiety, even despair, among conservative pundits and analysts. Better-informed people on the right seem, finally, to be facing up to a horrible truth: Health care reform, President Obama’s signature policy achievement, is probably going to work.

And the good news about Obamacare is, I’d argue, what’s driving the Republican Party’s intensified extremism. Successful health reform wouldn’t just be a victory for a president conservatives loathe, it would be an object demonstration of the falseness of right-wing ideology. So Republicans are being driven into a last, desperate effort to head this thing off at the pass.

The question is whether the Massachusetts success story can be replicated in other states, especially big states like California and New York with large numbers of uninsured residents. The answer to this question depends, in the first place, on whether insurance companies are willing to offer coverage at reasonable rates. And the answer, so far, is a clear “yes.” In California, insurers came in with bids running significantly below expectations; in New York, it appears that premiums will be cut roughly in half.

So is this a case of something for nothing, in which nobody loses? No. In states like California, which have allowed discrimination based on health status, a small number of young, healthy, affluent residents will see their premiums go up. In New York, people who don’t think they need insurance and are too rich to receive subsidies — probably an even smaller group — will feel put upon by being obliged to buy policies. Mainly, though, those insurance subsidies will cost money, and that money will, to an important extent, be raised through higher taxes on the 1 percent: tax increases that have, by the way, already taken effect.

Over all, then, health reform will help millions of Americans who were previously either too sick or too poor to get the coverage they needed, and also offer a great deal of reassurance to millions more who currently have insurance but fear losing it; it will provide these benefits at the expense of a much smaller number of other Americans, mostly the very well off. It is, if you like, a plan to comfort the afflicted while (slightly) afflicting the comfortable.

And the prospect that such a plan might succeed is anathema to a party whose whole philosophy is built around doing just the opposite, of taking from the “takers” and giving to the “job creators,” known to the rest of us as the “rich.” Hence the brinkmanship.

So will Republicans actually take us to the brink? If they do, it will be crucial to understand why they would do such a thing, when their own leaders have admitted that confrontations over the budget inflict substantial harm on the economy. It won’t be because they fear the budget deficit, which is coming down fast. Nor will it be because they sincerely believe that spending cuts produce prosperity.

No, Republicans may be willing to risk economic and financial crisis solely in order to deny essential health care and financial security to millions of their fellow Americans. Let’s hear it for their noble cause!
see, you are an idiot. How many jobs have you had in the past ten years and in which industries? dude, grow up and become responsible and put down that obama juice
Did you manage to get Bullwinkle's opinion too?? Just wonderin'.:rolleyes:

No, but both Rocky and Boris agree with Krugman here, and it is highly unusual for those two to agree on anything. (Natasha nearly does, but she keeps talking about single-payer.) I dunno about Bullwinkle -- moose do have a libertarian streak.
take from the rich and those that work (aka the obama punishment for wanting to be successful) and had it off to those that chose not to work aka you and the other obama lazy supporters

in the end, its just obama running around in pantyhose stealing money while murdering the middle class which the regime's fucked up policies
Did you manage to get Bullwinkle's opinion too?? Just wonderin'.:rolleyes:

I understand your pain...
President Obama won his war against the Rapepublicans....
You lost your war against the Viet Cong.

No parade for you, loser!
I thought this clown had been laughed off the public stage a few months ago.

He's crawled out of his sewer to spew more useless Republiphobic hate speech? :confused:
It's an article of faith among wingnut "True Believers" that Obamacare has "failed".

They refuse to accept the reality that the promised cost savings are, in fact, materializing and many of the benefits touted by Obamacare have come to pass.

Busybody in particular seems to be taking this very poorly.
I thought this clown had been laughed off the public stage a few months ago.

He's crawled out of his sewer to spew more useless Republiphobic hate speech? :confused:

Poor bitter Retard Ruse is another sad case. He was oh so sure Obamacare would fail. And now poor Retard has instead failed.