Passion of the Elementals (closed)


Jun 9, 2003

Throughout time the elemental Gods and Goddesses have in times of weakened states turned to the physical plane to create more substantial heirs... physical forms to bless with mastery over a given element. Now is no different as both fire and water have been attacked by the chaos seeking to overwhelm the elements and use that chaos to destroy everything... but the chaos can not affect the physical it is quickly enslaved by the freewill of man. To protect themselves Fire and Water now both roam the physical plane.

What happens next no one could predict... fiery passion and soothing sustaining love.


Azara Serifeen

Fire... warmth... and destruction and her very core. She walked along seeing what humans and the chaos mixed with their free will. Funny that the chaos allegedly can't affect the physical plane human free will seems more chaos than anything. She wandered the more dangerous areas of town like the old river front and those warehouse relics. She never really interacted with the humans directly preferring to do things to aid them from afar. She would help build up the fires in the old drums for the homeless and things like that.

She held no fear of humans she had only ever seen those that needed help never really seeing the darker side of humanity till now. Walking along she was searching the shadows for those that needed her aid but tonight darkness found her. A hand clamping tight over her mouth and one around her waist as she found herself dragged for a while before finding herself slammed against a wall in the shadows of old shipping crates on the riverfront. There was no fire near to manipulate so until she could draw in enough heat to activate her own fiery form.
Brizen Zirsin shook his head with disbelieve the way the battle with chaos was going.. His need to flee here to the physical plane to rest and regain his strength which was still affecting him now. He felt tired and sore all over, a down side of coming here and taking human form, the pain is much worse and lasts longer to heal. The fatigue was greater than he anticipated as he leaned up against the brick wall of the building behind him. He could smell water nearby and was hoping that even in human form he could absorb some of its healing properties to fend off some of the ill effects.

He followed the scent and coolness of the breeze hoping to find a body of water. He entered the dark area of the river front. The sounds of water was music to his ears. His step was a bit lighter due to his mood changing for the better. Moving down the front was like walking in the garden of the gods at this very moment. He could feel some of the pain fade but not all of it, that wasn’t good but it was better than he was a few moments ago.

His eyes gazed over the front and didn’t care for all the dark shadows that his vision as a human couldn’t penetrate. How could these humans keep Chaos at bay? They had no gifted powers but yet they have managed to where the gods haven’t. He couldn’t figure it out but just maybe being in these forms and moving among them, the answer he seeks might be found. He nodded to himself accepting that observation from his inner voice.

He continued down the front shying away from the shadows for he felt as if something was wrong but couldn’t put his finger upon it. But he continued to eye it suspiciously.
Suddenly spun around she was held in place now by some brutal looking human. She was unsure what this human body of hers was doing but she did not like this feeling. The body wanted to run to get away but could not so it felt cold... shaking as if standing in ice. The cruel gaze of the human before her could be like ice is that why was causing this? With no fire near her and the cold the body felt she could not summon enough of her true being to light a candle much h less free herself from this situation.

The male before her was moving doing something... now cold flesh touched the flesh of this body.... by the Gods how she hated being human trapped in a clearly frail form did not help much either as this body tied to struggle and fight against the other human.
Brizen continue to walk down the river front still watching the shadows intensely. He constantly felt something was wrong. Then his eyes fell upon two figures in the shadow one was up against the wall the other one just inches away. He could tell by the movements that they were struggling with each other. he debated if he should even get involved with their dispute.

“Hey!” he yell hoping that would break the fight up. he slowly move forward putting on an act that I was going to come over and interrupted what was going on, but the truth was he wasn’t going to enter into the shadow not with this body that he had no idea of his limits are capabilities. However, He did feel that this body was fit. “Go on and stop your fighting before you damage some goods.”
The human before her looked away at the sound of a voice and barked out something about the buy that spoke ruining a mood between him and his girlfriend. She did not understand what he meant but his continued attack was clear as she tried to fight more. His attention still back to her and his intended goal whatever that was.

The body however seemed to react to there being someone else there andtried to produce sound... apparently she was trying to.scream. Integrating her fiery existence into a mortal body was a slow process so the body hadbasic human interaction and reaction already within its understanding and it was clearly reacting to what must be a dangerous situation.
Brizen didn’t know much about the physical stimulation of these humans, but the woman didn’t seem to be very pleased with her boyfriend by the way her arms were swinging at the man, and his way of trying to grab her just didn’t add up. He moved into the darkness heading toward the man with the intention of stopping him now. “HEY, just back away from her” he yelled at her moving in closer to them. He wasn’t for sure this was a wise move but he couldn’t stand by and watch someone get hurt even if this was the way they showed their affection for one another.

