OOC: 8Kigndooms.com


Many of One
Mar 22, 2002
"Cyberspace such a strange place. I can't imagine what it'd be like to live there. Can you, Emmily?"

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you been watching 8Kingdooms?"

"I don't go in for fads."

"Emmily, it's not a fad if it's been around for 20 years."

"I don't care for the entire concept. Sports are fine but this isn't a sport it's a war."

"Oh come on it's a game no one even gets hurt. It's all in cyber space after all."

"How would you like it if you were one of the ones to wind up there?"

"I wish it would happen, life there is so grand. I watch it where ever I can."

"Hey now don't say that rember once your there, your there for good. I mean think about it. You give up every one you love, your freinds your fammily. Your entire life is destroyed and for what? The entertainment of a bunch of people that have nothing better to do."

"So your saying you wouldn't want to go there?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. The place is a trap for your soul. What happens when people stop watching and the entire thing shuts down. Life becomes completely meaingless."
Sorry if my opening was a bit long.

8Kingdooms.com is an online web show. It's considered the final stage of real TV. People give up there bodys for one fast action realtime video game, and they don't do it boy choice most of the time. The end result is pure drama with thousands of players, men and women, young and old, heros and villains. People watch it and cheer for there favorit players, weather there 20 year vets or first day newbies.

Now who do we play as. Just watching and talking about it will get dull right? Thats why were playing as those traped inside. The world of the players is as realalistic as the matrix, but with a fantasy feel to it. (Unlike the matrix dodge bullets has nothing to do with how fast you think it actully deals with your skills at the game and how leveled up you are.

The players are taken from hospitals, and prisons. Lifers with good behavor are aloud to take this as there sentence. In some cases the company owners will take the insane and stick them in the game for drama. Criticly injured pateints at certin hospitals are put here if they where likely to die. There minds are transfered to the game and then there bodys are disposed of. In all cases it only takes one person to sign away the life of the player and put them in the game. For legal reasons they don't take healthy and free people.

Once in the game they are given a side. The eight sides are Shadow, Light, fire, water, earth, wind, steel, chosmos. They get a slight edge when useing there sides element. They absorb damage of there element and can use weapons and spells alined with them for more damage.

They then choose a class or in the case of fire asigned a class. The classes have a tree depending on the stats the player aquires. At the start there are four options Infantry (combat), Scout (Speed and endurance), Aprentace mage (Magic), or Convoymen (Wealth and gear).

Then they begin there travels. They are assigned missions from the heads of there kingdoms sometimes direct ones other times long running ones. Whenever they are killed they return to there capitol with a penalty to there level. Coarse most the time they still are stronger then when they set out last. At there capitol they can change classes once more, into more powerfull and exoctic fighters.
This seems like an interesting concept, but what makes the different sides special? What magics do they use? etc.
Okay for the most part there is no difrence between the sides. Save for two things Magic weapons and spells of your side are stronger when you use them roughly 1.5 times as strong. Also a person from the shadow kingdom absorbs shadow spells and heals when they are cast on him.

The second difrence is all political. Steel for example have a caste system. They choose who you work with, where you work, your class, what sort of equipment is available to you. So there great when your pretty strong and got a rep going. If your a newbie you'll get your ass kicked.

Now if you have a popular chara the game give you better equipment in chests from fallen monsters and so forth. Steel will actully take away gear from newbies and give it to better qualified fighters.

Shadow is quite difrent from what people would expect. The curent ruller is a very nice young lady andd as a result they are fighting only one person. Her rival the ruler of the kingdom of light, who is trying to organize a system like steels.

I could go into detail and add to the kingdoms but if I map everything out about all 8 countrys then it will be less fun for every one else.

The big thing here is classes. I have some extremely powerful classes and chara's in mind, you see power is only barely effected by where you come from. Class and level deteremins your skills.

Cybred for example is a high level class in the endurace feild. They are limited to useing organic armor but have the power to double there size, grow a thick exoskelaton, complete with an organic larger version of the weon they where useing, and just all around kick butt. The down side is that they use there endurace much faster when in this form. Thats why this class is only availble to those that have a very high endurance.

Magic comes in several forms with aliments the same as the kingdoms above. Any one can caste a spell of any aliment in particular cosmos's healing spells are comon, but they are much stronger at casting spells of there own side.

Spells also come in the form of items with charges and objects with perament effects such as more power or speed. These are embodied in gems, runes and similar items.

Then we have sumons. These are comon to the point where any one thats been playing for a year or so has one or more. Still it's unlikely any one has ten. I use the FF summons for names and a quick idea of what they look like. They are also found in runes and they have three ways of working.

