OOC: Worlds Apart Casting Call


Really Really Experienced
Dec 20, 2002
Talking through PMs to SpectralDragoon I have decided to put on of my more off-the-wall ideas out there. It is based upon the idea that a guy who is too rich and idle buys an island, on the island he finds some kind of item which brings out an entity who calls him Master and so he assumes that he is in control. Wrong!

The entity gets him to think that building a theme park based on the D&D theme would be wonderous. In fact the entity guaruntees the guy that he can help build it with little output of money and in half the time it would take a 'mortal' crew to do it.

The guy is thinking medieval costumes, fighting computer generated monsters, gaining levels, etc which would bring in big bucks and for not a lot of money. Well, he is hooked.

Turns out the entity is using the guy to open a portal, door, etc to his own world to bring back a place of magic and swordplay only this time the demon kind could rule the world using humans for their slaves.

The first people on the island discover this once they are stranded on it and now have to do something to close said portal, door, etc or else see the world go to the pits of hell being ruled over by the demons. Also, the technical stuff on the island is being replaced by medieval items. They might find a few things from their own world but it wont be long before everything is replaced. So they have to find a way to use technology and cruder instruments to survive and complete the quest.

Don't know how well the idea would go over but it might be fun to see exactly what would happen in it. I would play one of the characters that came over on the boat as the man who owns the island would disappear shortly before or after we came there.

This is open to all. If you like the idea please join. If we get enough intrest I will start a thread and go from there.
I think this could be a pretty cool idea. Don't know exactly what type of person to play here though. :\
well its not going to start for awhile and not if anyone is not interested in it. The people in it are normal people from the modern world who have secret fantasies about the medievil times and see this as a chance to play out that fantasy.
since there has been some recent intrest in this idea let me get up a post and post it in a few days. Your chars will be normal, everyday people who are going for a fun filled weekend to the island.

so if you are still interested, please post your chars here and then we can get started.

I would love to be part of the story. I haven't ever done this before, but am quite intrigued and have an idea for a character already, but she is not to come in until things start going. SHe's part of the "conflict";)

Count me in, keep me posted.

Now, to create...:devil:

~Creme Brulee
Dammit, lost the last post!

I wrote a message only to lose it!
What a technologically challenged wench.

OK, the character...

Tall woman with unruly , long dishwater blonde hair, age 27,piercing green eys, not unattractive, strange aura about her that nobody on the trip quite understands. Is secretly in love with another traveller. Wears a small leatherlike pouch around her neck that she never removes. Is friendly enough when confronted, but mostly keeps to herself. KNows a lot about survival skills using minimal resources.
Sleeps very little.

I'll name her soon.

Keep me posted if you'll have me!

Here's my character:

Name: Jack Phoenix
Height: 6'
Weight: 145 lbs.
Physical: Brown hair, green eyes, Well-built

Bio: Jack is the only son of a rich California family, and he has been pegged as "spoiled" his entire life because of it. Jack tries his best to rid himself of the stereotype, but the isolation from society has left him cold, apathetic and cynical. He has few friends, and none close enough that he would risk his neck for. He has little respect for anyone, especially himself. He has come to the amusement park to get away from his family for a while.
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Count me in too.

Name: Loki
Brown hair/brown eyes
Height: 5'8"

Bio: Loki, who's real name is Jason, is an intelligent, street smart guy from the Bronx. He is resourceful and thinks well on his feet. He knows a lot of useless trivia. He is an amateur boxer and has used that knowledge to gain a reputation as a good fighter in the streets. He is secretly into D&D and wanted to check the island out. His wit and sarcasm can add fun to any tense situation.
And here is my char.

Name: Kelly Lawerance
Occupation: Secretary/Assistant
Features: 5"6', Brown hair, hazel eyes. Trim figure, she takes care of herself and walks /goes to the gym on a regular basis.

Background: She is the personal assistant/secretary to a business man who was sent a ticket for the opening. He was unable to make it due to pressing business and had her go in his stead to report the feasability of investing in the island.

She has done some D&D off an on since college so would know if it was something worthwhile. Pretty average girl all around and not expecting anything more than an interesting weekend.

Okay, I have to get the post up. Working on it now and will post sometime tonight. Sorry I didnt do it last night but it was a long night at work and my brain was too fried.
i wanna play too

Hope you don't mind, but my character is going to be slightly different, insofar as he's not a guest of the park but rather an employee.

Name: Dan Walters
Age: 23
Occupation: Security Guard

Dan got a job in security at the park through a connection from his father. He wasn't big on the whole D&D thing, and had never actually played, but he thought the job could be interesting, so he signed on.
Welcome to the cast, Emotionless. This thread is open for everyone's ideas and contributions.
Been a long time since I looked at this board, but I do like to check out new threads and would like to join.....

let me know if there is room for another chic, I think she would be a historian who specializes in textiles and has been sent to see how authentic the place is......also would be a champion fencer.
always welcome, intriguess. Come and join the party. We are docking now and would love to have you.
I would love to play some sort of rebel fighter from the planet. If that is possible. I'm not sure if the planet is completely demons, or if there is a war between demons and other creatures, maybe even humanoid ones...
If so, I would love to play one of them, getting caught into the whole portal, and now having to fight them alone...
Sound interesting?

ill play if youll have me.

name sorian
age 21
race caucasion
obsession swords, particalurly his 42 inch barbarian broadsword
is theis ok?
Both of you are welcome, of course.

Pooh, I have not really fleshed out the world where the demons have come from. You are more than welcome to have your character come from there. A guide for these modern mortals might just be the ticket.

How about this. The reason the demons are looking for a new place is because where they come from has been pretty well defeated and they have multiplied to where they need a new place for their kind.

Our world is perfect as it already has myths of beings just like them which turns out not to be just myth. With magic having been on the world in medievil times, it is not lying dormant and ready for something to arouse it and cause it to spread again. Only this time it would be tainted by the evil of the demons.

Does that sound workable to everyone?
Sounds good to me.
Beyond that maybe one or some of the humans will be sensative to that roused magic and be able to use it in minor ways to fight the nasties.
I leave that aspect up to each person. If you want your char to have some latent magical powers than I am all for it--but--remember these are modern people and would not know how to use that ability well and so if they accomplish anything it would be through trial and error and accident.
I posted the next step. As you can tell all the 'employees' with the exception of Emotionless' security person are not exactly who they appear to be. Lets just say that Dan Walters, for some reason or other, was immune to the possession the others have now undergone and take it from there.