Upon getting up to the two of them he noticed that the look on her face was not one of wanting to be where she was, and the man’s face showed a lot of anger and determination to do whatever he was trying to do to this human. “I said get away from her.” he was hoping that this direct contact would force the man to flee..
With a snarl and a shove the man took off. She looked around needing fire... flames even from a match. She had to slowly continue merging with this form. The hostess form was scared scanning shaking as it... they called out

Thank you...

Then it hit her... a scent... no just a sense that there was something else like her around. Couldn't be just a trick of the mortal senses.
Brizen moved to where the so called girlfriend was standing. When he got there he wasn;t prepared to see this very attractive human female before him. She seemed to be shaking from the ordeal. He heard her words moments ago but was busy trying to find his way to her. Smiling at her. “Are you okay?” he offered his hand to help her sit down upon one of the crates. “My name is Brizen and yours?” He continued to look out over the area just in case that man tried to attack again.

He wondered why a woman would travel about in this area for. “May I ask why are you down here all alone?” He took a seat next to her. “Do you know this area is very dangerous”
Azara... normally I have no reason to fear this area but scattered fire drums are rained out and dead or something.

She watched him carefully being at a double disadvantage not completely merged with the human body and no fire anywhere nearby to draw from. A scent... she... she recognised it or so she thought... like some distant memory shrouded.... no it couldn't be.... could one of the others be here?
"It's not safe for you to venture this place at night. With shadows so dark that one can not see their hands."Brizen spoke softly to the woman for she was still riled by her encounter. He was slightly confused for she had a look upon her face as if she knew something about him. “Besides the obvious of you being attacked is there something else wrong?” he moved slightly back from her just incase his closeness was making her uncomfortable.
Whoever it was whatever it was it was just her... no strange sense... dismissing it she shook her head.

No... I... I'm fine. Maybe I should return home...

Pointing over towards the warehouses set back away from the docks as she shrugged.

Just over that way if you want to.walk.with me.
"I would be honored to walk with you." he looked over to where she gestured with her hand. He still didn't like the way she looked at him. "I'm sorry but do we know each other? you seemed to have a face of recognition toward me.” He asked quizzically. He began to wonder about her, she seemed to be in a state that he was a few days ago. “Here let me help you.” he extended his arm out to her..
I... I don't know... something seems familiar about... its nothing just difficult getting settled.

She shook her head as she took his arm and walked along with him. Getting closer to her dive of an apartment she seemed to get a little better as they passed a few people circled around oil drum fireplaces there near the warehouses. The fires jumped slightly giving more heat and warmth. As the flames jumped carefully she seemed to improve as well.
Who was this woman? His mind asked but no answers came to him as they continued to walk down tier. His gaze continued to look over at her. She was beautiful, and something about her made her mysterious and seductive. Now he knew why that scumbag would not let go of her, her skin was soft and smooth, and he was just feeling her arm!

While he followed her lead he began to notice that she was starting to gain her color back, she seemed more precise in her footing and her posture was getting stronger. This made him feel more relaxed and at easy walking with her. “Mind if I ask you a few Questions?” he slowly looked over at her, taking in her beauty once more.
The more little fires were around for her to draw from and fuel she was getting better still as she smiled to him. She had noticed that he kept looking at her and was puzzled by it till he spoke. She nodded to him with a smile

Yez what would you like to ask?
“What really are you doing down here in the depths’ of this foul place?” He looks around wondering the something about him besides his need to be near water to recharge himself, he couldn’t come out and tell her or could he? He did noticed the flames flicker brightly for a few seconds and then she seemed to feel better. He wondered could it be? No, no, couldn’t be for she is his enemy an opposite of him. He gazed upon her trying to feel her, but this human form prevented his some of his powers. “You live down here as well? Why would one want to live where greater danger dwells?” he wanted to play as the non hero human to keep his profile down.
I live here where there is need and no one to care. I do what I can and their presence and ways help me as well... but there is chaos in everything including human will and desire...

She walked up to a little building with metal grate covered windows and door.

