OOC/Casting: In the Name of the King


Literotica Guru
Mar 2, 2013
All vital roles have been cast. Thanks to everyone who showed an interest!

There will be more room for more characters as the story continues. If you'd like to get involved send me a message and we can work something out.

The story can be found here: In the Name of the King

The Cast:
Wilhelmina Agrias (Knight) - AnyOtherName
Cidolfus 'Cid' Gerad (Thief) - StoryTime87
Fayne Renard (Mage [Abjuration Specialized]) - KattDclaw
Quinn (Cleric/Ranger) - StFornicate


Character Sheets

I'm not super formal, so if there is a section or particular listing any players would like to add, feel free.

Also, I'd like to keep the character sheets outside of the main story. If you're so inclined, you can link to it in your intro post, but please don't paste the following information in the actual thread. Thanks!

Basic character sheet format is as follows:






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Looking forward to writing with AON and the rest of the cast. Will try to get a bio up sometime tomorrow.
Character Sheet: Wilhelmina Agrias

Name: Wilhelmina "Wil" Agrias

Age: 20

Class: Knight

Race: Human

Description: Wil stands just shy of 6' tall and has the trim and athletic figure of a trained warrior. Coming from northern stock, she has the broad shoulders and wide hips of the lost barbaric tribes of the Frozen Wastes, as well as the customary golden halo of hair and brightly colored eyes. Her emerald gaze is always intense, as fierce as her convictions and loyalties. More often than not she keeps her waist length hair in a braid.

Background: Wil took to the military life at a very early age. As an orphan, she had been raised in an over-crowded public house, which at the time had felt like little more than a prison for children. It had been chaos...absolute hell. Not a minute passed in a day in which one was not being assaulted by their neighbor, bullied by an entire faction of kids, or having their things stolen (which could include one's meal, if they were meek). The supervisors were essentially too worn out by the endless energy and aggression of the wretches to stop anything less serious than a stabbing.

So Wil had taken it into her own hands. Soon, it was she that was branded as the biggest troublemaker. Sure, she had beat up some kids. Maybe a little harder, in some cases, than she should have. But she wasn't preying on them, as they had been others. The girl felt justified in her actions, and told every adult that questioned her in the matter that exact same thing.

Most told her to knock it the hell off. But one man listened.

He wasn't looking to adopt, he had simply been scouring the public houses for the young teenagers who had just about no chance of getting adopted. He'd recruit them to the King's Military Academy, where they could attend for free if they were willing to do chores in trade for their keep. A pretty good deal, for an orphan, and usually an easy sell.

But Wilhelmina was too young for the program. When the man arrived at the orphanage, the seven-year-old girl was scolding an older boy for ruining one of her friend's dolls, demanding justice for the trespass.

"Apologize!" she demanded, her heel buried into the back of the boy's shoulder. Her hands held his wrist in complete control, and she was twisting with the threat of breaking his arm.

"Ow! No! Get off of me!"

The man rose a brow and looked at the women who watched the scene with seeming disinterest. He pointed a finger, "Is that...uh...normal?"

"For Mina, yeah," one of them responded. "Don't worry, she won't actually break his arm. Little bastard should probably apologize, anyway."

"Oh." His hand dropped.

By the end of it, the boy apologized and promised his dessert (which they only got once a week) to make amends, though he made a big show of resisting beforehand. Wil released his arm with a shove, failing to gloat over her victory when it was won.

She approached a girl just slightly younger than herself. "See? I just need to teach you figh--"

"No teaching to fight!" one of the women interrupted suddenly. "No more fighting, Mina! Do you understand me?"

The seven-year-old stared up at her defiantly. "If you did your job, I wouldn't have to--"

The woman rose a hand in anger. Before she could slap the unflinching girl, though, she found the recruiter's grip wrapped about her wrist.

