Sweet Rogue
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- Jan 29, 2000
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I would like to start a light mechanics role playing story using the mechanics from an indy storytelling game called Our Last Best Hope.
You can obtain a pdf copy here: Our Last Best Hope
The setting and general storyline will be from the Dead Gentlemen indie movie, The Gamers: Dorkness Rising.
You can watch the entire movie, in 11 parts, on youtube, here: The Gamers: Dorkness Rising
The following is my own write up using the OLBH rules set for the basic structure of The Gamers: Dorkness Rising's story line. (Note, I will fill in the basic rules mechanics as needed, if I can actually get people to play.)
You can obtain a pdf copy here: Our Last Best Hope
The setting and general storyline will be from the Dead Gentlemen indie movie, The Gamers: Dorkness Rising.
You can watch the entire movie, in 11 parts, on youtube, here: The Gamers: Dorkness Rising
The following is my own write up using the OLBH rules set for the basic structure of The Gamers: Dorkness Rising's story line. (Note, I will fill in the basic rules mechanics as needed, if I can actually get people to play.)
The Mask of Death
The Quest for the Mask of Death begins in the city of Whitetower. Despite the occasional goblin incursion, the lands around Whitetower have known peace and prosperity under the reign of King Erasmus the Randomly Biased. This relative calm is shattered by the news of a powerful artifact falling into the hands of a wicked necromancer named Mort Kemnon. Kemnon swears to bring low the king and transform the land into a twisted reflection of his own evil god, Death himself. Increasing reports of undead sigtings and attacks serve to fan the flames of rumor. Exacerbating matters is the mysterious silence of Therin, goddess of the Light. Whitetower is the seat of her faith and home to her Grand
Hierophant, Rhaimhin the Fifth. Her radiance continues to shine in and around the Great Cathedral but is unreliable beyond a few miles for all but the strongest of her faithful.
Whitetower is the largest bastion of civilization for hundreds of miles in any given direction. If it should fall to Mort Kemnon, he will stand unchecked in his quest to rule Fartherall. Several clerical scholars theorize that Therin’s absence and Mort Kemnon’s acquisition of the Mask of Death are related.
Without Therin’s presence, thousands across Fartherall will be affected. Our party of five adventurers are the only ones brave or stupid enough to have stepped up and accepted this quest.
The characters
Brother Silence
Not an elf, Monk
Sane - Sir Osric
Crazy - Daphne
Fear - Being mind control
Secret - Not really an elf
At the begining of a scene may chose to function as either a soldier or a scientist.
Stunning fist: If Brother Silence takes the threat and choses to function as a soldier, he may remove the highest black die from each threat roll.
Sage advice: If Brother Silence takes the threat and choses to function as a scientist, he may reroll one white die and take its result instead, even if it is worse, if it is worse, lose a story point.
Human Speardancer
Sane - Sir Osric
Crazy - Luster
Fear - Failing to stop Mort Kemnon
Secret - Hates sexism
Functions as a soldier.
Speardance: When she takes a threat, she may reroll white 6's, keeping the 6, while adding the reroll to the results.
Flynn the Fine
Human bard
Sane - Luster
Crazy - Sir Osric
Fear - The undead
Secret - Sex addict
At the begining of a scene may chose to function as either an engineer or a scientist.
Fifty bards: Flynn can choose to die horribly during each round of any threat, taking the lowest black die roll with him. Discribe the demise for a story point. If any other player acknowledges his impending death before he dies, they gain a story point. "Oh great, goblins, yeah, you're gonna die Flynn." Once Flynn has used this ability 50 times, he is well and truly dead.
Mound of dead bards: If Flynn takes the threat and functions as an engineer, once he dies at least five times during the threat, remove the highest black die from each roll.
Bardic knowledge!: If Flynn takes the threat and functions as a scientist, he may increase one white die roll by one. If you allude to sex in character, another player may give you one of their story points.
Human wild mage
Sane - Flynn
Crazy - Sir Osric
Fear - Boredom
Secret - Bisexual
Wild magic: If Luster takes a threat, roll a D4, otherwise she may pick a class.
On a 1 Luster functions as a soldier for the threat.
On 2 she acts as an engineer.
