OOC: Just a little Rant


The Wizard of Ahhhhhhhhhs
Sep 23, 2002
I apologize in advance, but if you think of me as the loving critic and take this as intended, everyone will become a better writer.

And I realize I'm no talent when it comes to writing, but I'm a VERY good reader. And I'm having trouble enjoying many of the SRP's

Proof read your work before you post. And get a dictionary. There's Meriam Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus

Why you ask?

I was promoted to principle. :( s.b. principal
He towed the line. :( to where did he tow it? s.b. toed
I wanted to be fare. :( what are you? a taxi? s.b. fair
If scene, I'd be in trouble. :( must be the third act. s.b. seen
I want to go to collage. :( you need it. s.b. college
I want to of those. :( s.b. two
You're to intense. :( s.b. too
He was pacing back and fourth. :( must have been pacing a square. s.b. forth
There home now. :( s.b. They're

I'll post more of these goodies as I find them. No names, you know who you are and can fix 'em if you want.

Any comments?
Add your own?
Or trash me for posting this!

Thanks in advance.
Wow ozme! And exactly how was your little English lesson intended? I'm all for good grammar and careful writing, but really! To offer criticism where it is not asked for and to single people out for their technical errors seems to me to be in exceedingly poor taste.

Were your sarcastic comments that accompanied your corrections truly necessary? This little "rant" reeks of an ego trip, at least to this poster.

You really want a reaction, don't you? Enough said.

*shaking head and laughing*

if our homework isn't done accurately do we stay after school teach?
ozme52 said:
I apologize in advance, but if you think of me as the loving critic and take this as intended, everyone will become a better writer.

And I realize I'm no talent when it comes to writing, but I'm a VERY good reader. And I'm having trouble enjoying many of the SRP's

Proof read your work before you post. And get a dictionary. There's Meriam Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus

Proofread is one word, not two.

And I'm having trouble enjoying many of the SRP's

Was that a sentence? Because, most sentences usually end with a period.

Last edited:
In my mind, you are nitpicking without a need.

It may be a pet peeve of yours to see these words misspelled, but as long as people can get the gist of what is being said, and it is obvious that the person has put some effort into their post, I am all for using our BRAINS to understand the intent behind the post, rather than drawing to attention every sorry little mistake that can be found.

The intent at the heart of this board is to create a story that is shared between two or more individuals- not to act as an anal-retentive editor to amateur writing that has no intent of being published in any hard form.

I find what you are doing, that is, pulling these lines from stories that you have seen and posting them here, quite demeaning.
I think maybe Ozme52 is being a bit too picky, but since the topic of Editors is kind of a part of this I would like to make a confession.
I always get *THEIR* and *THERE* and *WHERE* and *WERE* mixed up. I can never seem to remember which one is the proper one to use in which situation. Anyone have any ideas that might help?

Unregistered said:
Wow ozme! And exactly how was your little English lesson intended? I'm all for good grammar and careful writing, but really! To offer criticism where it is not asked for and to single people out for their technical errors seems to me to be in exceedingly poor taste.

Were your sarcastic comments that accompanied your corrections truly necessary? This little "rant" reeks of an ego trip, at least to this poster.

You really want a reaction, don't you? Enough said.

You've got no persona here. Chicken?
Re: Hmm

Sweetp4u said:
*shaking head and laughing*

if our homework isn't done accurately do we stay after school teach?

Only if it's a fantasy of yours. It's one of mine!!!
LOL naughty naughty, how interesting would that be? Hmm should take a poll, should I not? :devil:
Re: Re: OOC: Just a little Rant

chanaud said:

Proofread is one word, not two.

And I'm having trouble enjoying many of the SRP's

Was that a sentence? Because, most sentences usually end with a period.


You got me. (Never claimed to be perfect myself.) And I wasn't beating anyone up over punctuation, spelling, typos, or the like.
Just usage.

I sure seem to have "upset the hive" (that couldn't be all bad.)
MissVictoria said:
In my mind, you are nitpicking without a need.

It may be a pet peeve of yours to see these words misspelled, but as long as people can get the gist of what is being said, and it is obvious that the person has put some effort into their post, I am all for using our BRAINS to understand the intent behind the post, rather than drawing to attention every sorry little mistake that can be found.

The intent at the heart of this board is to create a story that is shared between two or more individuals- not to act as an anal-retentive editor to amateur writing that has no intent of being published in any hard form.

I find what you are doing, that is, pulling these lines from stories that you have seen and posting them here, quite demeaning.

Without need? Perhaps, but I was bothered by it, so it fulfilled my need.

None of the words were misspelled. They were all correctly spelled. I've gathered most of the writers, in addition to interacting, want the work to be read and enjoyed. I think its hard to get into the mood if you have to reread portions to understand the context.

