OOC: Black Ops: A new breed


Many of One
Mar 22, 2002
*"I'm going to die! God damn it I'm going to die." I looked up at this crazed woman. One shot to the arm and she gose crazzy. I slap her. "Calm down!" I finish wraping the bandage around her arm. "Take this." I hand her my side arm. "Go to the garage and wait there. I got a demon to kill."*

Black Ops are mebers of the bigest conspericay ever. They hunt Demons, Vampires, gaint bugs, and anything else the company dosen't want you to know about.

The company it self has several branches each capable of operateing by its self if need be. They are ran with revalries between each branch but at the same time there are few misions that are made from members of only one branch. The branches are as fallow.

Combat: Find the enemy and make it dead. They don't get along with Science and Security. Most people see this branch as a bunch of people with out the brain power for the other jobs.

Security: Security's job is to maintain the conspericay and protect it's mebers. They have at least one member on ever mision with the power to call in for back up, or abort as needed. They don't fight with any group but no branch likes them.

Science: Learn more about the enemy. They normally sponsure misions that involve captureing Aleins demons and anything else that is hard to capture. They normally act as the doctors on missions. They hate combat ops who normally kill what they are trying to catch. They hate security who tends to argue with Idea's for traps.

Intelegence: This branch handles all the social stuff. Most mebers of this branch act like James bond. They are on great terms with Technology and hate security. Techies ive them cool gadgets and security normally says don't use them.

Technology: They build all the gear and run most of the front comapanys. They normally don't go on misions thinking that it's to dangerous, however if they can get there hands on Alien gear they'll be happy to come out or if your useing one of there new machines they'll come along to see what gose wrong. Inteligence loves them for makeing cool gadgets. All other don't respect them they tend to be in the worst shape (Wich is still pritty damn impresive). They have a tendecies to say things like "This will work but, don't use it on full power and also make shure these wires don't cross and...."

All agents are in excellent phsical shape and are trained to user rifles, hand guns, knives, and unarmed combat.
The enemy

Wigglers: Any sort of giant bug. Many where created in the typical scif fi concept, chemical spills and atomic bombs

Greys: The classic aleins with the back eyes, big heads, three fingers, and twig like bodys. They comunicate with a psycic code. there range is only two miles or less. They also have a phermone system which has recently been discovered in one of the largest fuckups ever under taken. They are decended from hunters and spit acid to digest the food. There coriostiy is one of the two driveing forces behind them. They are the type to clone a t-rex and mark down the sounds it make eating. There second driveing force is to reproduce. See plot below.

Avatar: This is the race of aliens that where here historicly. They created the brain worms and used them in some form still undergoing research. They left or died off no one knows which.

Dinosours: These guys have survived extenction. That or the greys cloned them to see what they behave like while feeding. A t-rex was a big suprise in a mission 50 years ago sense then Dinosours have been killed or captured in some 30 misions. They range from Big old Rex down to Trisaratops.

Brain worms: These little creatures get under your skin and then eat there way threw your nerves up into your brain. Once there the mind gose dormant and the worm takes charge. It will avoid contact with people as much as possible and after about 3 months it will have reproduced several times and deposit the soon to be dead host in a layer of mind worms as food. They can talk and have access to all the knowedge of the host. The Avatar had some way of controling them and used them to manipulate society.

Demons: A group of creture that where already here have been given the name of demons. No two seem to be alike some look human others look like gaint humoid lizards with bull horns. They all tend to be evil though earning the name demons.
The plot

When the greys came they didn't do it on purpose. They crashed here. In the crash all of the Females on there ship died. They sent out a distress call but there is still another 20 years before it should reach there home world. Considering that the greys have been here for 50 years as is they are starting to feel a need to reproduce. Infact they started feeling that need 20 years ago. They keep on kidnaping human girls and trieing difrent things to get them to conceive, every atempt so far has felled.

On a small Island off in the atlantic ocean they have set up a base with about 100 kidnaped women. The The island has sevral small towns and one French embasy. The comapny has made this mision expecting to kill off more greys then anything else.

The company beleaves if there are no Greys here when there resecue singal reaches there home world then they won't bother earth. Also they don't want to think about what might the greys do if they are finally able to reproduce here.
ok I'll give it a try

Name: Shawn Shirical


rank: combat private

Fighting style: Street fighting and karate

Weapons: shirikuns, brod sword, sniper bow gun, and renergade poll.

