
*wording removed*

...seems like a harmless enough google, to verify a pic.
fuck you, google. and fuck those sick bastards.
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If you google what you have there dolf the first site that comes up is a forum site like Lit, with child erotica.

I went there. I don't suggest anyone else go there.
exactly. why the hell isn't google blocking stuff like that?
She looks familiar, is she underage? If so, it should be removed.
exactly. why the hell isn't google blocking stuff like that?

I was shocked and split immediately but the NSA already knows I was there...

I don't know and I don't even want to know what else is on that site.
Now that I think about that, that can't be real. Leo's don't just rip cleanly like that and they aren't snap on.
I'm with aqua, we sure that she's of age?
Photoshopped, gymnasts shave it all off.

Plus the girl used for the photoshop does appear underage.

and you did nothing wrong posting that I just think if someone wants to find that kind of thing they should search for and expose themselves to who evers watching....

And they are. Watching.
She looks like Shawn Johnson, if so, search says she's 21.

Thats not Shawn Johnson. I don't think.

But I was wrong.

Heres a photo of her wearing the exact same suit at probably the same event.

It appears to be from 2009.
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and further inspection of the first pic clearly shows distortion below....and is photoshopped.
Thats not Shawn Johnson. I don't think.

But I was wrong.

Heres a photo of her wearing the exact same suit at probably the same event.

It appears to be from 2009.


2009-1992 = 17.
Considering that was 4 years ago, whether photoshopped or not, that photo with her age in that particular pic, would make her underage at the time.

This whole thread should be deleted.
Ick! Someone PM Zipman? I reported the post earlier, saying in the report that the gymnast might be underage, but now I'll report again saying she definitely was after it was researched here. Everyone here report it so it moves up higher in priority?
I did a while ago. I think Laurel was on too.

I didn't pm her I just clicked the thing.
I sent her a PM and reported it again, just a matter of time and it'll be nuked. Exiting this thread now, grossed out!