Anal-retentive? Thanx, never been called that before. I don't think it applies, as I said, I didn't pick on any other aspect of the writing, just using the correct words. Unless you think the authors were going for the malaprop.

Most of the lines were "rewritten" and not directly from the original, though one or two may have been. I never intended to demean, as I said in the original post, I hoped I'd be taken for the loving critic.
Nightbird said:
I think maybe Ozme52 is being a bit too picky, but since the topic of Editors is kind of a part of this I would like to make a confession.
I always get *THEIR* and *THERE* and *WHERE* and *WERE* mixed up. I can never seem to remember which one is the proper one to use in which situation. Anyone have any ideas that might help?


Thanks Nightbird. That's the spirit I intended, though it's hard to express tone in a short post.

I'll add THEY'RE, to your THEIR and THERE, and
WEAR to WHERE and that old favorite
Sweetp4u said:
LOL naughty naughty, how interesting would that be? Hmm should take a poll, should I not? :devil:

Perhaps you should!

And come out here, out of the closet, and take your "hiding" out here in the open. 8^D
:eek: Are you peeking in my closet?

;) I lurk in the darker places so no one sees when I am bad :D
Sweetp4u said:
:eek: Are you peeking in my closet?

;) I lurk in the darker places so no one sees when I am bad :D

Peeking? absolutely! I like what I glimpse!

So, Sweetp? Did I totally step on my willy here?
Nah, it's alright. Hey this thread was deleted earlier by someone and I had it put back *grinz* Even if it sounded harsh and granted it did to me as well at the beginning, I am glad you only intended it to help those who dont know.
In truth I know many here who make typo's (like me) or aren't educated as well and some just have bad eye sight. Others are in so many threads little things escape their attention. It's a variety of things. And you did well not to get too defensive and start a war in here, very nice people skills there ;)

Now as for the peeking thing.. *shaking head* ok I can't scold you too well, but I will think of something ;)

As for constructive and helpful I think it would be best to put those word into a sentence to help define them better, show the difference in each spelling variation. I know it helped me in school to see those sentences and understand the difference that way..
Kudos to you! I've had a story rejected for spelling errors and went that same day to read and the first story I read was rife with misspellings!

Something you have to know about me, I'm positively anal when it comes to spelling... I think when my story was rejected, someone was just having a bad day...

Here's two you can add to your list;

Lose To lose hope...
Loose The tie was loose around her waist...

:D :kiss:
Sweetp4u said:
Nah, it's alright. Hey this thread was deleted earlier by someone and I had it put back *grinz* Even if it sounded harsh and granted it did to me as well at the beginning, I am glad you only intended it to help those who dont know.
In truth I know many here who make typo's (like me) or aren't educated as well and some just have bad eye sight. Others are in so many threads little things escape their attention. It's a variety of things.

Because I really do admire their skill to weave the picture. But I'll always maintain that good erotica has to weave a spell. And some of the stuff I read would sound great, but reads with great difficulty.
I love to read good erotica as well and write it too. But even I make spelling errors, it's inevitable in my case lol but I am learning to use my word perfect program ;)
Again, I'm not talking about typos or spelling errors. They happen to all typists and there are plenty of spell checkers.

But there is a difference between mussels and muscles.
Between steal and steel.
Between bot and bought.

I'll probably get ripped for doing it again. You'd think I would have learned.
lol its alright and I know you mean well. I read a few stories that had those types of errors and yes it does make you stop and think "What the?" And read it a few times. It does mess up the flow of the story and ruins in some cases, the mood setting as well. I can understand your rant and your input.
There is always a difference in words like Patience and Patience ( might be spelled wrong, i hate those two words lol)
Humm... I think some where around here I still have a book from the semester I majored in com and wanted to be a journalist. It's all about their and there and to, two, too and all of that, along with all the handy-dandy examples/explainations. If I can find it, I'd be happy to post some stuff to help everyone out. :) (The one I can never keep straight is affect and effect... I still can't remember what the thing is between those two!)
goddess_euphoria said:
Humm... I think some where around here I still have a book from the semester I majored in com and wanted to be a journalist. It's all about their and there and to, two, too and all of that, along with all the handy-dandy examples/explainations. If I can find it, I'd be happy to post some stuff to help everyone out. :) (The one I can never keep straight is affect and effect... I still can't remember what the thing is between those two!)

I think those two have become interchangeable in common usage, but affect is the active verb, and effect is the passive verb.

As in, "The weather affected the harvest adversely." v.
"The effect of the weather on the harvest was adverse."
affect - influence concern alter
effect - purpose aftermath outcome

There, had to look it up so it wouldn't bother me all night!