Ooops, Racist Democrat Didn't Get The Memo To Join Republican Party

Who would want a massage from Nixon?

You are a gross old gay dude, vetteman.
I posted this thread for one left winger, he knows who he is. The rest of you lefties, stand down.

So a Black, southern politician didn't get an invite to join the GOP.
I wonder why?
Maybe because his racism is at odds with the GOP's racism...
So a Black, southern politician didn't get an invite to join the GOP.
I wonder why?
Maybe because his racism is at odds with the GOP's racism...

Exactly what "racism" is there in the GOP? I'm definitely not "racist" but I am pro-white. I can tell you that I do NOT consider the GOP to be any friend of the white community.

Can you name any GOP policy that is actually advantageous to white people, much less "racist" toward anybody? They can't even be bothered to speak up against affirmative action anymore.
Exactly what "racism" is there in the GOP? I'm definitely not "racist" but I am pro-white. I can tell you that I do NOT consider the GOP to be any friend of the white community.

Can you name any GOP policy that is actually advantageous to white people, much less "racist" toward anybody? They can't even be bothered to speak up against affirmative action anymore.

Explain ( pro white) you stupid fuck.
Your folk never used all this sheit (sic) to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed (sic), imported criminal-minded kin folk."

Hell, that's a typical post from the Throb/merc/UD/zip/Petey crowd...

It surprises me not one wit.
But this will most certainly outrage them:

The planned patrols are the brainchild of senior Mathew Heimbach, who also happens to head a group called the White Student Union.

Heimbach has written on his blog that Towson is experiencing a “black crime wave” with “black predators” preying on the “white majority student body.”

"Just like I wouldn't be offended if, when you talk about serial killers, the average serial killer is a blue-collar, educated white male," Heimbach told News4's Jim Rosenfield.

"It doesn't offend me to be able to talk about the facts," Heimbach said.
This will outrage them as a token, a black man that gives white people the fiction that they are not racists:


And this equally outrages them because white people will not embrace hooliganism and misogyny, clear proof of their racism:

And this:

"Your folk never used all this sheit (sic) to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed (sic), imported criminal-minded kin folk."

is no big deal, because it is a Democrat.

A_J's corollary #9, “When a Republican does it, it is a high crime and misdemeanor, when a Democrat does it, then it is, *shrug*, they ALL do it...”

Another good Democrat who will outrage no one:

19-year-old Hopper Penn was following his dad into a medical building when he got into the altercation with an African-American photographer (not TMZ's).

The nuclear exchange was all caught on tape ... Hopper gets up in the photog's face, pushing him, then says, "F*** you ... you're a f***ing f***ot ... shut up you f***ing n***er."
Read more:
But it's okay because Throb is an old angry white Democrat who knows what it is like to be the great-great-grandchild of a slave...
