OOC role call for slaves "When Master Dies"


Literotica Guru
Mar 28, 2003
Use own personal shape to describe but this best fits the others.

Tersa, She is 27, blonde hair, soft blue eyes, white skin slightly tanned. ears peirced once diamond studs, silver collar, 5'6" 155 and has sapphire stone surgurically implanted in your belly button. ( filled by Faith25)

Mynia, She is 20, bruntte from the Phillipines, brown eyes, tatoo of gold cross on chest dated june 24, 2000, silver collar and opal nipple piercing on left breast, 5'7" 148, well endowed, small waist and Sapphire implant ( filled by GeronimosGirl )

Catherine, she is 33, ash colored hair, grey eyes, golden collar, olive complexion, she has a garden tatoo on her back, The Garden of Eden. 5'6" 140, Ruby stone belly implant, crown of thorns tatoo around upper right arm, Master's first lover, has a temper and is used to being chained to the bed. Nickname was Beauty. (filled by patford31769)

Jasmine, 21 with white hair floor length, pale blue eyes, arabic complexion, tatoo of a gold cross in chest dated March 27, 2001, silver collar, Emerald implant, 5'4" 133, very shy, likes to be fed, cries often when rebuked, hates being punished. Nickname is Baby. ( filled by SwampThing)

Katra, 22 raven hair, green eyes, celtic looks, ivory skin, has tatoo of a garden with unicorns grazing, gold cross tatoo dated February 14, 1997, 5'3" 122, very bossy. silver collar, Topaz stone implant. ( filled by landiek)

Jubilee, 27 short red hair, hazel eyes 5'5" 130. Gold cross dated May 1, 1993. Diamond implant, silver collar, roses tatooed on arms and legs, clit pierced twice, is used to crawling, acts very feline. ( filled by jubileeslave )

Shalona, 20 Albino woman, white hair, colorless eyes, 5'11" 150 , gold cross tatoo dated January 1, 1995. Silver collar, Ruby implant, is soft spoken and hardly disobediant. ( filled by shalonalovebird)
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Looks interesting

I am looking forward to seeing more of this story as it unfolds.
Yet I wonder how close to the truth it is? Could it be that somewhere these beauties do exist? My heart is beating too fast now.. yet the thought that lovely vixens of such beauty could hide that long from the comfort of a man... ahhh excuse me a MASTER.

Once again you're still a certain kinderd spirit....good luck sisters of Passion.

Very close.
Keep reading we just might be good enough to make it to the 85th birthday.
Since I am actually one of the nine mentioned in the story.
filling up

There are still two parts that are open and if need be a part for the attorney as Mr. Elklander. Pm me about that snake.
Okay you asked for it.

After 20 pm's that ask what do I look like
Here I am in my naked glory.

I stand before you with my blue/black skin ( True Nubian ) with my dark flaxen hair brushed a thousand times as I was taught draping my shoulders and caressing the small of my back. My slender neck with the silver collar ( sorry can not be removed with out cutting it) the chain that dangles from the collar to my left nipple peircing. my shoulders are litely colored with roses of yellow and red ( Master loved to tatoo ) with leaves and vines wrapping around the shoulder joint. Bringing your gaze to my round face with my dark caramel eyes and my ears are pierced three times. hole one is a diamond, hole two a sapphire, hole three a pearl. I have a teardrop scar below my left eye. and my chin has a slight dip to it. My lips are full and I seldom truly smile. My chest shows my dip, where the ribcage comes below my neck I have a small cross shaped tatoo dated March 6, 1998 in burgandy ink. My breasts ( last bra 52E) are quite large and my nipples are stained blood red as well as the aerolas. My left nipple has a tiny silver ring peirced and is the chain from the collar. My skin is full and my belly is flat and I do have a Sapphire adhered to my belly button ( surgerically implanted ) and a moderate waist ( 38) and rounding to my hips (42). My long legs are shaven and smooth to reveal the left leg with a golden dragon that wraps around from three fingers below the hip to the ankle bone. My pussy is shaved and the lips are circumsized, yes I said circumsized. My Clit is very exposed and I have a gold clit ring. Turning around I have a plain back but my ass has a tatoo of a garden. It was called the garden of peace, I know that there are baby angels and roses of white with in the scene of the garden, trees and grass and animals grazing peacefully.

LaVonda that is an awesome description of yourself. Can you do that for the one I am trying to play? Landi
I would appreciate a description like that too. If you have time of course. I can't help to think that it will help the role some. ;)
However, if in a 100-103 or 104 degree jacuzzi getting out in ice and snow, with something to step in for the feet and not a long hike to the house or house boat wouldn't be a problem.
Just walk in a cloud of steam-condensation.
I've done it is sub freezing temps several times and didn't even notice the cold.

I am hiding in a houseboat on Lake Michigan.
An I have seen you before.
as requested

A complete description of each girl in the story as I see them in the flesh....
Enjoy my Sisters of Passion! ;)

LaToya stands 5'8" and like me is Nubian ( the bluish/black skin tone), her dark raven hair is more wavy and curls to lower part of her shoulder blades. She has a silver teardrop on her forehead (previous owner's mark) She is 26 and firm bodied, wearing a silver collar. She has a small ovel face and her dark carmel eyes can peirce your soul. She has a tatoo of a jaguer that lies over the left shoulder, it's paws reach for the breast. Her lips are fuller then mine and she has a heart tatooed on her right cheek.
Her cross tatoo is dated July 26, 1996. She currently weighs 168 and gaining ( she is carrying Master's child.. surprise).
Her breasts are 44DD. tapering to her 34 waist, then spreading to her 38 hips. She has a Garnet stone implanted in her belly button, her waist has pink roses that surround the bellybutton too. Her shaved pussy is puckered and has a gold clit ring.
LaToya also is the one that punishes, she weilds the cane, flogger, or whip as Master would wish for her to use.

Thanks and welcome sister.

I need to make exciting news and you sisters can update at your whim.

This girl is expecting late July: Catherine
These girls are expecting in August: Mynia, Tersa, and Myself.
These girls are expecting in September: Katra and Shalona.

We got news from results. Congrates to all.
A very soft and gentle smile* Congradulations to each of you from Old and Veneable Me.
May each be healthy and happy, both Mom's and babies to come.
Sure you would

you would say that since Catherine got confirmed for triplets
AIYA all those babies crying at one time.
April 17th all of us go for the monthly sign in appt.
You should have seen the SSA people when Mr. Elklander was applying for benefits for minor children of a deceased parent.
At least we are getting happier.
LOL* Because of my back I'm applying up for SSDI with SSA so I can imagine the shocked look on the clerk's face.
It was

I think totally void of color was the explaination.
At least for a man of African American goes. Shalona made the comment that she thought I paled out when sick .. he went almost a pale as she is.

and I look for a response for St Em's

I am trying that part of Shalona and I hope that you would allow me to have it, LaToya.
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OK so Now we have all the roles filled. ;) It looks like this is going to start hoppin!! Who would have thought that my prayers would be answered. I guess I better start thinking about what to do now that I am pregnant. LOL


Oh that is the tip of the iceburg. but if you chose you and Catherine can start interviewing prospective masters. Be sure to find out how far they go in displine. Some of us have never had to be taken to that extreme. And it has to be a family decision so somehow all of us have to decide yes or no.
Prospective Master *licks lips provacatively* Yummy LOL