On a 3 she acts as a scientist
On a 4 she acts as a doctor
Chaotic gender: At the begining of each scene, flip a coin. Heads, you are percieved as a man by npc's. tails, you are percieved as a woman by npc's. You may switch genders at any time for a story point.
Flaming hand of Fiery Doom: If Luster takes a threat envolving a demonic creature, she may add a white die for the cost of a story point.
Sir Osric, The Chaste
Human Paladin
Sane - Daphne
Crazy - Brother Silence, Flynn and especially Luster "The Troublesome Trollop"
Fear - Failing the goddess Therin
Secret - Willing to turn a blind eye to unnessisary violence.
At the begining of a scene, may chose to function as a soldier or a doctor.
Spread the buttery justice of Therin light across the crispy toast of evil's malfescense!: If Osric takes a thread as a soldier and makes a humorous declaration in the name of Therin, add a white die and take a story point.
Healing touch: If you take a threat as a doctor and spend a story point, you may permanently reduce another character's wounds by one. Does not work on Flynn, he dies too quickly.
Act I: The Quest
Ninja servants of death sent by Mort Kemnon
Offended goblin tribes lead by a goblin queen
Wandering land sharks in the earth
Ogres ambush the party, throwing rocks
Falling stones and loose gravel pits
Demonic attack with telekinesis
Ma and Pa, hillbilly ogres.
Hangman tree, an undead treant
Juju zombie wyvern
Deathswarm, fiendish undead insect swarm
Mort Agrippa and his Zinja's! Apprentice necromancer and zombie ninja's.
Drazuul and his zombies. Drazuul is an undead demon.
Fiendish black pudding and ectoplasmic assassin vines.
The entire room is a mimic!!!
Kemnon's elite, zombies with martial training
Undead clones of your party
Magic arms and armor x5 (One for each character)
Bag of holding
10' pole
Camping gear
Ring of x-ray vision
Masterwork Mandolin
Rare cologne
Grappling hook
50' of hemp rope
Boots of the winterland
Staff of resurrection (ONLY 10 uses)
Act I finale
Facing Mort Kemnon himself, a necromantic monk!
Act II: The Betrayal
Additional Threats
Undead roasted turkey
The Lord High Inquisitor and his corrupt paladins
Additional Assets
Daggie's Blunderbuss
Tankard of Excellent Ale
Doom Coin
Screaming Codpiece
Armageddon Pastry
Nectar's Nectar
Duct Tape of Healing
Sword of Ogre Decapitation
Psionic Spiritblade
Act I finale
The Grand Hierophant, Rhaimhim The Fifth, who has gone mad with the power the Mask of Death has bestowed upon him!
The Mask of Death
The Quest for the Mask of Death begins in the city of Whitetower. Despite the occasional goblin incursion, the lands around Whitetower have known peace and prosperity under the reign of King Erasmus the Randomly Biased. This relative calm is shattered by the news of a powerful artifact falling into the hands of a wicked necromancer named Mort Kemnon. Kemnon swears to bring low the king and transform the land into a twisted reflection of his own evil god, Death himself. Increasing reports of undead sigtings and attacks serve to fan the flames of rumor. Exacerbating matters is the mysterious silence of Therin, goddess of the Light. Whitetower is the seat of her faith and home to her Grand
Hierophant, Rhaimhin the Fifth. Her radiance continues to shine in and around the Great Cathedral but is unreliable beyond a few miles for all but the strongest of her faithful.
Whitetower is the largest bastion of civilization for hundreds of miles in any given direction. If it should fall to Mort Kemnon, he will stand unchecked in his quest to rule Fartherall. Several clerical scholars theorize that Therin’s absence and Mort Kemnon’s acquisition of the Mask of Death are related.
Without Therin’s presence, thousands across Fartherall will be affected. Our party of five adventurers are the only ones brave or stupid enough to have stepped up and accepted this quest.
The characters
Brother Silence
Not an elf, Monk
Sane - Sir Osric
Crazy - Daphne
Fear - Being mind control
Secret - Not really an elf
At the begining of a scene may chose to function as either a soldier or a scientist.
Stunning fist: If Brother Silence takes the threat and choses to function as a soldier, he may remove the highest black die from each threat roll.
