paralympic protests.


copping a feel
Oct 2, 2004
members of government are being booed at medal ceremonies, in protest at the way claimants for disability benefits are being treated and assessed.

A cancer sufferer, who had her benefits cut by government officials who said she was fit to work, has died.

Cecilia Burns, 51, from Strabane, County Tyrone, had started a campaign in February to have the decision overturned.

Ms Burns had her benefits cut after she was assessed by government contractor Atos Healthcare.

She had her benefits reinstated just a few weeks ago but died on Monday.

this has become unpleasantly common since the changes were brought in.;_ylv=3
I've not followed these games at all.

Are the country medal counts similar to those of the Olympics?

I'd be surprised if China did as well. The country is not really handicap accessible.
the tests are carried out by people who have no knowledge of the individuals' health issues. it is a disgraceful set up, dolf. at our shop, we employ several people with various physical and/or mental health issues as volunteers - manic-depression, bipolar, encephalitis, epilepsy etc.... these ladies and gentleman are able to handle work in the arena we provide for them, with medication allowing them to perform their hours with little problem. they know they are able to have time off as necessary, and that we understand their capabilities and limitations; since many of them have worked with us for years, the element of stress is at a minimum - we work with their abilities. this is nowhere near the same thing as being suddenly thrown into the wider work force, looking for work their problems leave them unable to handle, and with no support to help them through the maze of paperwork, financial strain, and relating to a generally more aggressive working environment.

2 women have fallen foul of the new board so far: one a girl of 20 with all manner of complicated mental issues having suffered several mental breakdowns as a teenager seriously bullied in school and just beginning to enjoy life a little with us. the board told her she was physically fit for work, forcing her into a very bad place for her head to be, causing another mental breakdown, serious physical symptoms and an extended stay in hospital resulting in her being three stone lighter (she wasn't fat), scared as a rabbit, and unfit to even leave her house.

the second is a lady with severe bipolar, but under a strict regime of meds which help her a great deal. she is unable to deal with the stresses of the workplace involving lots of people, especially strangers, even though she was once a highly-paid individual with responsibilities. at her assessment, where in her manic-upswing (meaning she felt very positive and buoyed) she said she looked after her mother and did voluntary work for us; they immediately decided she was fit for work, must seek work, stopped her medical benefits straight away along with any other benefits and told to pay full rent/council tax. it drove her to massive and repeated panic attacks, meant her medication levels had to be boosted to try to level her out, and has received no help at all from anywhere except her psychiatrist who wrote a letter to whom it may concern saying she was in no way fit to work in the regular manner. she is currently trying to appeal, but it has made her very shaky.

neither of these ladies work 'out front' with the public, since their issues meant they were happier in the back room, dealing with familiar faces and familiar work.

the main problem appears to be the assessment teams aren't taking mental health into consideration much at all; we also have a customer who, at the age of 68 and three heart attacks in the space of two years, was told he had to return to work. the stress brought on another heart attack and they are 'considering' his appeal. these decisions are hitting hardest those least able to fight any bad decisions.

boo'd? if only that were all it took to change this government's actions. :(
indeed, chuppy. it seems the latest gov fad to hit hardest those with the least voice. one of the very first cuts made in my area was incontinence pads. fucking incontinence pads. the disabled are allowed no more than four changes a day. they count them down to the last pad and if you run out then it's tough shit. who do they imagine soils themselves for fun? who do they think wears adult nappies as a fashion statement?

these people are pigs.
Are there any topless women there leading the protests? If not they should call FEMEN to at least make it news-worthy. ;)
The government have handled it badly effectively 'throwing out the baby with the bath water ' where genuinely disabled people are being penalised through now fault their own and are entitled to benefits to make life a bit more easier. It cannot be too difficult to weed out the proper claimants as opposed to those with 'glass backs' or those too lazy to get out of bed who suffer from 'depression' or who have 'bad nerves'. Otherwise known as 'malingerers'.

However, you can see why its come about which is due to widespread abuses of the welfare system where it seems 25% of the population seem to be claiming it or trying to and from all age groups, races and social classes.

As a hard working taxpayer I am sick and tired of false claimants appearing in the press who are fitter than me. Can walk their dogs 20 miles per day, go ball room dancing, go hiking etc etc. I am fed up to the back teeth of these piss taking bastards and would be more than happy if the government said anybody caught fiddling benefits has to donate a kidney or a cornea. Some of these people are even considered 'invalids' through abusing alcohol and drugs and being too damn lazy to get out of bed because they're so called 'depressed'.

Well as a taxpayer I am fucking 'depressed' too. Fed up of paying income tax to keep those malingering cunts in clover and fed up having very little time to myself but realising that I am lucky yto actually have a decent job. Whilst I recognise genuine clinical depression is a very nasty illness it is thankfully quite rare and nowhere near as common as its made out to be. Those self pitying whining cunts should be put up against a wall or made to pick dog shit up.