Bio: I'll give one later if you need one cats.
He survived boot camp thats story enough.

More info.

People who discover the conspericy normally wind up with some sort event to discredit them, or dead. In the case of an event that only last for a few hours they can be given the coctail. (A specail type of drug developed by the Science Ops.) The cocktail will make that time seem extremyl blury and the person who drank it will wake up with one hell of a hang over.

There are also Psy Ops. There aren't to many active in the field, most have telapthy and are tought the grey code. This normally results in burn out and going awol. To reduce that they are given normal missions every once in a while. People with Telekinesis are rarer still but are far less likely to go crazzy. Theres a rule that says psy ops can't read other ops minds. It's rumored that there are psy ops that only go around looking for ops that read other ops minds, so fear from punishment keeps ops obeying this rule.

The acadamey is where each op starts. The first year is very rigorous involveing several weeding drill made to have ops "drop out". Second year begins compition where ops a rated for athletic abilty and mental abilty. (The idea here is that ops compete and push them selves harder. They do mostly Chess for mental and either Rugby or swiming for phsical.) They are then drafted into a department, normally one of there first three choices, the exception being those that scored real low the second year. The last three years are spent in departmentilized training. The only way out is to die trying to get in (At least 30% of recruits die training to get in. About 15% are from weeding drills the first year.)
A techie freak. He spends most of his time in the lab, dabbling with alien and organic technology. At this point, he's trying to create stronger clothing that protects from most attacks and is lightweight.

Weapons would mostly be phasers, maybe some high tech alien hybrid stuff. Are there any details about alien technology, and weapons?

27 or so. Athletic, a bit of a nerd, but that goes without saying.
Well phasors are a litte advanced for this thread. Some how weapons sliped my mind.

Modern weapons are they arms used by most ops. Many of the ops that have been around for a while have custoim made pistoles and rifles with a great deal of acuracy.

Lassers are availible but unrelible.

The highest tech thing ops use is the Man Portable Rail Gun. (MPRG.) Also known as the shotgun for superman. Most non combat ops can't carry the thing. So it has an arm that ataches at the waist. Very poplur for dino hunts.

6 mm sniper rifle. A slightly lager ammo makes it a shure thing to kill humans in one shot.

Next there are EMGL's (Rail gun grenade launchers.) There are two type that mounts under the barel of a rifle and the type that is a seprate unit.

Vibro blades: Blade vibrates at super sonic speeds makeing it more efective. This is normally used on knives.

Ops normally have a facination with guns. Something they picked up at the acadamey and have access to flamethowers, grenade launcher, rocket launchers, ect. So you pick the gun and an op probably uses it.

Greys have more advance tech. Monowire blades, particle canons, rainbow lasers (They fire ultra violet rays for better range in space.) They main choice however are a heater jet for acid (I did mentionm they spit acid right?) and gauss nedelers.
Sounds good, give me a laser sighted Deagle, and one of those Vibro blades on a cutlass, and I'm ready to go.
A techies build all the gear any ways.

I think I'll start the thread soon. Maybe more people will bite then.

Name: Edward Thorndike
Branch: Security
Hair: Short brown
Eyes: brown
Clothing: Typical black suite. Complete with sunglasses.
Build: A mediam build mostly mucle like all ops.
Age: 27
Gear: 2 silenced colt 45, Vibro knife, and Med kit.

Bio: Born in Lasvegas Nevada, he was drafted at the age of 17 and went threw boot camp his low scores the second year ment he was not picked to be a inteligence op like he wanted to be. As a member of the security branch he was trained in aspects of the other branches. He took three foregn languages with the inteligence ops and the medical corses of the science ops.

Speacks: english, french, spanish, and german.

It kept sliping my mind but combat ops are trained to build nukes. It's never come to that point yet. Theory is that they won't be needed til it gets closer to the time the greys rescue crew shows up.

Also Pooh would you add Chirstin to your inventory. It's a plam pilot comp with a satilite link. All techies have one and all techies tend to share information freely. So one Tech op's reseach can be used by all other tech ops. Also has access to all files witch make in useful when your trying to figure out the best way to fry a gaint bug, and not get cought.
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Specail forces

Combat- has the crade, a group that really really hates demons and keeps membership down to about 45. These 45 have reps as the most efective killing machines. One even shot a security op for aborting a mision that he felt they could finish. That op is now in a prison, (Company thinks they can still use him.)