He adopted Mina - or Wil, as she told him to call her - on the spot. He couldn't quite get the vigilante out of her spirit, but he was able to help her channel her energy in a more productive fashion. At age ten, she moved into the academy, and she graduated at sixteen. She served four years in the King's Guard and took part in three successful campaigns before being promoted to knighthood.
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Woohoo! Full cast!


So I figure the plan is that each player will write how it is they got tangled in this mess from their own perspective, as well as introduce themselves in the present. Please don't hesitate to include as many details that strike you; we're working on an establishment system here. I'm certain it didn't go unnoticed that I named essentially nothing in the opening post... So if someone thinks up a name for the capitol, the king, whatever... I'll be nothing but glad to see everyone have a hand in the development of the world.

I will try to watch for new names and compile a list here for easy reference.
Sweet. This is gonna rock. I'm stoked. Still working on the profile for the mage. :D
Name: Fayne Renard

Age: 28

Class: Mage (Abjuration Specialized)

Title – Magus of the 2nd Circle

Race: Human

Description: Standing at 5'9”, Fayne had a stunning, shapely figure (not that anyone ever saw it underneath her standard outfit of robes). While far from the physical type, she still was fit and trim, if lacking much in the way of muscle. Her visage was sharp, with an angular chin and thin nose, but not without beauty and a hint of aristocracy. An impassive mask of solemness typically made reading her emotions futile, it it weren't for those large eyes of sapphire blue. They shone with the emotion Fayne could never express. Her raven hair was cropped short and with little style, a dark, ranging from windswept mess to just go out of bed.

Background: The calling to the arcane arts came all too early to Fayne. Born as a Renard, a family of minor nobility, it was expected of her to grow into adulthood and be married off to another branch of nobility, ensuring her families growth and prosperity.

Yet things didn't quite turn out that way.

From an early age 'curious' things always seemed to happen around Fayne. Objects would be knocked off shelves, doors slammed shut, strange sounds and smells abounded. Fayne was too young to have been able to do it, though it always happened in her general vicinity. Ultimately, the family (in their infinite wisdom) thought the child possessed by demons and sought out the Church to cleanse her.

It didn't take very long for the clergy to find the truth of the matter. To their surprise, it was found that Fayne possessed the gift of the arcane. She had incredible potential, yet she was far too young to even begin to grasp the subtle intricacies of it all. Thus there was nothing anyone could do but wait.

Fayne's childhood was not a happy one. Her family ostracized her early on, if it weren't for the servants she wouldn't have had any social contact at all. Even then, she was regarded with a certain sense of fear, if not loathing. Mishaps happened regularly, especially when Fayne got upset or sad. In time she simply learned to control her outbursts, focusing her anguish and sadness inward. What emotion she did let out was typically a form of bitter sarcasm. To many people the power of the arcane was seen as a gift, though to Fayne it had been nothing but a curse for most of her young life.

She grew up unhappy and alone, though when she became of age and found out she had a true calling, it had at first given her a glimpse of hope.

When the men in heavy blue robes came and whisked her away from the Renard estate it had all been so exciting. A new life, a new chance to be happy. Yet life as a wizard in training was anything but joyful. Life at Rekkenmark, the citadel of the elite Wizard Circle, was full of rules and regulations, studying and writing, followed by more studying.

While Fayne had potential in the arcane arts, it took years of intense training and practice to cast even the simplest of cantrips. Yet Fayne found solace in her focused studied, a way to lose herself and cope with her wretched childhood.

She excelled and quickly rose through the ranks and circles of her order. Early on she had taken to the school of abjuration, focusing her general distrust and wariness into protective spells and wards. So impressed were her superiors that she was promoted to the rank of Magus of the 2nd circle at the tender age of twenty six. It was an impressive feat, though it was not unjustly due to one who devoted their life to mastering the arcane arts. Her skill and lightning fast acceleration through the ranks did not go unnoticed. Someone of her commendable skill could be put to good use at the court of the King himself, protecting him through the various arcane guards and wards.
I just gave it a basic premise at the moment. Didn't want to go all crazy. Lemme know if it jives well or if there's anything I need to change. :)
Looks great, Katt!

