Osman Khan ~ A Sultan's Tale


Weaver of Dreams
May 21, 2001
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OOC: Osman Khan - A Sultan's Tale

Welcome to the Harem of Osman Khan Ghazi. The year is 1306...


Cécile Marie Massicôte ~

Even though she had spent months preparing for this, Cécile’s fear was real. Her body trembled with the emotion and she could not bring herself to raise her eyes. She had just been stripped to all but a sheer covering. Standing in the Harem's reception chamber, Cécile stood virtually naked before a dozen men.

The slave trader roughly turned her around. Over the past few days, she had learned much about the man. His name was Amir and he was not very clever. She had been listening to his conversations with others, not letting on that she understood his language. Many secrets have been revealed because speakers assume the ignorance of their listeners. Cécile had learned that it was the first day of Dhul-Hijjah, the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar. During this month and the following month of Muharram, Islamic law prohibited fighting. Osman Khan Ghazi would be returning to his Harem.

She is fit for the Khan himself, eh?

Amir grasped her chin in an enormous paw, jerking her head up.

Have you ever seen such eyes!

Cécile held her breath. If Osman’s man said passed on her, all her work would be for naught. Up to this point, her mission had unfolded seamlessly. Intelligence had provided the names of several traders who were known to supply Osman Khan Ghazi’s harem. She had posed as a bride-to-be bound to join her betrothed in Constantinople. A defrocked priest named Gustav had posed her kidnapper, selling her to Amir.

Through her eyelashes, Cécile studied the man before her. He carried himself with an air of authority, moving with assurance. Whoever he was, Cécile knew she would have to use extreme caution around him. She could see the intelligence in his eyes. Those piercing gray-blue eyes that seemed to see right through her.
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Zehra Ghazi

Watching as the men looked over the girl, she felt a feeling of forboding, and anger. Another would be chosen to be Osman's love, despite her constant adoration of the man.

"She is fit for the khan himself, eh?" she overheard Amir state as if she were better than the others. But that wasn't so. She would be like the others. They all ended up like the others.

"Yes, she is good enough for him, Amir, but she will be one of many. Always!" She smirked to herself.

Zehra stepped away from her hiding spot, slipping down one of the many halls. It was time for her husband to return, and she wanted to make him welcome. To show him why she was the best, her sons were the ones that he bread, and she wanted to prove why.

Stepping out of the hall and into the holding room for the heram she looked about at the other girls. "You should not be lying about! Do you not know what the day is? He returns today."

She startled them into doing what they must to prepare for his arrival. He would remember why he comes home. The most beautiful of all harems waited. His harem, her confidants.

She is fit for the Khan himself, eh?

"Eh Amir, Her beauty is more rare than a desert rainstorm"

Fingering the strawberry blond hair I took in the lithe form, her height making it easy for a man to enjoy her qualities, her lavender eyes guaranteeing after a night of passion the Sultan would have something to gaze into as he fell asleep.

"The Sultan would add a fine jewel to his collection with her"

And that he would, but her surface beauty was not of my primary concern, it was what lay inside her.

"What is your name my desert flower?" I requested as my fingers entwined themselves in the gossamer fabric draped over her body and pulled it away, bringing it to my face to inhale the scent of lavender from her now nude body. "And where is it that you were born?"

“Cecile, my lord and I am from Provance”

My scimitar made a rasping sound as I drew it, testing the edge for the young woman’s benefit and telling her.

* “Le Sultan prendra aucun à son lit mais vierge, c'est mon devoir pour s'assurer de ceci.”

Lavender eyes widened as I spoke and I studied her blushing face intently.

“Do you understand?”

Her delicate features composed themselves and she nodded, replying softly as she returned my gaze.

I do my Lord

“Bring the pedestal” And I offered my hand to her, leading her to the finely clothed settee, watching her lower her trim backside gently to its surface then laying upon it.

“Do not be nervous my desert flower, for if you are indeed as pure as Amir claims you will most certainly be taken into the Sultan’s harem. But if you are not it will be Amir that sacrifices his life for the insult of bringing tainted goods to the Sultan”

The words brought about the head of the fat fleshed merchant, his eyes widening in fright at the realization and promise of my words. A thin smile crossed my face as I considered the idiocy of the man who would not validate the quality of his goods before bringing them to the most powerful man in all of Bapheus and the lands beyond its horizons.

My right hand between her thighs I massaged them, feeling the corded muscle in each as I pressed them apart, my left now balmed with perfumed oil moves to her sex.

“Close your eyes my flower and think of my touch as of the lover you dream of each night” I soothed to her over her taut belly and firm yet quivering breasts, her head bent to allow those lavender eyes to take in what I had to do.

A single well oiled finger slid in between her lips and a gasp came from her lips but nothing more…I worked another into her sex and felt her relax, pushing deeper into her to find and feel the promised barrier.

“Upon my sacred position as Captain of the Gazi, the Sultans Royal Guard…I decree the woman known as Cecile is indeed…a virgin.”

Withdrawing my hand I wiped the fluids on the now quivering belly of the prone woman, then stood and once again offered my right hand.

