OOC casting call for "On the Set"


sexual catalyst
Sep 3, 2000
Not sure if I've ever seen this before, but thinking about all the romances that theoretical start while filming a movie I figured I'd give it a shot. Going to start with eight basic characters and add as necessary, plus there are always 'extras' that can be played with and assistants as time goes on.

So the basic cast would be

Romantic Lead Male actor:
Lead Female actress:
Male antogonist actor: Gary Savant (poohlive)
Creative consultant: Intriguess (and the person who wrote the book the screenplay is based on) as Ann Ross
Camera Person:
Hair and make up person:

Try and fit the person to the job, and you may choose a known actor to play as if you wish. There will also be a gender balance of 4 females to 4 males even though gender has not been specified on the roles to give everyone more choices.
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I'll take the antagonist if you don't mind.
A 34 year old actor, who has steadily been in movies most of his adult life. He came to hollywood as a young man, 19 or so, started in low budget and independant films, and then got work in bigger and better features until now he is taken fairly seriously.
He isn't any Mel Gibson or Tom Hanks, but he averages a few million a picture, so he's no Pauly Shore either.

Gary Savant.
Brown hair, dashing hazel puppy dog eyes.
I think I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Hee hee, he'll be in his trailer until everyone else is here and ready to start.
Melanie (Millie) Peters

Age: 24
Height: 5 ft 6
Hair: Long wavy auburn
Eyes: green
Status: single
Orientation: straight
Sexual experiences: few previous boyfriends, nothing "serious"
Education: college - theatre studies, beautician

Millie has worked succesfully on a series of low budget films.
She has been employed to co-ordinate makeup/hair on this new project.

She's considered flexible, hardworking and tactful re: the "egos" she has met thus far in the business.

(Hope this is ok?)

DM x

i'd like to try as the intern

Lorrie Davis
age: 18yo
black hair
brown eyes
had a few boyfriends but nothing ever went very far with that

always dreamt of being part of hollywood
her parents objected of course so the first chance
she got, she got out and moved to the city
now she's doing odd jobs around the set, hoping to
learn some tricks and get her first big break

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Romantic Lead Male actor: Brad Rivers (Arkontheroof)
Lead Female actress:
Male antogonist actor: Gary Savant (poohlive)
Director Male:
Creative consultant: Ann Ross (intriguess)
Camera Person Male:
Hair and make up person: Millie Peterson (Deliscous Maiden)
Intern: Lorrie Davis (virgin rose)

So we need two more guys and one more gal before I'll start things going. *smile* Good to see plenty of interest.

PS I loved memento and just saw guy pierce in count of monte crisco

good to have you aboard.
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Brad Rivers (Lead)

This is Brad's first movie role: having starred as the "early-twenties heart-throb" in a network TV soap, and released two moderately successful singles and an album on the back of this, the last year has been barren for him, and his agent has landed him this role in the hopes of reinvigorating his flagging career. This is his chance to prove he can act - which perhaps he can't - and he's approaching the movie with a mixture of arrogance and fear, aware that he's really going to have to work at this and trying not to admit that, maybe, he can't do it. Hopefully his male-model looks, whiter-than-white smile, and a good director, will pull him through. Oh - and he's definately, definately kicked his cocaine habbit... for the moment.

Age: 26
Physically: Average hight and build, white with brown hair, well toned, once outstanding boyish good looks begining to fade.
Sexual experience: eratic (a deluge of encounters during his glory-years, with droughts on either side)
Orientation: Straight... so far

- Ark
By the way...

My idea for Brad was based on Guy Pearce, by the way - who somehow went from "dodgy Australian soap star" to acclaim in Momento etc. - though Brad has yet to prove that he has the tallent. The idea can be adapted if needed.
*clapping my hands jumping up and down excited as a school girl*

just a few more people to go
Reid Hassel - Camera Operator

Can I play :)
Reid Hassel
Age: 24
Height: 5'11
Hair: shaved

Reid is a Medium build man with dark brown skin that match his eyes.

He studied film and television in New York then relocated to LA with aspirations of becoming a screen writter and director. However life didn't really work out that well for him, after shopping several scripts and doing a few short-short films that left him in deep debt Reid managed to land a camera operator job at the studio.

He has a strong work ethic and often arrives early to check the equipment and stays late, hoping to sneak some time in the editing rooms to finnish putting together one of his own short docu-dramas "memories of the beat" about the last calif. desert raves.

he tends to dress on the practical side. He realizes that this might be his oly chance to develop any kind of studio contacts that could help him achive his goals of writing and directing. Thus he goes out of his way to be a perfectionist, checking and double checkign everything, treating the camera as an extension of his own body. He is also careful not to step on any toes, unless he thinks the gains would out weigh the risks.
Romantic Lead Male actor: Brad Rivers (Arkontheroof)
Lead Female actress:
Male antogonist actor: Gary Savant (poohlive)
Director Male:
Creative consultant: Ann Ross (intriguess)
Camera Person Male: Reid Hassel (Black Apollo)
Hair and make up person: Millie Peterson (Deliscous Maiden)
Intern: Lorrie Davis (virgin rose)

Just need one more guy and one more gal, but I think I'll start the thread and I'll call it

On the Set

and just have the lead female actress and director delayed because of overcrowded flights or schedule conflict or soemthing
Ok...I'm jumping in as the female lead

5'7, a curvy 150, long straight dark hair, big brown eyes. Has had quite a successful time in her acting career and has the attitude to show for it. She really didn't want this role, but took it just because she *owed* someone a favor.


I walk onto the set, still steaming from the totally rude treatment I received on the plane. Who did they think they were? I was Lauryn, no last name, but who needs one when you're as famous as me? The imbeciles on the plane hadn't reserved me a first class seat so I was stuck in coach between a fat woman and her snotty kids. And, now, here I was on the set of this dead end movie. This shit wasn't going to do anything for me. I swore never to promise anything to anyone ever again.

I'm going to be away for a few day's break, so won't be able to post until the very end of this week.

If the thread starts, I'll post ASAP!

Enjoy everyone!

DM x
the thread is runnning except the lead male went into his trailor put a n0ote on door about coffee and the intern did not pick up on what i considered a hint.

so virgin rose make some coffee and go see if Arkontheroof needs anything, anything at all
since when??

I wasn't aware the thread was running?

Do I need to go search or is there a link?

character name!

Melanie (Millie) Peters - Delicious Maiden

How come I was the only one not to know we'd started??

good luck!

Ok.. done a quick read... don't see a natural opening for me and as it's two pages old I don't think my charrie is needed!

Withdrawing - good luck with it!

virgin_rose said:
sorry i didn't get the message faster about the coffee...


No problems - I put it there to be picked up or ignored as people chose... if you're running with it I'll see what I can add...

- Ark
No Director...

If we have no director, then... any suggestions...? Maybe the day's shooting gets cancelled?
it's funnny i just wrote that the director was fogged in, in chicago and wouldn't be out til tomorrow and his assistant is trying to call everyone....*grin*

which reminds me if anyone is interested in being the director or an extra now would be a good time to sign up