Paul, Cruz, And Lee, Will Fight For Liberty...

Yup, these three are not only against the legislation, they're against even discussing or debating the relative merits of the legislation.

Because it's not the Senate's job to, you know, debate stuff.

And God forbid we actually have a vote on this stuff, because, well, they're against it!

Naturally, Vettehitler thinks this sort of juvenile obstruction is a good thing.
"Liberty" is 3 people making decisions on behalf of a 100-person body?

There's wingnut logic for you.
I don't mean to sound rude or insensitive but every time I see a brietbart link I laugh and relish in the fact that he is a rotting corpse with worms crawling out of his eye sockets as I type a response or peruse.

I'm really digging how the wing nuts are convincing themselves that Rand Paul is one of
Cruz et al are RINO's, the extreme right wing of the GOP aka Tea Party aka whiners.
I don't mean to sound rude but, who cares? I mean it's your ignorance on display. Are the facts of the story in error? :rolleyes:

I don't know. Honestly I don't really read anything you guys copy and paste.

I just saw it was a breitbart deal and mentioned rand paul.

I think breitbarts a dead dickweed and Paul is barely a republican.

Your parties a mess. It's like three or four different factions.

I think you need to unite the party instead of...well....instead of almost anything else second to breathing or 14 and 16 are going to be huge disappointments to you.
I thought just maybe those guys were going to enlist.

Fat chance, I guess.
The gun control legislation being discussed isn't a Constitutional violation. These three Senators are aware of that but they're calling it as much anyway in order to rally the Vettemans of the nation.

I haven't been following the issue much over the past week but we're mostly just talking about expanded background checks here aren't we?

Yeah, right.

Sarcasm is wasted on you DeVry Tech school graduates. :rolleyes:

I guess I'll have to take a page out of the Vettebigot's playbook and put at rolleyes emoticon after every sarcastic statement I make so that the Byrons of the General Board can "get" it. :rolleyes:
Deliberative democracy holds that, for a democratic decision to be legitimate, it must be preceded by authentic deliberation, not merely the aggregation of preferences that occurs in voting