“Come with me Cecile, I will escort you to the first wife, Zehra. She will tend to your bathing and clothing needs and instruct you in the proper decorum of the harem and your duties there”

Lifting the woman to her feet I nodded to her as I felt her strength, then escorted her from the crowded reception room and into the empty hall.

“If you address me in the future my desert flower address me as Captain, for the only Lord you will answer to in Bapheus is that of our Sultan”


*a test in itself if Cecile were indeed from the French village of Provance, loosely translated it means: “The Sultan will take none to his bed but a virgin, this is my duty to assure it is so ”
Orhan Gazi

Orhan Gazi rose out of his bath and beckoned for the girl with the towel to dry him. He always allowed a different houri to dry him than had bathed him. No sense in offending any of the clans trough neglect of their offerings. Each of the girls in the harem had been brought to Bapheus for political as well as sensual reasons. They were promises, alliances, hostages, and they were all there for Orhan's pleasure.

As the fourth son of Osman Khan Gazi out of Mal Sultana, daughter of Omer of clan Kayi, Orhan held a privalaged position at court. Not as privilaged as his three older brothers, but not as dangerous, either. Power drew jealousy and intrigue, both of them deadly, but as the fourth son, Orhan had learned to let his older brothers play with power while he himself played with the harem and bided his time.

Orhan was tall and handsome, his blond beard standing in stark contrast to his brother's darker features, testimony to the position of Byzantium as the crossroads of the world. The same Byzantium that would someday fall to the will of Allah. But for now, it was Dhul-Hijjah and the pleasures of the battlefield must give way to the pleasures of the palace.

Orhan raised his arms as the houri rubbed his muscular chest with scented oils, working down his hard stomach till she knelt before him. A low sigh escaped his mouth as her lips and tongue washed his balls. He felt the girl from the bath press her full breasts against his back as she reached around to scrape his nipples with her painted nails. He would send gifts to their clans they served well at court.
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Asli - favored concubine

Asli watches with slitted eyes as the newest nehoomer (foreigner) arrives, then composes her features into the pleasing expression she’s mastered. One could never imagine from her poise the deep hatred she harbors against all foreigners, especially the bitch infidels in her Lord’s Harem.

Small favors. At the least Asli does not have to bed near the newest. Her rise to favored status, although recent, ensures her own rooms and servants. Her ambition? Why, to be pregnant with a son… ...and to rid the Harem of all bitch-dog foreign heathens.

Motioning to her eunuch, Asli slides out giving Zehra customary obeisance. She has no real problem with Zehra and shows utter deference to her at all times. If raging jealousy is not a problem, that is. Zehra has all she covets. But she is well versed in the intricacies and traditions of the Harem. She’d not dare to cross Zehra outright.

Now another moves in. The infidel with the strange eyes. Asli stops before a mirror in her own room. What do these men see in foreigners? She sees nothing but calamity for when they couple with an infidel, foreign blood weakens their very strength and tears asunder the very fabric of their life.

Men and their passions. Well, she is passionate too. And wellborn. As she assesses herself before the mirror she again wonders what some foreigner could have to entice her Lord that she does not possess. Her dark eyes flash with repressed anger. Her body is perfect, her skin flawless.

Stepping into her bath, she plots and schemes. Revising and rejecting ideas to make the newcomer’s time in the Harem as short and as unpleasant as possible.
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Sultan es Selatin Osman Khan Gazi

It was good to be home.

Osman Gazi stretched in the cool morning sun, welcoming the view from the balcony over the grounds of his estate and into the city of Ankara. His attendants bustled silently behind him, placing fresh coverings on his bed and laying out his clothing. He had never been without his attendants, even through the last year’s campaign, but there was something special about being home, even for the same tasks.

He had arrived the previous evening, tired and not in the mood for the obligatory fanfare that would herald his return. Ahmor obeyed his command without question, of course, and spirited his entourage inside. The sultan was sure this had caused much last-minute rearranging of the Captain’s legendary security measures, but he had given no hint of concern at the orders.

As he was dressed, Osman mused over what the next two months would bring. Dhul-Hijjah was a time for resting the body and mind, yes. But it was also time to consolidate and reorganize, to prepare for the next phase of the campaign: the continuation of conquest.

But not this day. Today he would tour his estate, reacquainting himself with the grand buildings, and clasp his sons to his chest. He would let his people see him and allow himself to enjoy their welcome. He would speak with his advisors and guards to learn what details had been happening while he was away. He also looked forward to revisiting the books and artwork that had been collected during the latest campaign. His eyes drifted to the tapestry of Persia, dominating the north wall of this room. Bursa, he thought. I will see your walls torn down and your knowledge laid open to me. Someday… But reaching that city would be years ahead, and the sultan knew the value of patience. He was forty-eight years old, and had led his people for twenty-five years. He was strong, and his hair was still black, a symbol of his rightful power.

He would also make time to visit his wives; not all of them, of course. Many of the harem women would never meet their sultan, acting mainly as servants. It would be good to see Valide Zehra again, and Asli, one of his few Kadins [favorites]. Then there were Rabi’a and the other concubines, although they would come later. There was a comfortable familiarity in seeing their faces, although he was naturally curious what new gifts would be presented. Collecting new wives for the sultan was a favorite hobby among those seeking favor.

