OOC: shield of the Yang


Six String Shinobi
Apr 11, 2002
During the fuedel days of Edo (Now Tokyo) There was wars between not only the emperors, but also the clan of ninjas and Samurais.

During this time, magic became very inportant for both people, sadly, the types of magic were very different for each clan, and caused an major disruption, letting demons from the dephs of hell to be freed letting them cause destruction throught Japan.

The clan of Tal, have had enough of the reign of terror, and created two weapons. One was made out of pure yin energy, the other was made of complete yang energy. The two weapons completely drove back the demons of hell, and the weapons were sealed so the deamons can't resurface.

Now in the year 2055, the weapons seal was broken during the escavation, and they discovered that the shield of yang was stolen, Letting the demons resurface

Please sign up! If you need more info I'll try to give it to you.
Sounds like a blast. I'm up for it. Did you have any ideas about the characters you would like to play in it? Are they decendants of those that sealed up the demons? Do they have latent powers? Do they have knowledge of the demons and are on the look out for them or are they ordinary people that get caught up in a mess when the seal breaks?
Good questions, The charas are not decendents, well, not exactly. They are reincarnations of the orginal warrious that sealed them up. Because of this, they do have magic, but they do not know it yet, how there powers awaken, is your choice.

Not really, my characters grandfather was an 10% decendent of an warrior who helped seal the weapons. if your chara do not know any info, Old nobunaga will assist ya!

they pretty much get caught up in the whole mess.

one last thing, Tech has really, really advanced (for police that is..) the police has suits and can use mechs. but... I'll leave some of the important things about the mech part out until the real thread... to keep things interesting...
Reincarnation theme. Sounds interesting. One last question. The characters-do they know they are the reincarnations or is it an awakening when the seal is broken. Something like they have been born many times in different personas and will only awaken on the day the seal is broken kind of thing?
They will not know that they are reincarnations until later, when the seal is broken, they will get an odd feeling, well actualy, they will feel sick, very sick.
I would play if I can be the great emperor Nobunaga, posessed by a demonic soul of course. Would that bring anything to the story.

hy, you willing to work with me on this idea? If you have MSN or AIM I am on right now.
Sounds good. I'm in. Just let me know when you want my character and when the story starts.
Ravenloft said:
I would play if I can be the great emperor Nobunaga, posessed by a demonic soul of course. Would that bring anything to the story.

hy, you willing to work with me on this idea? If you have MSN or AIM I am on right now.

Well, in the thread Nobunaga wasn't the emperor, he was actualy a theif. Like I said, he is a decendent of an warrior

The Emperor was Ishatalmo, his brother Hated him. But Emperor possed is cool, just relize he is not the biggest threat, I have plans for that.

it seems like I got two heroes, and one villan, need more heroes
You mean the game's Onimusha 1&2, Nobunaga's Revenge, Romance of the three kingdoms 1-8(?), and Kessen were all full of shit? *Evil smirk*

But I don't mind playing an evil, posessed thieving Nobunaga at all, just give me a little bit of a primer on the thread when you can.
Ravenloft said:
You mean the game's Onimusha 1&2, Nobunaga's Revenge, Romance of the three kingdoms 1-8(?), and Kessen were all full of shit? *Evil smirk*

But I don't mind playing an evil, posessed thieving Nobunaga at all, just give me a little bit of a primer on the thread when you can.

be my guess, I'm not good at controling threads anyway, I just let it go with tha flow.
Ok, heres my chara

Night Taolin (Rather be called Tao)
ninja clan: Tal
hair: A slightly light auburn, usualy wild.
Build: Slightly Strong, mostly in the upper area.

Bio: Night is just an average outcast. he usualy hangs around the arcade when he has the mony since he is a video game freak, his fathe disapered after the seal was mysteriosly broken during a escavation. For some odd reason, his grandfather is completely freaked out by the seal, wonder why?

I am interested in this game, but I don't really understand the mechanics for what is allowable in characters
Id kind of like to play a character with no real connection to the whole ancient magic thing, just a very practicle dude that want's to help
basicly yes, I'm going to put this thread up today, or tommorow.
okay here is my character

Crystal "Chrys" Hennings

Description: Long blonde hair, blue eyes, fitness freak except she has a weakness for junk food.

Background: Chrys is originally from the states but he father who was in the service was stationed in Tokyo when she was a girl and she fell in love with it and moved there after college where she majored in Computer Science. She now works for a large firm in Tokyo and has an apartment there.

She is hugely into meditation and the thought that the mind and body must be in balance for a total well being. Practices yoga and meditation daily. Not much of a fighter but will do what she has to when faced with a problem of that sort.
Pretty good Chara, we already basicly know who Ravenloft is going to be (If he comes back)
this definatly smells of beef....

i'd like to join, what are my char ioptions? all of them? i don't mean list everything, but normal? my choice? evil? tal clan? whats going on?
Ok, basicl all of them. But there are very few Tal members. Of course, their are the reicarnations.