parallel town


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2011
I don't have much time to write these days, but I stumbled on an AI platform with chat bots,, and decided to try it. You can create "worlds" that describe a scenario and characters, and then have the characters act it out. It's essentially uncensored, but has some policy about explicit NSFW content that makes a warning pop up from time to time, but nothing else happens. For simple scenarios, I think it's kind of useful as inspiration for dialogue between character. You have to steer the conversation (all bot's responses can be edited) or the story will escalate very quickly with the characters sounding like stereotypical porn actors (something similar to "let's take this party to the next level" was be said by some character in almost all scenarios I tried). And sometimes characters that aren't even there suddenly enters the conversation. But if the scenarios are simple and with few characters, I found that it can be used to turn a description of an idea into at least an outline of a story. Has anyone else tried something similar?
But thinking of scenarios and writing dialogue are some of the best parts of writing erotica!

So to answer your question: no, I haven't tried it, and I can't imagine that I ever would. For me it would take all the fun out of the hobby.
And for any lesbian scenario, one of the characters will have a box of toys available, no matter where they are.
Lesbians with toys...
That's very unlikely...
Such a thing would never happen.

The AI randomly puts - to my knowledge - sentences together. I tested it on the perchance site with the perchance story generator. That software forgets after three paragraphs the whole prior story and is not able to handle situations with more than two persons.

The perchance story outline generator sometimes has a suitable idea but also only in rare cases. From my view it is no real help.
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shh, or I'll get the feather duster out.
Promises promises....
I'll leave the door latch off the hook...
If you leave the lights off. Watch out for the pussy, she bites.
I wait with... Well I'm sure you get the picture.

I toyed with something like this awhile back. Took some capeshit British superheroine/superspy, brainwashed her and impregnated her (of course:rolleyes:), turned her against The Man, used her to help me steal a lot of money, buy some mercenaries, take over England, and create our own dynasty upon the ashes. Didn't quite make it all the way to writing my own Domesday Book, but all in all I think William the Conqueror would not have disapproved. :LOL:

Only a communist would have thought of it. :cool:

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Here’s what i think of whenever a new piece of software tries to force a chat bot onto me. I have enough conversations with voices in my head, thank you very much!
View attachment 2354011
I don't mean to belittle anyone who feels they need a push, but in the end, if you can't create it on your own, you're not a writer. If you run into a wall, and cannot organically write, that means you have nothing to write, and either it comes around, as is often the case, or, perhaps you've just told whatever stories you were meant to.

The last couple of years I've found myself wondering what story will be my last. I'm not thinking in the morbid sense of mortality-although that would be the end, wouldn't it?-but in terms of, will there be a point I either run out of ideas or just tire of writing in general? If either occurs, then it's the end. Writing is a personal experience that comes from within us. I won't use technology to artificially fluff the muse. When "Julie" is done yammering in my head, she's done and so am I.
I don't mean to belittle anyone who feels they need a push, but in the end, if you can't create it on your own, you're not a writer. If you run into a wall, and cannot organically write, that means you have nothing to write, and either it comes around, as is often the case, or, perhaps you've just told whatever stories you were meant to.

The last couple of years I've found myself wondering what story will be my last. I'm not thinking in the morbid sense of mortality-although that would be the end, wouldn't it?-but in terms of, will there be a point I either run out of ideas or just tire of writing in general? If either occurs, then it's the end. Writing is a personal experience that comes from within us. I won't use technology to artificially fluff the muse. When "Julie" is done yammering in my head, she's done and so am I.
It's a bit a paradox, as I see it. They can be kind of fun to play with, in moderation, but they can't do any heavy lifting in terms of writing, background, plot development, etc. You won't get anything more imaginative out of them than what you're able to put in, it terms of literary talent. And if you can put a lot in, then you probably don't really need them to begin with.
Me and my chatbots, discussing typical chatbot things.
I... uh...
...of course the art student and the vegetarian go reaching for the piano wire and anthrax. 😅