His turban was the last item he donned, enormous and white with a spray of rare black heron feathers on one side. With a nod and smile to his servants, he turned on his heel and sailed out of his spacious living quarters, his thick red and gold robes ballooning behind him. The guards snapped to attention as he passed, their curved, razor-edged talwars held firmly across their chests. His first son, Alaeddin, greeted him in the wide hallway. He had accompanied Osman on the campaign, and observing him in action had given the sultan some private concerns for his throne’s succession. But this was not the time for such thoughts, and Alaeddin fell in behind his father as they entered the grand hall of House Gazi.
Mariette - foreign concubine and "plaything"

"You should not be lying about! Do you not know what the day is?
He returns today."

Mariette quirked a smile.
She watched the activities of the harem closely, but did not allow herself to get involved. She had watched the arrival of the foreign girl and wondered about her origins. She hid a smirk as she saw Asli’s anger. She, Mariette had felt the brunt of that girl’s hatred often enough. Looking over at the new girl once more, she calculated that the sultan would be much taken with this new beauty.

Mariette herself had been a novelty, once … only once.
French in origin her skin was pale and flawless, her lips ruby red without the artifice of adornment. Her jet black hair contrasted strikingly and fell in a silken cascade to her waist. She had been enjoyed by the Sultan and then …

Unlike many girls in her position, she did not feel rejected by her Lord’s brief enjoyment of her favours. Ever a realist, she did not pursue a fruitless craving for the exclusive attention of the Sultan. Mariette was content to pursue pleasure in its many forms. Early on, she had made an impression as a skilled and enthusiastic concubine, who was eager to please. She kept her own counsel and pitied those women who competed to bear sons and attain power through earning favour with the Sultan.
Mariette was content merely to be … of … service…

Educated well, Mariette knew how to … entertain those who gained their Lord’s favour and had oft been used by one of his sons, as a … distraction from the daily pressures of leadership. With her own Odalisques ( servants ) and Eunuch, a black Sandali who saw to her needs, what more could she wish for?
Her world was one of enjoyment and indulgence. She considered the day when she was presented to the court, her most fortunate yet.

Mariette rose slowly and with a submissive bow to Zehra, she moved to prepare herself for the homecoming. Glancing over at the new arrival, she smiled.
Any woman to be presented to the Sultan would be entering into a whole new world!
She wished her luck and hoped to be able to offer words of encouragement before the day was spent.

Taking up the oils, Mariette called over one of her women to rub the fine substances into her fair skin. The Sultan may be occupied with an ever increasing array of new beauties, but there was many a man who may have earned favour with her Lord and be in need of … entertainment … Mariette, if given the order, to tend to their … needs … naturally would obey …

Cécile thanked the Virgin when it was over. As she walked next to the captain of the guard, she crossed her fingers behind her back. It was a secret symbol the early Christians. They used it instead of making the sign of the cross when Romans were around. Cécile did it to conceal her devout beliefs. Should she somehow succeed in her mission, and escape Bapheus alive, Cécile planned to take vows and devote her life to Mother Church. In doing so, she hoped to cleanse her soul of the sins she was about to commit.

Had committed, actually. Her young body burned with shame where the Captain’s hands had touched her. Yet to look at him, he might have been judging livestock. Perhaps she should do as the Holy Father had counseled, find a horsewhip and flog the sin from her body. Cécile didn’t like the idea, but she would try.

She hurried to catch up with the tall soldier, even as she longed to run away. He lead her down a passage that led from the entry hall to a wide set of doors. Two men, with skin the color of ebony, opened the large bronze doors. Cécile and the Captain walked into a courtyard of stunning beauty. Rich carpets covered an intricate mosaic floor. The sweet song of a dozen women speaking in musical tones complimented the sound of softly flowing water. Never had she seen a collection of such beauties. To walk amongst them, was to return to the garden of Eden where the flowers blossomed in hidden slender. Cécile had to keep herself from gaping.

The Captain stopped in front of a woman of regal bearing and stern beauty. Surely this must be Zehra. As Osman’s first wife, it would have fallen to her to oversee the concubines of her husband’s harem. Cécile knew she must tread lightly around the powerful woman.

Indeed, Cécile knew she was standing between her two greatest obstacles. The Captain of the Gazi had already proven more intelligent than she could have imagined, speaking flawless French with eloquence. She wanted to study Zehra, but knew better than to raise her eyes. Instead, Cécile waited for one of them to speak.
Orhan gazi

The two houris finished dressing Orhan, punctuating their efforts with kisses to his royal neck. He patted their bare behinds and shooed them on their way as he placed his turban on his head. It was time to see and make obeisence to his father, the great Khan.

Making his way to the throne room, he timed his arrival so as to meet his father as he processed into the room. His father walked into the throne room casually and self assured, a contrast to the affected strutting of Orhan's brother, Alaeddin. First in line, but at least second in wits, Alaeddin held the privilaged position of all Osman's sons. He smirked as as Orhan bowed before his father and received the ritual hug and kiss in response. Orhan squeezed his father's shoulder's, "Thank you, Father," he said, "It is good to be home for the months of peace." Although he had campaigned with his father, Orhan had stayed away from the command tent and all the intrigue it contained, preferring the company of his men on the Army's left wing. Facing Byzantine steel was far safer than competing with Alaeddin and his other brothers for Osman's eye. Let his smirking older brother be the lightning rod for now.

