One thing you should never do as an adult

Dec 4, 2017
There are the obvious ones involving temper tantrums at checkout aisles and anything requiring diapers (consenting adults excepted), but there are also some others, just terribly bad ideas for anyone over the age of 16 or so.

I’ll start with one: Examining the contents of your parents’ bedside tables. No, you totally do not want to know what’s in there. 🫣
Ask inappropriate questions. Kids can get away with anything, but as an adult asking a woman if they're fat or pregnant or a guy if that's a wig is frowned upon.

To your example, my daughter once asked me when we were getting a puppy. I said we didn't plan on getting one any time soon which is when she wanted to know why there was a leash and collar in our nightstand and a folded down dog crate under our bed. While I looked at her trying to get out the an answer, she added. "That's a big crate, are we getting a big dog?"

I think anyone reading this can guess we ended up getting a German Shepherd puppy very quickly and it was supposed to be a surprise. Glad it happened though we had Rocky 15 years(RIP 2020)
There are the obvious ones involving temper tantrums at checkout aisles and anything requiring diapers (consenting adults excepted), but there are also some others, just terribly bad ideas for anyone over the age of 16 or so.

I’ll start with one: Examining the contents of your parents’ bedside tables. No, you totally do not want to know what’s in there. 🫣
Actually, those over a certain age can get away with it. We as grumpy old farts are expected to be inappropriate. I've waited a long time to get back to being allowed to or ignored when I am inappropriate. I'll be damned if I'll give it up! 🤬

If you've got twenty-seven minutes to kill, this video has some worthwhile suggestions. More about beliefs than actions, but there are some of those too.

Actually, those over a certain age can get away with it. We as grumpy old farts are expected to be inappropriate. I've waited a long time to get back to being allowed to or ignored when I am inappropriate. I'll be damned if I'll give it up! 🤬

At 54 I'm not there yet, but the running joke is I say anything I want now so its not going to make a difference. There was a point in my younger days they thought was possible I had Asperger. Turns out I'm just rude without much of a filter. People think I troll here, but...this is how I am in real life too. Its why I'm anti-social, it works out for all involved
At 54 I'm not there yet, but the running joke is I say anything I want now so its not going to make a difference. There was a point in my younger days they thought was possible I had Asperger. Turns out I'm just rude without much of a filter. People think I troll here, but...this is how I am in real life too. Its why I'm anti-social, it works out for all involved
I'm kind of the opposite. I stay quiet, until I can't stay quiet. I stay on the periphery of things, an observer. BUT when it comes time I can't stay quiet, you can damn well betcha' I'll say my piece, with nothing held back. My philosophy is if you're gunna' say it, say it all and be done with it.

Fail to realise that your parent(s) have dreams too. I recall a particular conversation, one that for which the shame of my selfishness still burns painfully, when i realised that my mother had a life before me. Yup
Shedding ones clothes and running down the sidewalk, starkers, joyfully screaming.

I could get away with that as a 2-year-old. Today? Yikes.
That's assuming one can tell the difference. Most people can't; even I can't much of the time. See that video I posted above.
Maybe I should also add - thinking the world is black and white.

But the thing is, many people don't even make an effort to distinguish between facts and opinions.
Maybe I should also add - thinking the world is black and white.

But the thing is, many people don't even make an effort to distinguish between facts and opinions.
Or, as a friend of mine is wont to say: 'I have facts. You just have opinions.' :)
Or, as a friend of mine is wont to say: 'I have facts. You just have opinions.' :)
In many cases that's about misusing the distinction.

But there are plenty of cases where it is actually true. Where one is simply telling the facts and the other one argues them with mere opinions, refusing to believe the facts (often without even considering them at all).
Fail to realise that your parent(s) have dreams too. I recall a particular conversation, one that for which the shame of my selfishness still burns painfully, when i realised that my mother had a life before me. Yup
Wow, sorry, this has struck a nerve with me. I knew that my parents, and grandparents (the three of them that survived long enough for me to know them) and other family members had lives because they were quite articulate about telling me stories about that. And, strangely perhaps, I found them interesting. I even heard a bit about my great-grandparents, like how one of them had been a New York police officer in the 1890s (he didn't like it much because corruption was endemic). And how my grandfather's uncle (his mother's brother) had been a firefighter who had answered the call on the day of the General Slocum steamboat disaster in June, 1904. My grandfather who was five years old, himself remembered that day (he passed in 1980), although he found out the details from his family when he older.

The fire station is still there and I have seen it.

...resist change - whether you like it or not, nothing much stays the same

...allow jealously/anger/fear control you

...forget the value of money

...go in the grocery store barefoot
Maybe I should also add - thinking the world is black and white.

But the thing is, many people don't even make an effort to distinguish between facts and opinions.
That's exactly one of the things (the world as black and white) in the video above.
That's exactly one of the things (the world as black and white) in the video above.
Yet there are also things that are simply facts, or then opinions. But some people will tell you that even things that can be proved are just opinions, and things that can be proven false are facts...