Paint it black


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Led zepplin's "Paint it black" has got to be the most inspired song in history.
Aquila said:
Led zepplin's "Paint it black" has got to be the most inspired song in history.

I agree, except for the fact that it's a rolling Stones song.

Re: Re: Paint it black

Emerald_eyed said:

Funny, I thought it was the Stones that sang that??????????:confused:

Says led zepplin on the CD..
ACH don't mind me, Cd in wrong jewel case.. im a fucking tard.
My name is george... please dont throw me away...

(if you've seen the commercial you'll understand the joke, if not.. just walk away quitley)
Emerald_eyed said:

You have a jewal case that says Led Zepp played it??

I have A CD in my CD-Player on my Computer that was in a Led-Zepplin CD Jewel Case, and I popped the CD out of the player to double check found out it was the wrong cd and should not have been in the jewel case.

I was wrong, It was the wrong case, i was stupid and assumed that since I had taken the cd out the case, thats the cd that it was,.. didnt even check the track list.