"I hear of a new delight hidden in your harem, father," he said, moving away with a bow, "May she bring you much joy." Alaeddin and his mother would not like that at all. Orhan kept his own smirk hidden. It is best not to let the stew know who is stirring the pot.
Khakhan Osman Gazi

Osman greeted his sons warmly. They had been by his side the entire campaign, continuing the lifelong lessons of the craft of war. They had each demonstrated their skill at leading their own divisions on missions, all meticulously planned during last year’s Dhul-Hijjah. It took great willpower on the sultan’s part to send them into perilous situations, yet he had done so as their commander. There was not room for fatherly concerns on the battlefield, and he had forced away the thoughts that one of his sons might not return. The sight of them all together now gave him a deep sense of satisfaction and relief as he allowed his pride to surface.

“I hear of a new delight hidden in your harem, father,” Orhan had said. “May she bring you much joy.” Osman allowed a slight smile to cross his face, and his eyes drifted past Alaeddin without pausing. Yet he saw the dark look on his eldest son’s face at the words and sighed to himself. Orhan was no fool, and knew well what effect his words would have. Rivalries like this were expected, but that made them no more welcome. But they would not go away by a father’s lecture. These were grown men, and would need to fight their own battles both on and off the field.

“The harem is always a place of joy, my son,” he said. “Pleasure for the body, stimulation for the mind… Such living works of art are welcome companionship, and a worthy goal for a warrior’s return. Speaking of which,” as he turned to his other sons. “We must greet your mothers. Slighting them would be more dangerous than facing all of the Byzantine blades combined!” Knowing laughter echoed through the room, and he smiled at the fading of anger. It was a small feat, but he also had his own battles to face.

A eunuch had quietly swept from the room at the sultan’s words, moving swiftly to alert the harem. With his four sons around him and a wedge of bronzed unsmiling guards at their heels, Osman strode past the ornate columns and sunny breezeways toward the draped and scented rooms of the women’s quarter.

"This is Valide Zehra, A better first wife no Sultan could ask for, her word is Law within the Harem and outside of it much of the time when the Sultan is not about. Now if you will excuse me I must attend to my prayers and then greet our Sultan when he arrives."

A final look at the newest addition to the Sultan's harem and a deep bow to the Valide...I had to make my rounds after prayers and then look into Cecile's background deeper, as well as tend to an over eager warrior of the Gazi.

It would be interesting to hear of the Sultan's adventures and how his domain had increased, as well as his sons lessons inthe art of war and leadership, knowing one would someday be the next Sultan...

Those thoughts and others came to mind as I made my way to my own quarters and was detoured at the news of Khan arriving early...

"Alert the Gazi our Sultan is home and we now all need to be on watch" I replied to the news, knowing with the Sultan and his sons within the Palace walls the plans of Allah would be set in motion.
Cem, her eunuch, interrupts her bath to tell her the Sultan will visiting the harem soon.

To fight her latest threat, Asli will spare no effort.

“Selin!” she calls to her favorite servant, “Make ready my attire, for the Sultan comes.”

She watches as Selin moves about the room gathering her garments. Asli is sure of her loyalty as she can be. It’s a loyalty she bought. She’d been able to choose her servants, and had specifically chosen those that would be loyal and grateful. Selin had been bound for the Old Saray and with her intervention, allowed to serve her instead. Shrugging slightly, she still realizes that everyone’s loyalty could be suspect in the harem.

Asli steps from her bath and is toweled dry by another servant. She lies on cushions and her body is pampered and massaged with jasmine and rose oil until she glows. Sending the servant for refreshment, she motions for Cem to come to her, opening her legs.

An old woman of the harem had once told her a secret.

“If you are very aroused you will be more desirable to a man. They can feel it or perhaps… smell it on you!” she had cackled.

Cem was a very diligent servant and brought her close to orgasm a number of times without reaching a peak. With her eyes bright and her chest heaving, she rises and Selin dresses her in the garments of a favored woman. Her long hair, never cut since she was a child, save for trimming was buttock length, deeply black and like satin. Salin darkens her eyes with kohl and darkens her lips and readies her for the regard of the Sultan.

With her lust restrained, she moves to the harem, still wanton, still needy. To make her lord want her.

When she makes her way to the viewing rooms, she's optimistic.

When she takes her place behind Valide and the other wives, as favored... she is exactly as she should be, compliant, willing, beautiful, but ...scheming.
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Zehra bowed her head as Ahkben walked away. She knew he was the best charmer in all of the lands.

She turned her attentions from him to the new one before her. She didn't know why, but this one made a foul taste in her mouth. It was not a distaste for her beauty, because the woman possessed that. It was not jealousy, for Zehra would always be first wife. Something was just off about her.

"You need to be prepared when the khan arrives. He will be here shortly I assume. You do know what is expected of you I assume?"

