Oregon coast couple looking for third, m/f


Nov 4, 2001
Is anybody out there on the central coast of Oregon? Husband and I are looking for a male/female to join us for an exciting evening of great pleasure. We are attractive, professional, He runs business, I work outside home. We love sex, love lots of pleasure, romance, touching cuddling, love orgasms. And in reading the other personals, we would be interested in belonging or starting a jack/jill club. Anybody interested? Can't wait to hear from you, his cock is hard and my pussy is wet! PM us soon!
Hi over there

It's a shame you live over on the other side , because you two sound like very fun and happy people. and I am sure you will find someone to share with. if you were looking here in Jersey it would be ME : ) Well I wish you the best of luck, Bob *
If you are interested in perhaps a couple or jack/jill count us in. We are just north of Portland.

Hi there, came across your post. Just wanted to say Hi, and that you two sound interesting. I'm also on the OR coast. about an hr from ya, down towards L.C. Would like to know abit more about what you two are like and how things may go. If interested, get back to me..
Take care, I3lackwolf...