Panting Sweats



Just before you cum, your eyes are clamped shut, gritting your teeth, thrusting, pulsing, gasping, muscles stiffening, hot, steamy, ready to explode...

There has to be some effort to really let loose a gushing orgasm.
Good lord! Haven't you had enough, you animal???
I just read the title and thought about that... good to see the rest of thread backed it up
ProofreadManx said:

Why, thank you.

Why, you're welcome.

I like the toe-curling thang, personally...everything tense, barely breathing, you feel like you're hovering on the edge of a precipice...*dreamy sigh*
Nora said:
Why, you're welcome.

I like the toe-curling thang, personally...everything tense, barely breathing, you feel like you're hovering on the edge of a precipice...*dreamy sigh*


Say, Nora, do you "gush"?
ProofreadManx said:

There's NOTHING like conducting field tests...


*grins* Gonna have to make sure you follow the proper scientific procedure, though.
Nora said:
*grins* Gonna have to make sure you follow the proper scientific procedure, though.


Let's review, shall we?

Give us the descriptive details, please.
How about the explosion of tingles that shoot through your body from its core to it extremities washing over you as you shudder and teeter on the edge of oblivion?

Just wondering.:)
ProofreadManx said:

Let's review, shall we?

Give us the descriptive details, please.

Nononono! True science doesn't rely on hearsay! True science relies on observation and measurement, followed by statistical analysis!

ooh, Curious2c...nice image!
Nora said:
Nononono! True science doesn't rely on hearsay! True science relies on observation and measurement, followed by statistical analysis!


You're ruining the moment, ya know...