She walked away and began looking through clothes. "This will be yours. You will wear this to please him." She said, her voice cold and callus. She didn't want this one to think she could get away with what the others sometimes did.

"Do you have anything to say or ask? IF so, ask me. The khan does not need to be disturbed by your petty questions." She smirked inside, feeling quite authoratative.

Cécile arms overflowed with the gauzy silk of a kaftan. Gentle hands took the garment from her and the girl turned to see an odalisque standing before her. With lowered eyes, the woman pulled the cloth covering her body away and lowered the kaften over her head. The sensual fabric caressed Cécile's skin and she shivered. Pure pleasure played across her features. Such exotic luxuries were completely new to her. With a soft smile, Cécile murmured her thanks. The odalisque nodded and withdrew silently.

Out of the corner of her eye, Cécile saw a raven-haired beauty join the assembled concubines. The woman moved with the grace of reeds swaying in a spring breeze. There was a sensuality to her features that captured attention and fueled the imagination. Dark eyes with long black lashes seemed to take in everything, including Cécile.

It was with no small difficulty that she dragged her attention back to the Valide Zehra. She would be expected to know little or nothing of a Harem and would have to ask questions with which she knew the answer in order to appear innocent.

"My Lady, will I be given quarters? I am in desperate need of a bath. The road to this place has been harsh."

Indeed she had undergone hardship to give herself the proper appearance. About her ankles and wrists were the bruises left by the manacles she had worn.
Orhan Gazi

Orhan followed his father on his procession to the women's quarters, making sure he stayed forth in line. I front of him, his brothers elbowed each other for favored position until Alaeddin snarled and turned to the others, his hand on the blade at his hip.Fool thought Orhan, and in front of father, too His brothers were clever. The move isolated alaeddin, cemented their alliance together against him, and made him look bad in front of the great Khan all at the same time.Those two bore watching

Osman had said they must greet their mothers. His own mother now held the position of Valide but Orhan could never tell if Zehra's ambitions ran for herself or her sons. she often spoke using his father's name and Orhan wondered if Osman always knew when that occurred. She worked closely with Ahkben when the Khan was away. How closely would bear watching for any advantage it might gain for Orhan. In the court of the great Khan, one had to keep one's head about him if one wanted to keep one's head.

He hoped to find some amusement in the women's quarters after the ritualized meeting with his mother. There was the new concubine from Europe who would drive Zehra to distraction, and black haired Asli, the latest favorite. Mariette had been a favorite , too, and was also from the land of the infidels. His father had delighted in her pale skin till she fell out of favor. Perhaps Zehra and Ahkben had something to do with that. The harem was a good place to bide one's time, and biding time was what fourth sons did the best.
Asli - favored concubine

'YES! Take a bath you filty idolatrous slut,' she thought as she lowered her eyes to hide her expression.

He'd bed you, enjoy you, but you will never be a favorite, never be a wife. When he tires of your pallid, insipid flesh, he will return to me.

When she was able to mask her eyes, she looked back up to find Orhan Gazi staring directly at her. The heat of her aborted orgasms came upon her again and she dragged her eyes downward with a slight shudder.

She'd not allow herself to feel lust for any but the Sultan. But his eyes do make her... feel ...unsettled.
Mariette - foreign concubine and plaything

Mariette watched from the far corner of the quad as the new concubine was presented to Zehra. Usually circumspect, Mariette could not help but let her gaze be held by the woman’s open hostility to the new addition to their community.
Mariette silently applauded the girl as she stood, head bowed, waiting to be addressed.
She had the appropriate submission to not appear so much of a threat. If they believed she were weak and malleable, perhaps this naïve one would not suffer at the hands of her vengeful sisters.

Suppressing the twinge of anxiety on behalf of her new comrade, Mariette comforted herself with the hope that she would do well. Certainly she would progress to greater things than Mariette had. From what she had seen so far, it appeared this one knew how to “play the game”. She would know her place. It was as if this girl knew instinctively that she must be wary of those around her. If Mariette had been forewarned, aware of how much damage a rival could cause then things could have been different …

Dismissing the reflection of her own short-lived favour, Mariette decided that she much preferred being on the fringes of the harem’s inner circle. Whatever the fate of this new inmate, Mariette hoped that she would not prove to be as possessive and involved in the power politics of the harem as so many before her. It would be nice to have a friend, a fellow “foreigner” and still better if this new girl were to become pregnant with yet another son for the Sultan! Just think what a mighty upset that would cause! Zehra and Asli would not like to be usurped by the daughter of infidels. Mariette smirked disrespectfully as she entertained the thought.

The sudden bustle of the eunuchs, the excited whispers running through the place made Mariette conscious that she had been staring. Caught unawares, she pulled herself in check and moved swiftly to a group of women, and became inconspicuous once more. All was sudden preparation.

The Sultan was coming!

Already anointed in oils, Mariette contented herself with reclining gracefully and watching the hasty preparation of those about them. It was now, more than at any other time, that she felt herself blessed not to have to throw herself into a frenzied panic to vie for the Sultan’s attentions. Such rivalry was beyond her.

The room soon became a heady cloud of sweet smelling welcome. the women still more finely and luxuriously bedecked than previously.
And all the time, Mariette watched.
Watched the panicked preparations of the wives and the favourites as they hastened to be ready, to be the loveliest when presented to the Sultan once more.

