Online make-up help


Jan 20, 2002
I am hoping there is a lady here who would have the time to give me hints, tips and tricks to applying make-up. I am an older gentleman who has had this desire for awhile and there is no time like now to get started. It is in the interchange that we learn so much about ourselves. Thank you for viewing this and hopefully you are having a great day.
First question is: are you trying to look like an enhanced version of yourself as a male like actors do, or are you trying to look like a woman?

Foundation is pretty straight forward for both genders; use it to even out your skin tone, not to change your skin color, or use it to fill in wrinkles. Stallone and tommy lee jones have looked dreadful in their last few movies because foundation was applied with a shovel, and it was the wrong damn color. You said you're in your 50s, you're going to have some lines, period. Choose a color that matches your natural tone. As far as lines, use moisturizers at night. Also, make sure to wash it all off, since your skin isn't used to it, you could break out. Oh, almost forgot, (I actually had to come back up from mascara), foundation does NOT!!!! end at your jaw. Blend it down to your neck.

Lipstick: right now colored gloss is more in fashion for real women. I like a lipstick with a matching lip gloss. Using a pencil will define your mouth and help keep you in lines. Go along the natural line of the lip. I'm sure you've seen women who think they can make their lips look like Angelina Jolie by drawing them with lipstick. They look like clowns, and 99% of people are too nice or too mean to say something.

Blush: apply blush after lipstick, because it will pull color from it. If you apply blush before, when you apply lipstick, your blush will have just gone bozo. And this is one where its crucial to look far, be 5 feet from the mirror. You will be amazed at how different your make up looks when standing back from the mirror. With blush and eyeshadow, go light, it's easy to put a little more on but a pain in the ass to take too much off.

Eyeliner: can't stress enough how important start light is. It's so easy to wind up looking like the 5th member of KISS because eyeliner is so easy to overdo. Since your new, start with a pencil, and use a makeup sharpener, not a standard. Standard makes the wax too thin so it constantly breaks.

Mascara: not too hard, main thing is look for clumps on brush because they will be clumps on lashes, and look a piece of dead bug. While getting accustomed to make up, skip the eyeliner and just go for mascara. Your hands may shake the first few times of putting on eyeliner and mascara. It is your brains natural reaction to having something that close to your eyes. This is why women usually look way up putting on some stuff. If you've ever worn contacts, you'll understand exactly. Also, keep a bottle of visine and tissues handy. Flecks will get in your eyes, they will get irritated, you will need the visine. Using tissue, blot, don't wipe, or you get raccoon eyes.

Eye shadow: darkest color next to lashes, lightest next to brow. There are 3 main theories on color palette: matching clothes ( more popular in the 80s, enhancing eye color, contrasting eye color. Personally I prefer enhancing eye color. Since my eyes are a blue/green/grey color, I use those the enhance my eyes and make them look bigger. If I was going for contrasting, I would pick browns, reds pinks, etc. again, start light, put on more only if needed, and check often backing 5 feet from mirror.

Pay attention to this: Do not buy used makeup under any circumstances!!!! Ever!!!! If someone has any type of a skin problem, you will get it from their makeup. If it ain't sealed, walk away. Keep this in mind when looking at samples at display counters. That's why the girls are, or should be, using disposable qtips for giving samples.

You're going to run into some gender specific issues, so for those I recommend looking at instructions for male actors and drag queens. These deal specifically with whiskers, eyebrow shape, and bone lines specific to men. Once again, start very light, so you don't wind up looking like a drag queen
Try crossdressers dot com and makeuptalk dot com good luck have fun with your new found courage.
@GorgeousGeekGirl, Thank you for your response and the information. It will a great place to start. To answer your question it is more to feminize my look, hopefully to the point of being passable or at the very least to assist in the role playing. You wouldn't happen to know if make-up done well has any effect on face recognition software? In case anyone was wondering I believe one's orientation is a private matter much like one's political choices and possibly why doing it in a voting booth so sexy.
@query, Thank you for the addresses and I will be doing some studying. It has nothing to do with courage given the anonymity of the internet. Curiosity of discovering oneself, the final frontier. Never confuse who you are with what you do.
So since your wanting to look like a woman, bathroom use out in public will be an issue. Do not!!!! Use the women's restroom. Besides getting a misdemeanor that will give you a stigma, women take their kids into the restroom, and will freak the hell out and call security, or the closest man that looks like he can beat the hell out of you. Use bathroom before going out, and when you go anywhere, look for gender neutral or single person bathrooms. Go, or make attempt, anywhere that does have these bathrooms, so you don't wind up somewhere with a bathroom that could cause a problem
Hi Gorgeous Geek Girl,
I am beginning to think you are somebody I would love to meet, I am beginning to blush that you might be worried about me and for some strange reason I picture us both in sundresses and I am teaching you to write your name in the snow.