OOC: The Wetnurse Thread

Snuggle Bunz

Be my Acountabilabuddy?
Jan 7, 2008
This is a thread to keep details from http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?p=46319962#post46319962 precise and uncluttered.

Roles: Played By
Mary, the Wetnurse: Her Bodytype Snuggle Bunz
David Taft, The Charge: Rhev

Possible other roles:
Brother Taft:
Father Taft:
Mother Taft:

I do have some pictures in mind for certain roles to keep the mood of the RP.

While roles unfilled or abandoned can be taken up as NPC players I would like to gain some supportive RP'ers if possible. I tend to post multiple times a day, can be nudged via my inbox and will always enjoy entertaining any fellow writer.

6/27/13: Mary has arrived at the house, having received some of her many instructions she has signed her contract and is getting the strange impression that she is being watched. Time for a new uniform and to get things started!
She will be left alone during days as her charge does maintain useful employment and will be left to her own devices and subject to the rest of the staff along side her dictated chores.
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