When the final summons was announced, Mariette stood slowly, the lightest final brush of perfume and a dusting of powder about her skin, before moving to take up her position behind the assembled wives and favourites. Hanging back, as was her place, Mariette was able to watch as the Sultan and his sons entered and went through the formal, ceremony of respectfully greeting of their mothers.

As the other women bowed their heads, Mariette watched with open curiosity as the men moved before them. She saw the the older sons jostling for position of and then saw Orhan moving slowly behind his brothers.
Mariette smiled. This was a man she admired.
Long ago she had realised that he was shrewd.
She knew that he too had seen the rivalry of his older siblings and silently applauded this man’s control. It was not that he was unambitious.
It was merely that he was patient, willing to wait, to watch, to bide his time.

Mariette’s grin widened as she saw Orhan catch the eye of Asli who stood towards the front of the group. She was like a bitch on heat, Mariette thought uncharitably.
No one could fail to notice her desperation!
Judging by the exchanged look between Orhan and Asli, he too was aware of her ploys to attract his father’s favour.

Mariette finally lowered her eyes.
The gesture was more hasty than demure.
She kept her gaze trained on the ground, not out of the necessary respect, but biting her lip to stop laughing outright at the girl’s discomfort and the farcical ceremony.
Far from being a tranquil paradise, as she had naively thought when she first arrived, the place was a seething bed of jealously and backstabbing… and that was only the women!

How would this new, seemingly submissive and impressionable girl cope with it all?
Mariette felt that she really would have to warn her, advise her, if she would allow it.
Sultan Osman Khan Ghazi

Osman breathed the perfumed air deeply. Nothing was quite so convincing that he was truly home than the scent of the harem.

He stood inside the door to their quarters and gazed impassively around, silently drinking in the assembled beauty. Their scent was more than just perfume; there was a palpable hint of lust simmering behind those demure eyes. These were the select ones, those who brought him enough pleasure of body and mind that he enjoyed experiencing them again and again. But not too much at once, of course. Political reasons aside, there was only so much of one wife at a time that a man could take. At least, he had rationalized to himself before, that is a good enough reason. Keeping them all happy is quite another chore.

“My greetings to you all,” he said with a slight bow. “I am pleased to return to such fragrant surroundings. Before you, the wives and daughters of those we vanquished are as cows. And it is to you that we bear gifts from the finest palaces of our new lands.”

On cue, a squad of eunuchs entered carrying jars and boxes of oils and spices, and bolts of silken cloth. Leaving to his sons the honor of presenting the treasures to the women’s eager examination, Osman turned toward his first wife. Zehra bowed respectfully, but her eyes twinkled up at him. He took her hand, knowing full well that all the female eyes were on them. “Come, my wife,” he said. “Let us talk privately.” She smiled back (was there a hint of triumph in those dark eyes?) and led him through an archway and into her curtained private chamber. Candles were already lit and a brazier of incense softly smoked. Out of the other’s sight, Osman pulled her against his body, his hands running down over her broad hips and up again to cradle her full breasts. “Zehra,” he whispered as his lips pressed against hers.

He felt the hunger as she pressed back against him, but phe ushed her back slightly. "For you," he said, reaching into his robes. "I scoured through the city of Nicaea to bring the finest gift to you, my Valide." He held up a glittering necklace, delicate golden chains with glints of green sapphires that surrounded a large ruby set in the center. He moved behind her and fastened it around her neck, then bent and kissed between her shoulder blades as his arms again encircled her and cupped her breasts.
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The vise squeezing Cécile's chest began to release as the Khan disappeared from view. In the space of time that Osman had occupied the same room with her, Cécile had scarcely been able to breath. Osman Khan Ghazi, the man of her dream, the nightmare she had been sent to kill - colliding with the reality had been devastating.

The Holy Father had called her the blade of God, the weapon with which the barbarian would be struck down. His words had fuelled her during her training, supported her during her the hardships with Amir, and allowed her to overcome the humiliation she had suffered at the hands of the Captain. Upon seeing Osman, she began to doubt herself. He emanated a power that rivaled the Pope himself, clearly a commander of all he looked upon.

Her eyes darted the long line of Osman’s sons. Cécile knew she would also have to eliminate those that had the intelligence and desire to rule. In fact, her lethal touch would fall upon them first. It was obvious the eldest had a temper. Cécile had watched closely the confrontation between the first three heirs and she had glimpsed the cunning of the second and third sons. All three would grab for power if Osman were removed. She was sure of it. They would have to be eliminates first. In soft tones, Cécile murmured in French,

“On s'interroge sur les fils d'un tel père.”*

A voice of liquid beauty answered her in the same language.

”C'est vrai.”

Cécile whirled around to see a woman with Gaulic features, an exquisite French rose in this exotic garden.

“Bon jour, mademoiselle.”