Sage advice: If Brother Silence takes the threat and choses to function as a scientist, he may reroll one white die and take its result instead, even if it is worse, if it is worse, lose a story point.
Human Speardancer
Sane - Sir Osric
Crazy - Luster
Fear - Failing to stop Mort Kemnon
Secret - Hates sexism
Functions as a soldier.
Speardance: When she takes a threat, she may reroll white 6's, keeping the 6, while adding the reroll to the results.
Flynn the Fine
Human bard
Sane - Luster
Crazy - Sir Osric
Fear - The undead
Secret - Sex addict
At the begining of a scene may chose to function as either an engineer or a scientist.
Fifty bards: Flynn can choose to die horribly during each round of any threat, taking the lowest black die roll with him. Discribe the demise for a story point. If any other player acknowledges his impending death before he dies, they gain a story point. "Oh great, goblins, yeah, you're gonna die Flynn." Once Flynn has used this ability 50 times, he is well and truly dead.
Mound of dead bards: If Flynn takes the threat and functions as an engineer, once he dies at least five times during the threat, remove the highest black die from each roll.
Bardic knowledge!: If Flynn takes the threat and functions as a scientist, he may increase one white die roll by one. If you allude to sex in character, another player may give you one of their story points.
Human wild mage
Sane - Flynn
Crazy - Sir Osric
Fear - Boredom
Secret - Bisexual
Wild magic: If Luster takes a threat, roll a D4, otherwise she may pick a class.
On a 1 Luster functions as a soldier for the threat.
On 2 she acts as an engineer.
On a 3 she acts as a scientist
On a 4 she acts as a doctor
Chaotic gender: At the begining of each scene, flip a coin. Heads, you are percieved as a man by npc's. tails, you are percieved as a woman by npc's. You may switch genders at any time for a story point.
Flaming hand of Fiery Doom: If Luster takes a threat envolving a demonic creature, she may add a white die for the cost of a story point.
Sir Osric, The Chaste
Human Paladin
Sane - Daphne
Crazy - Brother Silence, Flynn and especially Luster "The Troublesome Trollop"
Fear - Failing the goddess Therin
Secret - Willing to turn a blind eye to unnessisary violence.
At the begining of a scene, may chose to function as a soldier or a doctor.
Spread the buttery justice of Therin light across the crispy toast of evil's malfescense!: If Osric takes a thread as a soldier and makes a humorous declaration in the name of Therin, add a white die and take a story point.
Healing touch: If you take a threat as a doctor and spend a story point, you may permanently reduce another character's wounds by one. Does not work on Flynn, he dies too quickly.
Act I: The Quest
Ninja servants of death sent by Mort Kemnon
Offended goblin tribes lead by a goblin queen
Wandering land sharks in the earth
Ogres ambush the party, throwing rocks
Falling stones and loose gravel pits
Demonic attack with telekinesis
Ma and Pa, hillbilly ogres.
Hangman tree, an undead treant
Juju zombie wyvern
Deathswarm, fiendish undead insect swarm
Mort Agrippa and his Zinja's! Apprentice necromancer and zombie ninja's.
Drazuul and his zombies. Drazuul is an undead demon.
Fiendish black pudding and ectoplasmic assassin vines.
The entire room is a mimic!!!
Kemnon's elite, zombies with martial training
Undead clones of your party
Magic arms and armor x5 (One for each character)
Bag of holding
10' pole
Camping gear
Ring of x-ray vision
Masterwork Mandolin
Rare cologne
Grappling hook
50' of hemp rope
Boots of the winterland
Staff of resurrection (ONLY 10 uses)
Act I finale
Facing Mort Kemnon himself, a necromantic monk!
Act II: The Betrayal
Additional Threats
Undead roasted turkey
The Lord High Inquisitor and his corrupt paladins
Additional Assets
Daggie's Blunderbuss
Tankard of Excellent Ale
Doom Coin
Screaming Codpiece
Armageddon Pastry
Nectar's Nectar
Duct Tape of Healing
Sword of Ogre Decapitation
Psionic Spiritblade
Act I finale
The Grand Hierophant, Rhaimhim The Fifth, who has gone mad with the power the Mask of Death has bestowed upon him!