open doors, an experiment


Nov 25, 2012
I am going to try a little experiment here.
I tend to be secretive person by nature and I am fairly certin this has not been for the best..but there it is.
I have returned to LIT. after having been a way for about two years.
Some of you will remember me as Ezra- Ezra Pound,but back to the point of this exersise.
In this thread I will throw the doors to my self wide open..everything is on the table to be viewed by any and all..all you have to do is ask the question/'s.
I hereby swear to the great mother that I will answer all questions truthfuly and compleatly.
what, I will not do is name "names" or other wise "out" anyone, so please keep that in mind when you ask me something.
I had considered just writing my life story out..but you can see how that would go.
I also would like you to bear in mind that I don't get as much time to be here as I would like but I will answer as quickly as possible.
Remember you can ask me about ANYTHING..I know I am asking for it, so I will bear no illwill towards the "asker".. away.
I am logging off for tonight but will check in, in the morning.
Otherwise known as an AMA. (Ask Me Anything)

Alright Ez, why'd you leave?
Believe it or not my lovely Miss Vivi Ausus...your tendency to go strait for the jugular has always been one of your best traits at least as far as I was concerned any way*smile*......just like that dangerous little feral cat, who I am sad say dose not seem to stalk the lounge any more..
I am sorry, for some reason, I thought you knew the story..
( did you get the PM I sent?)

so..I left Lit. because-

Because my other half discovered that Lit. was more than just writing naughty stories with other people.
Because, even though she had all but abandoned me emotionally, it hurt her and to her, it felt like I was cheating on her, truth be told it I was, if not physically...

And we decided we still loved each other and wanted to try and repair the relationship..
so in order to do that, one of the things I had to do..was leave lit.

things have changed now... or..stayed the same depending on how you look at it.
(yeah I put a rationalization in there..couldn't help my self.)
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