I don't think there is anything that you need to change. Though it does seem that I need to rework the mage's appearance in the opening post so that her specialization is shown better, methinks.

So, when it is that you start working on your intro, feel free to ignore the whole 'exploding heart' thing unless you have a way to justify it (i.e., an extremely powered flashstone). I think we can easily shift the circumstances around to the mage shielding Wil long enough for either her or the rogue to take out the adversary in question.
Okay, working on my priest...

Safe to assume the regular D&D pantheon of gods? Or do u have something else in mind?
Name: Quinn

Age: 132

Class: Cleric/Ranger

Race: Half-Elf

Description and Background: By human standards, Quinn would appear to be in his late thirties, with a full beard that is mostly auburn, like his hair, with enough grey coming in to give him an air of wisdom. The beard is his way of distracting attention from his heritage, though his pointed ears give away the fact he is half-elf. He stands tall, at an even six feet, and is well-built, solid from his former life of adventure and his current position tending the flock in this peasant village, where he spends most of his days helping them with their hard work in the fields.

In his youth, a hundred years ago, there was an undead menace in the area. A vampire warlord had arisen and waged war, raising a horde of zombies from the earth and turning humans into his own vampiric thralls. Quinn had grown up with the elves of the Tanalyn Forest (his own existence the result of a brutal rape of an elf maiden by a human mercenary), and the elves, through their magic, had seen the threat coming. Quinn had been quick to join the ranks of undead-hunters, mastering the tracking arts in conjunction with the art of holy war, summoning the power of Pelor, God of the Sun, to smite down the undead menace of the night.

The things he had seen, and had been forced to do, in those awful years haunt him to this day.

Having never truly been accepted amongst the elves, he had taken to traveling after the war. Most human communities had shunned him as well, for his elven heritage. And so he travelled alone, hiding from his demons, drowning them in ale, barely making ends meet, until he came to the village of Abideen. The villagers there were despondent, poor; their land was suffering a blight. Quinn had gone deep inside himself to rekindle his faith in the gods that day, but through him, they worked a miracle, and the crops began to grow. And the people accepted him into their community, where he has been ever since, for thirty years now.
Name: Cidolfus 'Cid' Gerad

Age: 23

Class: Thief

Race: Human

Description: Cid's build was lean, standing at a mere 5' 8". While smaller in stature than most, his body was still athletic and wiry without the bulk. Medium length messy dark hair sat on top of his head; the bangs sometimes long enough to poke into his steely grey eyes. His face was expressive sometimes to his detriment but his eyes shone with determination for survival. Exposure to the sun and often being covered in dirt, his skin was weather-beaten and made him look a few years older than he really was.

Donning an olive cloak, Cid is normally clad in cheap dirt brown leather armor over a white tunic and tan breeches. Splurging on higher quality leather boots due to his need for exceptional footwork.

Up until the age of six, Cid had a normal life. His father was a hulking man, employed as an infantryman in the king's army while his mother stayed at home taking care of day to day things. Despite his father's large stature, Cid was of a smaller frame, his parents were surprised that he survived his infant years, but it seemed that Cid had a strong determination for survival.

By the time he could walk, his father started to groom him to be a knight, teaching him all he knew. With Cid's below average stature, his father emphasized speed and quickness and started him with a small and simple dagger, four inches long with both sides sharp ending in a keen point. Though at his waist, it humorously looked like a short sword.

Things were modest with his father's meager stipend, but he couldn't complain. He realized things were much better than the orphans he occasionally played with in the streets and eagerly awaited his father's return from each of the king's campaigns.

Until one day his father didn't.

Stricken with grief, his mother committed suicide and Cid, at age six, followed his playmates to the orphanage, clutching his father's dagger so tightly his knuckles were white. A dagger had no place in the orphanage, and was subsequently confiscated despite his objections causing much resentment towards his caretakers. It triggered a period of rebellion in his life which basically destroyed any hope of his adoption. He watched in the shadows as fellow orphans were recruited into the army, or even the King's Military Academy; he didn't get even a second glance the recruiters due to his frame while even a girl was recruited. Albeit she was larger than him even though she was younger.

His survival instincts made him keep to himself for the most part, even though he might've desired company and camaraderie, as it avoided confrontation from the more ruthless larger kids. Adept with slight of hand maneuvers and ever observant of people, he would pilfer whatever food he could safely get his hands on sometimes overestimating his abilities and paying the consequences. Such petty thievery honed his instincts and gave him a flighty nature.

Once he came of age, he was thrown to the streets without any fanfare. He broke back into the orphanage the night after though only to retrieve his dagger that was unceremoniously thrown into storage. Cid tried his best to live an honest life, hopping from one odd job to the next, striving to somehow become someone's apprentice but reverted to thievery to keep his body from shriveling.

Eventually he unknowingly stole from a small street gang and was presented with two options. Die for his actions or put his talents to use. It was an easy decision; he was a survivor and so he survived but he regulated himself to tasks which kept his hands clean; scouting and stealing especially from nobles. It was a life he wasn't proud of but at least it gave him a roof and a full stomach. Well, until the gang was recently swallowed by another one with a more ambitious and violent leader.
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Looks fantastic, everyone! Good work!

@StFornicate - D&D God set works. I didn't have anything else planned.

Feel free to post in the main thread whenever it is that you guys have the time/creative spark. I'm not demanding that anyone rush, we'll just kind of go with whatever flow emerges.

Should be lots and lots of fun!
H'okay. Finally got the chance to get something out. Any feedback is welcome.
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Not that we were in a rush since we're waiting for Story, but I felt obliged to get an opener out there. Of course I wanted it perfect so it took awhile. Enjoy. :)
Yeah sorry about that guys. Thought I'd be able to get more stuff done this weekend but things came up. I'll try to get an intro out tomorrow morning and get this show on the road.
@Katt, Fantastic intro, I love it ^^

@Story, Sounds good! No rush, real life happens.
Thanks to everyone. I'm glad ya'll liked it. I'm psyched. I like everyone's character. Though Quinn reminds me of Tanis from Dragonlance. It's the beard.

And echoing AON on that remark. Don't rush it. Do what you can when you can. I don't think any of us are in a rush.
Thanks to everyone. I'm glad ya'll liked it. I'm psyched. I like everyone's character. Though Quinn reminds me of Tanis from Dragonlance. It's the beard.

And echoing AON on that remark. Don't rush it. Do what you can when you can. I don't think any of us are in a rush.

Well I had to get inspiration from somewhere ;)
Alright, intro done. Hopefully it was coherent. I was looking over it for too long and just went ahead and posted it.
Marvelous intro, StoryTime!

Also...Ramza <3

I should have a response up in the next day or two. Hoping to somewhat map out the quest ahead...

Looking forward to it, everyone! Should be good times.
Marvelous intro, StoryTime!

Also...Ramza <3

I should have a response up in the next day or two. Hoping to somewhat map out the quest ahead...

Looking forward to it, everyone! Should be good times.

He gets to be a bad guy this time around. :D I'm terrible with names so might as well keep the FFT flowing. Be warned!
Ramza? A bad guy?

I refuse to believe it!

Yeah, I guess I started the whole 'use fft' names thing, eh? Try not to go too overboard; I'm already considering Ramza an unsung hero, which I probably shouldn't. XD

Hoping to get some writing in today but it'll likely be tomorrow. Double shift'd :(
Haha no its just me having creative block with names. I'll keep it to a minimum... Well at least with FFT. :p

No rush. Slow and steady is fine by me. Hope you survive the double shift with your mind intact!
I'm mostly intact XD

I'm going to have to delay again, though. Sorry guys, I've just had too much going on lately. Hopefully Sunday!