*One wonders about the sons of such a father.
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Following his father's instructions Orhan presented the gifts to the harem. One caramel colored beauty squealed in delight as he unrolled a bolt of purple silk. "Let us drape you in it," he said, smiling at her enthusiasm as he pulled her caftan over her head. "Those dark nipples will look very alluring under the silk, Ntoshanke, but they must be hard to make the best effect." Lowering his head, he swirled his tongue around the tip of her breast. The girl cooed and stroked his hair, but Orhans eyes were on his family.

His brothers seemed properly distracted by the willing women and he was very pleased to see the Khan go with his mother to her private chambers. Asli, he noted, was less than pleased. Hopefully his father would stay longer than a simple pro forma visit. Osman preferred peace in the family and the palace and his mother's bond with Osman strengthened the position of himself and his brothers.

The African girl twirled and wrapped herself in the silk. Orhan dutifully laughed at her antics while he scanned the harem for a woman of more substance than the flighty nymph at his side. He spied Mariette at the fringe of the women approaching the new infidel girl. Handing the bolt of cloth to Ntoshange, Orhan glided nonchalantly toward the pair. His father would surely taste the delights of the new girl soon and a liason with Mariette might be seen by his father as a subtle approval of that decision, especially when Zehra and Asli took notice. His brothers would be outflanked. Besides, if one was to make a flanking maneuver, mariettes flanks were th ones to maneuver around.
Mariette - concubine and plaything

“My greetings to you all. I am pleased to return to such fragrant surroundings. Before you, the wives and daughters of those we vanquished are as cows.
And it is to you that we bear gifts from the finest palaces of our new lands.”

Mariette raised her eyes and let them take in the powerful appearance of the Khan.
It was little wonder that the women all panted after his favour.
His status aside, the Khan proved quite a lover and even if viewed merely as the man before them, he had a presence, a commanding demeanour that was not merely rooted in his inborn right to rule or his riches.

Hazarding a glance along the line of the assembled women, Mariette watched the faces of the others as oils and spices and cloth were borne into the Harem. There were many gasps of delight and indeed, though impressed by the fine presents, Mariette was more concerned in watching to see who would be favoured with the Sultan’s attention.

As she had assumed it was to Zehra that he turned and it was she who led into the private quarters, no doubt to present a more personal gift. Mariette saw the way the Sultan looked at Zehra and heard his soft words.

“Come, my wife. Let us talk privately.”

Talk? Mariette smiled as she watched them slip away.
Though Mariette was sure that Zehra, amongst others had had a hand in her falling out of favour, Mariette was pleased that the woman had received the recognition she deserved.
After all, Mariette did not bare grudges, in fact, now Mariette was not viewed as a rival, Zehra was more than civil to her.

Asli on the other hand looked fit to kill.
Mariette wasted no affection or kinship with that hostile girl.
Though not one to enjoy another’s misfortune, Mariette could not help but laugh inwardly at the expression on her face.
Asli had been all but panting for the Sultan’s attention, but had gained no more recognition than Mariette herself.
Divine justice it seemed, was meted out occasionally!

Turning her attention, Mariette noticed that most of the girls were already gathered round the fine gifts.
The new girl, however was stood apart.
Did she feel rejected that her presence had not even been acknowledged?
Would she realise that it was not the Khan’s way to speak to a girl before they had been formally presented to him?
Did she have any idea of the etiquette and hierarchy of the harem?
Mariette did not want to ruin the girl's chances to further her favours by befriending this new addition to their community, but as Mariette watched her stand alone, the other girls jealous no doubt and deliberately ignoring their fellow inmate, Mariette felt duty bound to approach her.

Walking slowly forward, Mariette watched those eyes taking in the sons' actions and jostling for position.
She too frowned, as Mariette had.
They were Orhan's sons and yet they lacked wisdom.
Though men in their father’s wake they were men, who given the chance, would gladly take over any power they might "win".
Mariette only prayed that any change in supremacy would happen honourably and that in their thirst for control, those sons would not forget the duty they owed to their father.

“On s'interroge sur les fils d'un tel père.”

Mariette heard the soft words as the girl seemed to share her thoughts.

”C'est vrai.”

Mariette responded, smiling at her companion as she spun round to face her.

“Bon jour, mademoiselle.”

Came the calm salutation.

”Bonjour, il me semble que tu es Francaise?”

She enquired, receiving an affirmative and smiling to discover one who shared her roots.

”Moi, je m’appelle Mariette, et toi ma belle…?”

Mariette enquired, watching the women’s antics out of the corner of her eye.


Came the reply as Mariette found herself under the assessing gaze of her compatriot.
Mariette grinned, welcoming the girl’s open appraisal.
Spontaneously she moved to enclose the new arrival in an affectionate and welcoming hug.

”ne t’inquietes pas Cécile, le Sultan sera ravi de ta beauté … “

Mariette assured the girl, as she moved her hand to softly stroke her hair back in an affectionate gesture.
Rewarded by a smile as she told Cécile that her beauty would enchant the Sultan, Mariette prepared to further encourage and inform the new arrival, but seeing Orhan heading in their direction, she decided to change the focus of their conversation.

Drawing her comrade's attention to the pretty items now being exclaimed over and commenting on the fine gifts that the girls of the harem were often favoured with, she urged Cécile to respond in kind. Although initially unsure whether Cécile would follow her lead, Mariette was relieved to find that even though Cécile no doubt found the change of topic strange, she too joined in with their "appropriately feminine” conversation.