Tech- has the phreacks. This isn't an oficail unit, they quite simply call themselves a phreak. No one really cares for this group so there kinda excluded socaily. They claim to be able to bypass any security sistem and curently sport a perfect record of misions.

Security- has the "Wall" 20 security ops are in this group. These people are the best trained ops and the only ones that know the idenity of the 10 argus members (Companys head.)

Science- dosen't have any group. How ever they do have the best train ops in medicain. It's not uncomon to hear some one say "Don't worry the doc's comeing." when there talking about a science op.

Inteligence- They have a set of specail full time operatives that stay around key figures in the goverment, such as President of the U.S., prime minsiter of france, ect.
Room for One More?

I like the sound of the Psy Ops so I submit for your approval~

Name: Stacy Hampton
Branch: Psy Ops
Age: 23
Eyes: Grey~almost sliver in appearance
Hair: Silver/Blonde
Build: Stands 5' 7", lean build, more muscular than she appears because she visits the gym often working out to ease the mental strain of the job.

Bio: Parents are unknown. Her 'gifts' of telepathy and telekensis were discovered early in life making her parents fearful that she would get out of control and be a danger to them. Sent to an orphanage she was then checked into a mental hospital because she complained about 'not being able to shut out the voices' and was considered mentally ill. Rescued from being a patient there for the rest of her life by Black Ops she was trained to control her unique talents and sent out into the field.
Sounds good to me.

I must of not mentioned it or maybe I didn't make it clear. So I'll say it now. Psy ops are members of one of the other branches. Maybe intelligence telepathy would work real well in that feild. The other feilds work as well too.
Okay, gotcha. Lets say she is part of Intelligence and I will go ahead and post then.
Tomoe "Tom" Yoshinaka

Thanks Cats. I am really looking forward to writing again after being away for some time. As requested in your email, here is the character.

Name: Tomoe “Tom” Yoshinaka
Branch: Science- Female Medical Operative (Psy Op abilities known only with her branch)
Age: 22
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 100lbs (when fully clothed and dripping wet)
Build: petite and slender
Eyes: light brown
Hair: waist-length and jet black in color, usually worn in a single braid

Description: Though deceptively delicate looking, Tomoe “Tom” Yoshinaka is very quick and agile. A proud member of the Science team, she is one of the youngest to graduate as a fully qualified medical officer. Already, skilled in emergency and combat medicine, Tomoe reserves uses of her psy skills to locate wounded or more often to shut down the pain receptors of the wounded and dying. (Very few outside of the branch know of her psy capabilities since the usage is so subtle and rare.)

Because of her vows as a medical doctor, Tomoe loathes any killings, even that of the enemy. As a Science op, her goal is to learn as much as she can about the enemy and as such she often clashes with combat and security ops on missions in regards to keeping an enemy alive. Her classified goal in the branch is to use her psy skills in addition to her medical training to learn more about the Greys. (She has yet to accomplish this since combat ops usually end up killing everything before she can get a full reading.)

Strengths: In addition to her skills as a medical-psy operative, Tomoe is trained in an ancient form of Asiatic medicine which uses bodily pressure points to save the severely injured even when there is no medical equipment or supplies.

Weaknesses: Tomoe barely passed weapons and combat. She can use a gun for self-defense but that’s it. Her small size and strength is a huge disadvantage in hand to hand combat. With her innate sense of curiosity coupled with the obsession of all Science ops to learn more, Tomoe forgets about her own safely much to the consternation of Security ops assigned with her on the same mission. She is more often considered a hazard by the Combat and Security branches though she carries the best record of any Science Op in keeping her assigned mission team alive.
Which brings up an interesting question. Would two Psys be awar of each other when they met? Will my char be able to tell that Tom is a Psy and vice versa?
My opion would be if they read each others file or had worked with each other or even just herd about each other the should know. Since there are few psy ops theres a good chance of any one of these.

As for detecting each others powers. I fgure that only would happen if there powers are being used.
Seriously, Cats, most of us are either in the coference room, or on the way, can we just get briefed on the mission so we can all start off together and have some fun?
Thats the confrence room? Sorry, I thought it was a resting room. I misread it a couple posts ago. Sorry about makeing every one wait.
Well he can figure out whats going on by flying on the plain. Its a private plain by the way.
Can't you just send the guy to his sisters room? He missed it for an reason.
Do you mean Edward or your Chara.... I don't have the names down just yet.
Stacy is headed toward the hanger area. Have someone deliver you a last minute assignment and then catch up to her. She will fill you in.