Oooooo America...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
Brazil has elected a left of centre government!

Soon you will be the only bastion of right wing corruption remaining on the planet...


p_p_man said:
Brazil has elected a left of centre government!

Soon you will be the only bastion of right wing corruption remaining on the planet...



hahaha.... that's funny pp.... You're holding up BRAZIL as an example for others to follow???

The candidate that wins in Brazil is the candidate that promises the most "freebies" to the poor. Voting is mandatory, and poverty is abundant. The winning candidates never actually deliver the things they promise, but that doesn't keep them from being elected repeatedly.

Lula's protectionist ideas will likely turn the Brazilian economy into the next Argentina. If the left has nothing better to offer than Lula, then I figure the U.S.'s "right" leaning government may be here awhile.
Spinaroonie said:
You still have Tony Blizzair.

Yeah but we don't count him.

The Left in the UK is building up speed with opposition to an invasion against Iraq, support for various pay claims in the pipeline, dissatisfaction with the way the National Health Service, the Police and other austere bodies are being run and a general distrust of Tony's motives about anything...

He's not irreplaceable...

He too can be shown the door...

Re: Re: Oooooo America...

Texan said:
The candidate that wins in Brazil is the candidate that promises the most "freebies" to the poor.

Just like your mate George's tax refund bribe?

p_p_ does not care if things collapse, only that they collapse in a socialist manner...
Re: Re: Oooooo America...

Texan said:
The winning candidates never actually deliver the things they promise

Does any politician?

George came through with the tax-cut you old rummy. If you are going to argue against us, don't make our case FOR us...
SINthysist said:
George came through with the tax-cut you old rummy. If you are going to argue against us, don't make our case FOR us...

Coming through or not, it still constitutes a bribe in most other civilised countries.

Expressly forbidden...

A definite no-no!

The American system is one of symbiotic bribery.

How else you gonna be able to work with those third-world socialist people's paradises...

Like Britain :D !
Only a bribe in European Socialist governments..

Because it is a bribe there. Your Socialist cousins here pay migrant farmworkers fifty bucks to vote for their candidates. Most are not even legal voters, and I would say the old administration's doling out of federal money to those faithful areas of support for socialized programs a bribe also.
Brazil will soon be targeted as a terrorist support nation anyway, so that leftist piece of shit will be history. I still like the Brazilian "Carnival" though! :D
Re: Only a bribe in European Socialist governments..

Lost Cause said:
I still like the Brazilian "Carnival" though! :D

'Specially the wimmen...cor...


Re: Only a bribe in European Socialist governments..

Lost Cause said:
Because it is a bribe there. Your Socialist cousins here pay migrant farmworkers fifty bucks to vote for their candidates. Most are not even legal voters, and I would say the old administration's doling out of federal money to those faithful areas of support for socialized programs a bribe also.
Brazil will soon be targeted as a terrorist support nation anyway, so that leftist piece of shit will be history. I still like the Brazilian "Carnival" though! :D

Oh . . . the Rio Carnivale . . . :p :p :p

But the US has the ultimate bribery system, it is called the US Farm Act, and hands out money to Mainly Republican Party supporters who then make a small ongoing contribution to the preservation of the Republican Party . . . the rural socialism benefits the rich, with agricorporates getting about 80% of the handout for doing absolutely nothing!! . . . now THAT'S what I call vote buying!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Oooooo America...

HeavyStick said:
Tony Blair said something about a Pub and Loo on every corner.

We've already got those...

OK sometimes the loo is a bush (sic) or a covenient tree but hey, when a man's gotta go a man's gotta go...

Oh to live in a socialist paradise away from the sins of the Right. If they had there way we would have an entrance fee to get into a pub and an exit fee to get out of the loo...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Oooooo America...

p_p_man said:
We've already got those...

OK sometimes the loo is a bush (sic) or a covenient tree but hey, when a man's gotta go a man's gotta go...

Oh to live in a socialist paradise away from the sins of the Right. If they had there way we would have an entrance fee to get into a pub and an exit fee to get out of the loo...


If they do that heres what ya do.

Gather up all the loo's and pubs,and toss em in the harbor.
That really seems to piss off the Brits.....least it does when its their tea.:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Oooooo America...

HeavyStick said:
Tony Blair said something about a Pub and Loo on every corner.
Great name for a children's show.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Oooooo America...

Booty Bandit said:
If they do that heres what ya do.

Gather up all the loo's and pubs,and toss em in the harbor.
That really seems to piss off the Brits.....least it does when its their tea.:D

"No Representation Without Urination"...

Yeah, that works...I think...


Lost, that AV sucks, is misleading, and fits you not one wit...


At least a babe on a bike for gawd's sake...
SINthysist said:
Lost, that AV sucks, is misleading, and fits you not one wit...


At least a babe on a bike for gawd's sake...

heheheh . . . got your hand on your gland again, SIN?? . . . heheheh . . . :D
p_p_man said:
Brazil has elected a left of centre government!

Soon you will be the only bastion of right wing corruption remaining on the planet...



We'll last long enough to be able to laugh in the face of the failing British economy. Guess who they'll come beggin for cash like usual? We've been buying your county beers ( symbolically speaking) for a couple of decades now. Your really just our poor country cousins we take pity on. Someday though, you'll be able to buy us a beer and say thanks. Oh wait, your British pride and ignorance won;t let you. So we'll get the next round too just to be nice.