When Orhan drew level to the two girls, Mariette exclaimed as if taken by surprise by the young man’s "sudden" appearance and bowed respectfully to him before looking up.
Raising dancing eyes to his, a sweet smile on her lips, she greeted him.

”Good day, My Lord, “

Her voice was soft, genuine appreciation in her gaze.

”We are blessed that you have been returned safely to us.”

She purred as her eyes moved boldly over his masculine torso.
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"Good day, Mariette," Orhan smled, "It's good to return with all my appendages intact, and even better to finally find myself in the most serene rooms of my father's court." He reached out to caress her long black hair, softly sliding his hand down to her back.

"My Khan will be with my mother for a while. Perhaps you and the new girl might join me by the pool. You can regale me with stories of your great Cathedrals and dark forests and I'll tell you tales of the great wall that the yellow skins erected in great Cathay."

Mariette took the new girl by the hand and followed Orhan across the room to sit at the pool by his side. she introduced the girl as Cecile. "Yes, I know," Orhan smiled, " You're the infidel who's going to stir up the waters." He lay back against some overstuffed silk pillows and gently pulled Mariette to lean against him, feeling her soft breasts against his hard chest. Stroking the soft white skin of her soulder with his fingertips and keeping an eye on his mother's doorway, Orhan relaxed in the company of the two exotic, alien women.
Mariette - Foreign concubine and playtoy

Mariette stood and smiled softly at Orhan as he responded to her greeting.

"Good day, Mariette.
It's good to return with all my appendages intact, and even better to finally find myself in the most serene rooms of my father's court."

Mariette eyed the aforementioned appendages and grinned lasciviously.
Then remembering her place, she lowered her eyes demurely and commented.

”It is always a joy to see you in our quarters, my Lord…”

Eyes still downcast, Mariette quivered as she felt his fingers running through her thick shiny black mane and felt as if he were branding her as his hands slid along her spine.

"My Khan will be with my mother for a while.
Perhaps you and the new girl might join me by the pool.
You can regale me with stories of your great Cathedrals and dark forests and I'll tell you tales of the great wall that the yellow skins erected in great Cathay."

Mariette nodded her consent and moving towards the new girl who still stood silently watching the exchange, Mariette coaxed her, telling her that they had been chosen to “entertain” Lord Orhan. Taking her hand, Mariette drew her charge along to the pool.

Waiting until Orhan had stretched out comfortably upon the cushions, Mariette drew Cecile forward.

”My Lord … this is Cecile. I believe she is to be presented to the Khan as soon as he commands it … “

Orhan’s eyes travelled assessingly over Cecile’s body, causing the young girl to blush hotly.

"Yes, I know,"

He murmured as he considered.

" You're the infidel who's going to stir up the waters."

Before Mariette could make a comment in Cecile’s defence, she found herself drawn against Orhan’s hard body. His hand was firm, but gentle as it moved possessively over her. The waft of fine oils filled his nostrils as Mariette pressed eagerly against Orhan’s well-toned torso. Her breath became irregular as she felt his hands wandering over her skin, stroking her neck and her shoulder.
The touch was both tender and erotic.

”Of what do you wish me to speak my Lord?”

Mariette enquired softly.

”Or do you wish other … entertainment … “

She purred suggestively.
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As they walked into the private room Zehra smiled smuggly to herself. Again she was in his favor.

“Zehra,” he whispered as his lips pressed against hers.

She couldn't believe how still he could take her breathe away.

"For you, I scoured through the city of Nicaea to bring the finest gift to you, my Valide." She looked up at the glittering necklace, and once again her breathe caught. She couldn't say how beautiful she thought it was, only let him place it apon her.

She saw her reflection in the mirror and smiled, a tear coming to her eye. "It is very beautiful. Thank you."

She let him kiss her back and turned to face him. "How could I ever repay you my Lord?" She stepped into him, kissing his lips, daring to nibble ever so slightly. Her eyes never leaving his, defiant only slightly.

OOC: sorry it took so long. I wasn't getting the messages saying there were new posts!

I stood between the great pillars, the heavy and expensive drapes casting thier shadows upon me and letting me remained unnoticed in them.

Many things were always in the motion in the harem, plots, subplots, minor altercations, imagined or real "slightings"....All were not of my concern though time had taught it's lesson well to be aware of them, to let the head woman of the harem deal with them as she saw fit.

With the return of the Khan and his sons, all grown into young men and capable warriors in thier own right, the under current of events would increase and allow me to investigate the small occurences that had caught my eye...

Bowing as the Khan and his wife moved past me, caught up in each others eyes and presence, glowing with the aura of affection made greater by time and distance, I knew the Sultan would call for me when he wished. It would be then I disclosed the disturbing and trivial events, each insignificant on thier own, but when put into time and line of events...clues to a dark and brooding future?

I moved, gliding past and behind Orhan as he occupied himself with the newest concubine and her new found friend, bowing in deference even if it went unseen.

Outside of the harem the guard waited and with Allah's blessing we would be able to keep that dark and brooding future from entering, severing it's malignant head before it breathed upon us all.