OOC -- "Human Pets"

I'm on via my phone a state away from my computer, but I am already greatly interested in this.

Put me down as a definite pet. :)
Id bew wilking to participate... what types of roles are you looking for.
Id bew wilking to participate... what types of roles are you looking for.
Imagine any use we, humans, have for our non human animals. Protection, hunting, companionship, labor, etc.

The essentials are above and include these, which I will add to the index page later. (My tablet is dying, dammit.)
  • All memory of the Old Ways are gone.
  • Humans have no writing, and their education is limited essentially to what it takes to perform their tasks, as well as what they learn from one another about daily tasks.
  • Humans live alone or in small communities; imagine a single "pet" in a house, or a "herd" in a pasture with houses as "barns".
  • i would write more but I have 3% battery, so I better quit now.
PM me your ideas and I will sneak away from here to my home computer in a bit to respond.

  • Hundreds of generations have passed since the alien conquest of Earth.
  • Biological and chemical weapons were initially used to devastate the Human population. The initial assault -- which lasted for a mere three weeks -- reduced the Human population by an estimated 97%.
  • The aliens -- humanoids in form but averaging 24 feet in height and more than 8,000 pounds in weight -- spent the next millennium hunting the survivors one by one.
  • While those humans with a knowledge of the past were being hunted to extinction, captives were being bred and their young separated from their parents to be raised with the belief that the aliens were their protectors and benefactors.
  • The remnants of the human race became pets and service animals -- laborers, trackers, hunters -- for "The Masters".
Direction of the Role Play
  • Initially, we will establish our characters as (for the most part) loyal "pets" and "service animals" of the Masters. (There will be "strays" and "remnants" of the former Human Civilization, but I am tightly restricting these characters for now because the role play is about the P&SAs.)
  • Characters will interact with the Masters; characters will interact with one another.
  • Then ... the truth of the long lost Human Civilization with come out. (I have a plan for this, but don't want to tell yet. It is subtle, not spectacular.)
  • How will each of our characters react when they learn that once upon a time, their species was the dominant one on Planet Earth?
Leo Runner

  • Primary: Runner (messenger for the Master)
  • Secondary: Laborer (for his mother, Viv Cook).
Physical Description:
  • 19 annuals.
  • 5'1", 128#
  • Dark curly hair, deep dark eyes.
  • Fit, muscular (yet obviously small) form.
  • Bite scars:
    • On his left leg from a run in with a pack of Wild Dogs at 12 Annuals.
    • On his lower back from a wooden arrow, dispatched by an unknown assailant, while he was "running" for the first time to a distant Trade Village at 17 Annuals.
  • Quiet, reserved; partially due to his small size and feeling of inadequacy, despite the Master's apparent satisfaction in his duty as Runner.
  • Not a designated Breeder nor an "unauthorized" one either; very much a reluctant virgin.
  • Absolutely loyal to the Master and his mother as well.
  • He is the product of inter-village breeding.
  • Lives in a household of 9 (Mother, 2 Aunts, 2 siblings, 3 cousins).
Direction for this Character:
  • I want to toy around with Leo's desire to breed (or at least "practice" at breeding :D).
  • He will have an adventure while on a Run, as well. Don't know what it will be; waiting to find an appropriate character to interact with.
  • Eventually, the "The Truth" comes out, he will play a key part in the communication between the involved parties.
Hey, any room for me to join? This seems interesting.
And I hope it will continue to be. I love the concept. Yes, by all means, PM me a basic character idea and I'll send you the Profile Form with some additional questions.

And welcome.
Red Fisher

  • Primary: Fisher for both his village and his Master.
  • Secondary: Breeder, the "Alpha" of his village, prized for his physical prowess and intelligence. (Has fathered over 50 children in 6 villages.)
Physical Description:
  • 26 annuals.
  • 5'10", 190#.
  • Reddish brown hair, but by tradition, worn cut close to the scalp to indicate his position as a breeder.
  • Dark green eyes.
  • Fit, muscular; great muscle tone and the strength and agility to go with it.
  • Confident, bold; a leader among his people.
  • As stated, the Alpha Breeding Male.
  • Absolutely loyal to the Master, though he has been known to take liberties because of his known worth to the Master.
  • He is the product of inter-village breeding.
Home and Family:
  • Red lives in a round hut about 20 feet in diameter ("4 heights", as posted here in the IC) with:
    • His maternal grandfather.
    • His mother.
    • His 3 house mates and their children:
      • Stella Breeder and 4 children.
      • Goya Cook (Stella's sister) and her 2 children.
      • Hannah and her 3 children.
      • For more on this, see this post.
  • Inter-Village Breeding: his father was a Chaser from another village.
  • He was the property of his mother's Master; his twin sister -- an unexpected bonus -- was traded after "weaning" to his father's Master, in exchange for a female child who was raised by his mother and is now one of Red's ho'mates and has a child by him.
  • He was named "Red" by his mother for his head of red. He wore it long and shaggy until the loss of his virginity, as which time -- by tradition -- he began wearing a crew cut.
  • At just 4 seasons, he became a fisher apprentice to his paternal grandfather, thus the surname. By 12, he was productive enough for his grandfather to cease going out on the boat. By 16, he was in charge of his Master's Lake Fleet, which included a mix of fishing row and sail boats and fast moving canoes, used primarily for trade and defense.
  • At ** Annuals (sorry, not allowed to enter the number), he was assigned to his first "breeding". The child was healthy and strong, and the Master wasted no time making him the Village's Alpha Breeder. Since that first breeding, Red has fathered over 50 children in 6 villages.
Direction for this Character:
  • Red is a breeder, which leads to lots of SRP possibilities.
  • He also has a driving desire to be Aria Hunter's first sex partner. (See Post #12 and #13.)
  • He is not the Patriarch of the Village, which sits with the man considered the wisest of the Elders (as of yet an unclaimed character), but he is highly respected as one of the Village's strongest males. This will lead to combat/conflict opportunities.
  • Later, when "The Truth" begins to take hold, he will find himself dealing with anger issues over his feeling of betrayal by the Master.
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