Opera browser/email client

Calamity Jane

Reverend Blue Jeans
Sep 19, 2001
Does anyone else use Opera? I downloaded the free version, and I really like it. I have a couple of questions though.

How do I password my email account?

Is there a way to make it so i get a notification of email, so that I don't have to remember to check it throughout the day?
I only use opera for web browsing. I use it on Lit here and a nfew other sites.

soem web features dont work well. Java dont work in Opera and quicktime dont work..
pagancowgirl said:

Is there a way to make it so i get a notification of email, so that I don't have to remember to check it throughout the day?

well i know if you leave it open it will check for new email ... i dont know how to make it private with a password ... although under windows XP the email is seperate under each login ... so that makes it a bit private if your login is private
Re: Re: Opera browser/email client

sexy-girl said:
so that makes it a bit private if your login is private

And if you have XP. This machine is running on '98. I'm not exactly on the cusp of technology. :)

Phoenyx said:

soem web features dont work well. Java dont work in Opera and quicktime dont work..

*Internet for Dummies Question* What does that affect?