Paranormal sex


Really Experienced
Oct 25, 2012
18 year old dude sets up camera in his bedroom. He goes to sleep in his pajamas then in the morning he awakes up in the nude! He checks the camera footage and what he sees surprises him!
18 year old dude sets up camera in his bedroom. He goes to sleep in his pajamas then in the morning he awakes up in the nude! He checks the camera footage and what he sees surprises him!

So, why did he film himself in the first place?
18 year old dude sets up camera in his bedroom. He goes to sleep in his pajamas then in the morning he awakes up in the nude! He checks the camera footage and what he sees surprises him!

I actually like the basic idea, but he needs a reason to set up the camera in the first place. Maybe he notices that things are being moved around, and he's wondering if he has rats or possums or something in the house, so he sets up cameras throughout the house.
So, why did he film himself in the first place?

Great minds think alike... What, you never just record yourself sleeping so you can fall asleep while watching yourself sleep? I then record myself watching myself sleep so I can sleep while watching myself falling asleep to myself sleeping. It's so relaxing.
Maybe he's a paranormal investigator, so he spends the night there and films himself.

Something got him off hard, and he's ashamed to admit it to the home owners. He stays coy about because he wants to keep doing 'test studies' to see what's going on, which of course leads to more sexual gratification.

This would make a great Halloween contest story.
I was thinking ghosts from the beginning, but it could work for aliens, too.

Or, you could just be really fucking creepy and have a woman living in the walls of his house.
Great minds think alike... What, you never just record yourself sleeping so you can fall asleep while watching yourself sleep? I then record myself watching myself sleep so I can sleep while watching myself falling asleep to myself sleeping. It's so relaxing.


I figured, instead of assuming what Billy wants, if I asked what I did it may bring forth more "story idea conversation".
Thats hot I think its hot when aliens or ghosts touch people. I saw a movie called entity where a poltergost like raped the women.
The obvious answer to this question is the guy wakes up nude more than once. When it keeps happening, he starts recording it.
Maybe he's a paranormal investigator, so he spends the night there and films himself.

Something got him off hard, and he's ashamed to admit it to the home owners. He stays coy about because he wants to keep doing 'test studies' to see what's going on, which of course leads to more sexual gratification.

This would make a great Halloween contest story.

Agreed. This could also work if its a woman, esp. a woman who lives alone and thinks that her house was broken into but nothing was moved, and the locks weren't forced, so the police have nothing to go on.
I like those ideas I wld def read this story if its man or women. I like the idea they record bcuz they keep waking up naked
No no no no. Stop.

Your giving away story plot to get him a reason. if you want spooky don't do that.

How about these?

He watches the movie 'Paranormal' and gets a bit freeked out. He goes and gets his (Mom's, brother's, sister's,... you chose) camira and sets it up. The first night he notices only something small, then more the next night.

after that you could spin this any way you want.


He's taking Movie Making and get asked to do a film project but forgets(Gets drunk at a frat party you name it for the cause). He decides at the last minute to film himself falling to sleep. Lord what he gets on film.


he's worried cause his Mom's been to a doctor for sleep apnia.( Not sure of the spelling there) He sets up a cammiar to record her breathing. tired from being at te hospital or what ever he falls asleep sitting in the chair next to her bed. wakes up with his pants off.

again spin it anyway you want..though it's a incest story made to order.

Erotic horror is a hard sell any way you go.

No no no no. Stop.

Your giving away story plot to get him a reason. if you want spooky don't do that.

How about these?

He watches the movie 'Paranormal' and gets a bit freeked out. He goes and gets his (Mom's, brother's, sister's,... you chose) camira and sets it up. The first night he notices only something small, then more the next night.

after that you could spin this any way you want.


He's taking Movie Making and get asked to do a film project but forgets(Gets drunk at a frat party you name it for the cause). He decides at the last minute to film himself falling to sleep. Lord what he gets on film.


he's worried cause his Mom's been to a doctor for sleep apnia.( Not sure of the spelling there) He sets up a cammiar to record her breathing. tired from being at te hospital or what ever he falls asleep sitting in the chair next to her bed. wakes up with his pants off.

again spin it anyway you want..though it's a incest story made to order.

Erotic horror is a hard sell any way you go.


The first two just seem really contrived. Like, I think it's more logical for him to have a reason to start filming. The last at least provides him with a motive. Why can't the spooky stuff begin, and then he starts to film first? It doesn't need to be explicitly ghosts at first. Shit being moved around at night, he could just suspect rats or something.
Maybe... He's been having wild, realistic sex dreams once a week. He wakes up at the same time every night this happens when he hears his name being whispered. He is nude, his energy is drained, and there is a mark of some sort left by the entity.... Panties, lipstick marks, a pearl necklace...