Here it is... home
He looked at the building, not interested in it at all, but more interested in the expression of her words, like their presence, human will and desire, words spoken out of character or was it? Some complex humans would speak in third person form about their race, but not many.

He looked back over to her, puzzlement settled within his expression which he failed to conceal even with a smile, for the eyes held the questions. “I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce myself, My name is … Brian and Yours?” he could have slapped himself for the pause in introducing himself, for she was quick witted herself and he would wager that she caught it.
Okay Brian... I am Azara.

She caught the pause but wondered why she gave her name and not that of the host... was the merging finally melding their minds at least. Or was it whatever about this male that she sensed that she thought she knew. It was strange but we will see how it goes and how he reacts.

She pushed the heavy door open and tossing a small package to an old man resting in a chair in the corner she then walked upstairs. Making her way to her room in this building she opened to door to reveal a simple bed and door to perhaps a bathroom as well as a minuscule attempt at a kitchen and a window that was more bars than view.
He stopped for a moment when the name was spoken, his eyes narrowed slightly. Could it be? Was this his archenemy? Alternatively, was it a human whom had an erotic ancient name? He followed her into the doorway and nodded to the old man as he caught the small package tossed to him. A smile upon the old man’s face brought a smile to Brizen’s face. There was a strange feeling surging through him upon seeing this man’s face expressing his joy.

He followed her up the stairs, he could not help himself but to watch the way her behind spoke to him as it swayed with the movement of her body. Taking a deep breath upon reaching the top of the stairs, he continued to follow her guidance. His mind momentary forgetting whom he was dealing with for it was still admiring her body. This human form was burning with a intense heat by the time he walked into the simple way of life of this human named Azara.

“Tell me, How hot is a volcano on Elitieus? “ He stood slightly back from her as he confronted her now that they were in a confining room with no source of flame.
Far hotter than the waters of Santerris could ever withstand. Then I do know you... Your mind... the look in your eyes... your human form remembers the last time we had to flee the chaos as it sought to make us destroy each other. That was not the way this time... The others forced us away before the Chaos could fully attack us.

So why do you give me the name of the chosen body and not your own... are you divided still like me. Unable to merge as quickly as you would like?

She watched him turning to face him. The markings now seemed to hold faint glow as they seemed to almost be more "tatoos" than the standard markings of the flames of her form over her arms.
There was a sense of ease come to him now that his secret was known to her and hers to him. They were on that level playing field, a neutral zone for the time being, for she did not have flame to replenish her, and at the same token, he had no water. A fact that she knew as well and that is why she brought up the fact of merging with his host.

“Yes, I seemed to be limited in my abilities, and at the time wasn’t sure if you were adapted yet or not, but I believe you are slightly less adapted than I am.” He noted the glow and remembered how powerful they appeared when she was at her best. “But by the faint glow of your markings, I would say we are on even ground.” he still had that heated feelings that his host was feeling for the beauty that stood before him. “The chaos that we fled, is here in mankind as well. It seems we will never be rid of it. So shall we resume our sides?” he couldn’t help but to look upon her body as he spoke.
We need to be allied as we are in the elemental plane to deal with the Chaos. Human will seems to overwhelm it... it can not control their free will. That prevents it from gaining a foothold in a body like we do. I have to be careful merging... Being fire I have to go slower than the rest of you when merging with a host. Can not damage them by merging too fast.

She noticed his eyes and where they looked.

Is everything alright? Is there a problem with the host?
His hands came up and rubbed over his cheeks and eyes. Growing a small headache from his continuing to merge with his host. “The host seems to be in a particular state of emotion at the moment.” he replies as the burning seems to bring an unusual response to it. “I really do believe he is taking a fancy to your host.” His eyes moves from her to the budge that was growing below.

Trying to shift the hosts state of mind. “Chaos doesn’t have to meld here to bring harm. These humans are reeked with it and in numbers. Just like that man whom was attacking you tonight, Merely one man could bring harm to you. Don’t forget once merge we become this host and if this host dies..So do we.” He moves toward her. “Like it or not, it appears we are still at war with chaos.”
Looks like you should rest... if you require water to rest in or sink into then you can use the tub in the other room.

She looked away hearing that his host seemed to hold interest in her. Her host seemed doubtful and seemed to become self conscious or or perhaps a little fearful or worried. She however was able to hide her hosts concerns.

That is sweet... of him I guess