1 Attack summons. The creature comes and dose an attack or single action to help you out always the same one too.

2 Allied summon. The creature comes and works for you for as long as your magic holds out or you don't send them away. Example Rydia want to get to a ledge so she sumons a silver dragon to fly here there. The most powerful summoned monsters can't be found in this form.

3 Fused summon. These ones drain magic and phsyical stanima when in use. Those with out magic just lose stanima three times faster. You fuse with the creature gaining all it's power and skills and not loseing any of your own. One or two high level monsters have summon of this type. These are the rarest of the summons, well they are when you get into bahamut, phenix, and other strong monsters. Half a dosen people have a slyph version of this.

There is a sumoner class and depending on there level they can use the first to summon types and really really high level ones can use the third type.

Lastly certin classes have the psy skills instead of magic. While they lose magic they can manipulate their energy and the energy of those around them. It quite powerful and unlike magic which has a seprate resitence, this gose against there phsical defense. Makeing these skill great for use against mages.
This sounds good. What do I have to do to create a characte for this thread?
Oh one last note. There are certin charas that have been more or less disowned. Some nuts for example or those that find a reason to hate there side. These guys wander around with out a mission in mind.

And it is quite possible to form groups with players from another kingdom.

There's three difrent spots a chara could be. He could be completely new to the world. he may of been there for several months and have some skill. Or he could be in one very high level class and walk around fighting groups of lesser foes single handedly. (But if you start at this last level the chara's won't have much improvement over the coarse of the thread.)

Next pic a side. Describe your guy. Hair, eye color, what they look like. Keep in mind there is no need to look like they did in the real world, they could realy look like anything. Just keep it humaniod. No working wings or grabing tails. If you wanted tiny bat wings though thats doable. Also note the player only has limited control on what he or she looks like.

Oh and I got a quick explanation on levels to give you a better understanding of how they work in this world. Each person has two levels. A chara level, witch improves stats based on what they curently are, and a Class level wich improve stats based on the classes shape.

Example Nick first was a magic aprentice. So he started off with high stats in magic, and low stats else where. He gained several class levels and several chara levels. He then switched to the scout class. This means he kept all his aquired stats, but now when he levels up in class he gets more endurance. When he levels up as a chara though he still improves in magic because high stats are magic. Given enough time he would gain a lot of endurace and still maintain a good edge in magic sense he steadily moves up there. But had he stayed as the mage he would be far more capable in magic.
I don't know if there is quite enough detail, really...

I'd like to know what the kingdoms are like, where magic is supposed to come from, whether there is religion or not, how much people know about the outside world -- and how the heck people on Earth were able to do this in the first place. Is this place an actual alternate reality or something?

Also... advancing classes, etc... doesn't seem like it would really work in a situation where people thought they were actually living real lives. People must know they're playing a game, right? Or else "levelling up" wouldn't really make sense, would it? How does that sort of stuff happen? And more importantly, how would WE, the players, keep track of it on an BB?

The world just seems big and a little too empty for its size so far... and why's everyone a mercenary, following missions, anyway? The blatant elemental partitioning is a bit intimidating when the source of magic is unclear...

Heh heh, this world is too overwhelming to someone with nihilistic tendencies... a meaningless world inside a meaningless world? I think my head'll explode. :p

Anyway, I think this campaign would be much more intriguing if there was more background information...

...this might make a better MMORPG than a BB rpg... >_<
Damn Jacobo tare me apart why don't you.

Okay the players lived in the real world before they where put here. SO they are quite aware that they are being manipulated.

The world has several million players of various ages. Genders and the like and not all are mercenarys. Some sit around and do very little. Soem supply stores, some make gear, some mine, and even the royal member of each kingodm is a high level player. The fact that there traped there motivates many of them. Most of the groups I mentioned are in the Diplomat section (The one labeled weath and equipment above.)

Sense it's a vidoe game magic needs no explanation it is simply there. Infact it's not really magic its just accessing difrent computer files.

Religion is there sense the people come from allsorts of religions just about every type is there. Also the fact there traped in a vidoe game has an effect. Many people give up there faith becuase there souls are stucked there.

The real world here almost has no effect other then existing. If you find some way to use it thats good, but for the most part it's background info. There world is like an earth 30 years from now. The only major thing is they figured out how to put a persons mind into a computer.

Lastly I don't want to get into levels and stats it's just there to give you an idea of how 8kingdoms works. Hopefully when you encounter some one that has high magic and high fighting skills you can figure out two things, he has swicthed feilds atleast once (From fighting to Magic or vice versa.) and he has a high level. But for the most parts there is no way numbers are going to get involved. Just keep in mind if your opnet has only been a maigc user and is at the same level you shouldn't be able to cast speels beter then his. Infact he should have more magic power then you.

Any other questions?