OOC: Call for one talented male writer OR multiple male writers - 3 Valentines …


Literotica Guru
Apr 22, 2002
OOC - 3 Valentines … A Fairy Tale for Modern Times …


3 valentines are received by a young student all anonymous, but signed as if by characters from Beauty and the Beast.
The use of the name Isabelle – link to Belle and the recent pantomime role taken by our female protagonist are ‘tenuous’ plot wise and as such follow the contrivances of a classic fairy tale.

Publicity Photo re: Pantomime

The true focus of this story however is the character of each of the valentine senders.

The first challenge for the potential co-writer(s) is to PM me their actual valentine as their first post. The nature of each valentine is alluded to in the first in character post, however they are as followed:

The Valentine signed Your Prince – is romantic and admiring in style – all hearts, flowers and charm …

The Valentine signed Your Beast – has a ‘dark’ quality and a somewhat threatening/challenging quality – to be decided by the writer …

The Valentine signed Avenant – refers to the Gaston character in the Disney films in that the sender is assured that he and he alone is the right ‘catch’ and has the perfect personal profile to prove irresistible to Izzy. … and if not, then he will stop at nothing to eliminate competition or even to coerce the object of his affections into acceptance.

So…. That’s the starting point … how to proceed?

The content of the story will be about Isabelle aka Izzy trying to work out who her admirers are which of them sent which Valentine and then of course ultimately being faced with a choice of which suitor is more to her tastes.

The male writer(s) challenge is to provide clues and persuade Isabelle to pick them over the other possible suitors.


This could be written by two or three writers which would enhance the competitive nature of the posts, but could be problematic re: consistency and posting frequency/cross-over etc.

Alternatively, one talented male writer would write all 3 characters – In this way I would not know which character is which and as Isabelle would have to work out the clues as written. Also there would be less issues of continuity and more than one suitor could be present in any scene.

Hopefully there is someone out there who would like the challenge of writing very different character types.

I do also have another idea re: the benefits of one male writing the 3 character, but would communicate this via PM if there is anyone out there who would like to consider taking those 3 roles on.

How to apply?

If you’re interested in writing one or more male character would you please PM me sending me the contents of the Valentine that you send to Isabelle (Izzy) as the starter.
Remember there are no limits as to who you can be or how you know Isabelle.
The less I know of your character’s identity in advance, the better.

Like you, I would love the challenge of finding out who is who and choosing what form that Happy Ever After … will take.

Thank you for reading!
Delicious Maiden aka Marianne x :rose:
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Valentine received from Avenant:

The Valentine signed Avenant – refers to the Gaston character in the Disney films in that the sender is assured that he and he alone is the right ‘catch’ and has the perfect personal profile to prove irresistible to Izzy. … and if not, then he will stop at nothing to eliminate competition or even to coerce the object of his affections into acceptance.

Characters still to be filled by one or two writers are:

The Valentine signed Your Prince – is romantic and admiring in style – all hearts, flowers and charm …

The Valentine signed Your Beast – has a ‘dark’ quality and a somewhat threatening/challenging quality – to be decided by the writer …

How to apply?

If you’re interested in writing one or both of these male character would you please PM me sending me the contents of the Valentine that you send to Isabelle (Izzy) as the starter.

Remember there are no limits as to who you can be or how you know Isabelle.
The less I know of your character’s identity in advance, the better.

When I have my two other admirers I will post the Valentines so that readers do not know which character is which. Hopefully this will keep readers guessing and guide them to learn about these three protagonists along with Isabelle as they are made known to her ...

Thank you for continuing to read along!
Delicious Maiden aka Marianne x :rose:
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Interest shown, but Prince/Beast not yet cast...

Valentine received from Avenant:

The Valentine signed Avenant – refers to the Gaston character in the Disney films in that the sender is assured that he and he alone is the right ‘catch’ and has the perfect personal profile to prove irresistible to Izzy. … and if not, then he will stop at nothing to eliminate competition or even to coerce the object of his affections into acceptance.

Characters still to be filled by one or two writers are:

The Valentine signed Your Prince – is romantic and admiring in style – all hearts, flowers and charm …

The Valentine signed Your Beast – has a ‘dark’ quality and a somewhat threatening/challenging quality – to be decided by the writer …

How to apply?

If you’re interested in writing one or both of these male character would you please PM me sending me the contents of the Valentine that you send to Isabelle (Izzy) as the starter.

Remember there are no limits as to who you can be or how you know Isabelle.
The less I know of your character’s identity in advance, the better.

When I have my two other admirers I will post the Valentines so that readers do not know which character is which. Hopefully this will keep readers guessing and guide them to learn about these three protagonists along with Isabelle as they are made known to her ...

Thank you for continuing to read along!
Delicious Maiden aka Marianne x :rose:

Avenant and Prince cast ...

Awaiting Beast-valentine then will confirm we're 'ready to go' ...

3 male roles cast ...

Many thanks to all of you who expressed an interest in this story and in taking on one of the characters described.

I have now cast the 3 male characters, so this thread is now closed to the 4 of us.

I will post to the IC Thread within the next 24 hours and PM players after I have done so to confirm the start of the story.

I do hope this will be enjoyable to write and read.

Thank you for reading so far ...

DM aka Marianne :rose:
Story started ...

Hi to my co-writers: hastobedone, DavidAnders & Bevatoria

Please find the first new post to our thread here.

I have written Isabelle's movements for that Valentine's day up to her finding and reading those three cards.

I have not put in your names so that readers can try to match card and character as this story progresses.

I described 3 types of envelopes, but did not match any specifc card to either.
If you want to 'claim' any mode of delivery as yours, then please do so on first to post/claim basis, however how the card got there does not have to be significant.
What is important is probably the fact that they all know where Isabelle lives!

Any of you can post in any order. I'll address any queries via PM.
Just posting this here to set us all off. Perhaps any plot queries might be best kept away from readers, however feel free to post here re: any comments which can be shared publically without divulging too much about the story ...

My next post will be Isabelle going about her day ... of course with the knowledge that she has admirers out there ... but before that it might be good to post something to introduce your character without divulging whether you are Prince, Avenant or Beast...

Many thanks for sharing this!
Mari x :rose:
Post Edit...

Hi to my three co-writers!

Many thanks for fantastic first posts!

I have posted Isabelle's next installment - 15th Feb, however please note that though I do always proof read there were some issues I did not pick up shortly after midnight when I originally posted my reply. I have addressed these this morning (UK time) and edited accordingly to improve the clarity and detail.

If you read the earlier version, then please check my reply once more...

In the meantime if there is anything you want me to add/edit to this account or include in the future, then please pm ...

Happy writing!

Marianne x :rose:

(Great post Bev ... thank you ... gives David something to respond to! *ggls* )

As I don't think the link with the press release showing Isabelle's appearance worked, I have found an alternative visual which I hope you'll all like.

I thought I'd post it here as a link for your reference.
Do let me know if it doesn't work and I'll try to get it to you all via private message.


Mari x :rose:

Hiya all,

Noticing that hastobedone seems to have been off the boards since the beginning of March. Thinking I'll push this on a bit and move to after the lecture and take Isabelle off to the library.

We can incorporate Mr Pearce back into the storyline when he gets time to get back to join us?

What do you think?

Mari x :rose:
Thanks.. not wanting to push anyone out or run on too far, just thought it might free up the storyline if I did so...

Mari x :rose:
Hi All,

I know that Bev is still out there, but I seem to have lost David Anders and hastobedone.

Please PM me if you wish to continue, otherwise unfortunately I fear that this thread will have to reach a premature end ...

Mari :rose: