One shot: Another wacky idea...


Rural Racist Homophobe
Nov 29, 2001
Last night I was listening to the re-broadcast of Hannity on my way home from my workout. A caller floored me and the host with this...

Shortly after Bush gave his speech about one shot taking out Saddam Hussein, a sniper begins taking a series of one shots around Washington.

Witnesses from the latest shooting indicate a middle-eastern suspect...

Not an angry white male.
You know, nothing about this would surprise me at this point.

I'm still mulling over the coincidence (???) of an FBI employee being a victim.
Arlen Specter is suddenly mulling over the idea the OKC was sponsered by al Qaeda based on recent hearings of the evidence no one wanted to hear prior to 9/11...

I think at least one or two of our most recent "mysterious" plane crashes were successful shoe bombers sent by al Qaeda, and that information was kept from us too.

And then there's area 54 :D ...
Yeah, I wonder what they test there?? **area 54..what are you**??
I think it's an elaborate intruder-sensor test for new detection technologies.

Just another cool thing they got from the mothership...

(The one that so many of our members seem to be desperately seeking!)
I've really been with-holding judgement too and even leaning towards the lone white nut just to make sure I don't fall into the trap...

But with the Bali incident it's clear that these people want nothing short of fulfilling their apocalyptical visions.

I wonder about our pilot in Iraq who has been upgraded from dead to missing based on information from the many people fleeing from Iraq and Saddam.

They won't stop. Ask Israel. They know, they understand. I think our top people know, even the Democrats are beginning to understand (and polls swinging in the UK now) that the only thing that will stop these people is stopping these people. Iraq is our first best hope of success...

I want peace for my child, but I just have the sneaking suspicion that war may be the only way to secure it.
SIN.......A very interesting theory about the ONE SHOT.

Read this:

Police suppress
terrorism angle
ATF official: Releasing descriptions
of Mideast suspects would cause 'panic'

Posted: October 16, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Paul Sperry
© 2002

WASHINGTON – Several witnesses to the Beltway sniper shootings over the past two weeks have described suspects resembling Middle-Eastern men, but authorities have played down the Islamic terrorism angle to avoid mass "panic" in the area, an ATF official told WorldNetDaily.

"That angle is actually being looked at, and the FBI has the lead on it," said the official, who is working with the sniper-murders task force based in Maryland's Montgomery County, where the first five shootings took place.

"None of this has been overlooked. There's an awful lot that they're not allowing out," he said. "But the issue really is, as it was with the nuclear (terrorism) stuff, that they do not want public panic."

The Bush administration fears parents might pull their children from schools if police speculate about a terrorist connection, he says. And federal employees might skip work, effectively shutting down the government.

Also, tourists would likely cancel travel plans, dealing another blow to the area's already soft economy, says the official, who wished to go unnamed.

That said, the task force won't likely release a composite sketch of suspects – alternately described by witnesses, law-enforcement lookouts and police-scanner chatter as "Hispanic," "Middle-Eastern," "olive-skinned" and "dark-skinned" – until all other suspects are ruled out.

Two white males apprehended separately in the manhunt, based on tips, have been questioned and released. While they were in custody or under watch, the shootings continued. Police say the men, both from Maryland, are not suspects.

Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose, who is leading the multi-jurisdictional investigation, Tuesday said the task force has at least a "partial" description of suspects who he suggested are minorities.

But he elected not to release the information, explaining it might "paint some group."

Since Oct. 2, the sniper or snipers have cut down 11 people in Washington and five surrounding counties with single shots to the head or torso. Nine have died. All were shot with a rifle or rifles that chamber a .223 round, such as an AR-15 or hunting rifle.

Prince Georges Police Department Detective Paula Pascarella, who is part of the task force, told WorldNetDaily on Friday that authorities are investigating the possibility of teams of snipers using more than one .223-caliber rifle and traveling in more than one white vehicle.

Moose told reporters at Tuesday's press conference that there are "numerous vehicles they could be using."

The task force has released composite graphics of a white box truck witnesses described leaving the scene of one or more of the Maryland shootings. On Tuesday, it released composite graphics of two models of white cargo vans with roof racks that witnesses reported seeing fleeing the last two shootings in Virginia.

Federal authorities interviewed by WorldNetDaily say the sniper shootings are more sophisticated than first thought, and have the earmarks of an al-Qaida operation.

For one, the shootings are unbelievably brazen, like the Sept. 11 attacks. Eyewitnesses in both the Home Depot shooting in Falls Church, Va., and Exxon station shooting in Fredericksburg, Va., told authorities they saw a sniper taking aim and shooting from outside the reported getaway van, WorldNetDaily has learned.

The snipers, like the Sept. 11 hijackers, seem highly disciplined and under control. They've stayed away from the District of Columbia, where security is tight and Potomac bridges make escape risky. They take one shot, aiming at the head or heart, and flee the scene. A man shot at a Manassas, Va., Sunoco station, for example, was felled by a bullet that entered the upper left part of his back. They appear to have pre-selected their targets to spread the greatest fear in the nation's capital. Victims range in age (13 to 72), race and sex. Message: No one is safe – not even under a covered parking lot amid other shoppers, as they proved in the Home Depot assault.

They strike at day and at night – but not on weekends, ostensibly to breed panic among workers commuting into Washington Monday through Friday from the five bedroom communities where they've hit. It's as if the snipers are "on a mission to shut down" the nation's capital, observed one law-enforcement official. And it may be working: Many federal employees, including some at the Pentagon, have requested they be allowed to telecommute to work part of the week until the shootings stop, WorldNetDaily has learned.

By using common white delivery trucks and/or vans, snipers have spread law enforcement thin. Dragnets that have shut down major arteries in and out of the capital have proved fruitless. Some 200 detectives in the Washington area are working around the clock on the case. The FBI Terrorism Task Force has assigned agents. So have Maryland and Virginia state police. The Secret Service also is helping with the investigation, as WorldNetDaily first reported Oct 4. Next: The Pentagon is expected to help with aerial surveillance.

Snipers have managed to terrify America's capital with just 11 strategic shots. Homecoming football games and SAT tests have been canceled. Drivers are afraid to pump gas. Shoppers brave enough to go out walk briskly across parking lots in zig-zag patterns. Schools are in indefinite "lock-down," meaning kids can't go outside for recess until the snipers are caught.

The shootings took place alongside a resurgence in al-Qaida terrorism. Successful smaller-scale attacks against Americans and other Westerners in Yemen, Kuwait and Indonesia were apparently praised in a letter penned by Osama bin Laden himself, who appears to have reemerged defiantly from the shadows.
"These shootings are in line with cheap, low-level terrorism designed to disrupt commerce and law enforcement, and to lower morale," the ATF official summed up.

Al-Qaida training videos recovered by U.S. forces in Afghanistan demonstrate small-scale attacks such as drive-by shootings and assassinations, as WorldNetDaily first reported. The al-Qaida cell recently busted in Oregon was uncovered after local police spotted operatives shooting targets with assault rifles.

Other developments:

Surveillance-and-detection teams in unmarked cars have been deployed to watch for snipers at locations and intersections around Washington that have been profiled as possible targets.

Authorities now suspect the so-called tarot card left near a Maryland school-shooting scene is more a "red herring" than a break in the case. Police still have not made the document public.

They also view the Michaels crafts store connection as nothing more than a coincidence. Michaels stores are located in shopping centers, such as the Seven Corners Shopping Center in Falls Church, where the Home Depot is also located. The snipers are targeting high-traffic areas such as shopping centers.

The task force did not get a good license plate number for the sniper van used in the Home Depot attack. "We have a lot of numbers," said the ATF official. "That's the problem."

FBI agents are upset Moose is still running the investigation, and think the FBI should take over.
"There have been more shootings outside Montgomery County than inside his jurisdiction," said an FBI veteran. "Yet he's still in charge."

He called Moose's performance so far "disquieting."

Authorities aren't sure anymore that the snipers are escaping shooting scenes on highways. They may be stationed locally and then draw back to nearby hideouts, which may explain how they've managed to slip dragnets.

It's unlikely the administration will authorize National Guardsmen to help with roadblocks and other aspects of the investigation, because that would "tip the hand" that it's terrorism and spook citizens, the ATF official confided.
Previous stories:

Police weigh multiple killers, vehicles

'Hispanics' sought in D.C.-area sniper hunt

FBI: Maryland shootings fit no crime category

Shootings tied to Michaels crafts stores?

FBI Terrorism Task Force on case


Paul Sperry is Washington bureau chief for WorldNetDaily.


That's a great article from the We're under attack from abroad point of view.

We need something from the We're under attack from within point of view.

It would cause panic and hurt the economy, that's for sure. It would also cause further discrimination towards minority Americans. But when you get in those gray areas of truth in which you are not told everything, for whatever reason, then the conspiracy theorists have all the ingredients they need to get baking...
Cause discrimination against minority Americans?

The PC bug has infested you as well, I see. You mean against MUSLIM and ARABS, and that would NOT BE JUSTIFIED?
SINthysist said:
Nine, I believe...

12 shootings, 11 victims, 9 dead, 1 wounded, 1 (the 13 year old) last believed to be in critical condition.

Source: Oct 16/02
No, it's just something the Administration is very aware of that would be used against them so near an election...

Targeting minorities! How DARE they! That's the perview of the Dems...
SINthysist said:

I think at least one or two of our most recent "mysterious" plane crashes were successful shoe bombers sent by al Qaeda, and that information was kept from us too.

On 9/11 as the events were taking place, I spoke with a friend inside a national network newsroom, who told me that 8 planes were unaccounted for at the time according to the FAA and that jets had been scrambled. After the Pentagon hit, the number released to that news agency was reduced to 4.

Early on that day I saw a man interviewed live in a field who saw the Pa plane go down. At the time, he said it looked like it had exploded in the air.

In the afternoon, he was interviewed again, and he said the plane crashed and was not on fire when it hit.

Whether the above noted discrepancies were facts subsequently hidden or mistakes in the heat of the moment, I have no idea.

But I personally do not rule out the possibility that there is more going on than we know about.

That's the nature of communicating to civilian populations during conflict.
Re: SIN.......A very interesting theory about the ONE SHOT.

busybody said:
Al-Qaida training videos recovered by U.S. forces in Afghanistan demonstrate small-scale attacks such as drive-by shootings and assassinations, as WorldNetDaily first reported. The al-Qaida cell recently busted in Oregon was uncovered after local police spotted operatives shooting targets with assault rifles.

From The Guardian

After the arrest of four alleged followers of al-Qaida and the Taliban last week, John Ashcroft declared it "a defining day" in the fight against terrorism. It may well turn out the attorney general was right, but not in the sense he intended.

The four suspects arrested last week, plus two more still at large abroad, were described as a "sleeper cell", but the label is apt more because they were dozy than surreptitious.

They made so much noise practising with their guns in a Washington state quarry that they drew the attention of a local policeman who - startled to see men in flowing robes and turbans shooting assault rifles a few days after the September 11 attacks - took down their names.

Undeterred, the suspects left the country a few weeks later allegedly with the intention of fighting alongside the Taliban - unorthodox behaviour for a supposed sleeper cell already ensconced in suburban America.

Moreover, they took the hardest possible route. Instead of wandering over the ultra-porous Pakistani border, they tried entering through China, whose short frontier with Afghanistan is heavily patrolled by the People's Liberation Army. The mojahedin wannabes were unsurprisingly turned back, although this Chinese assistance in Washington's war on terror went unacknowledged by the attorney-general.

Five of the six alleged cell members were American citizens. Two were of Arab origin, and the other three were African American converts to Islam, in an apparent echo of the black West Coast radicalism of another era. One of the suspects, Patrice Lumumba Ford, is the son of a former Black Panther member.

There was no sign that the would-be cell was planning an attack on US soil, nor is it clear why the authorities waited so long after their abortive trip to Afghanistan before arresting them. But Ashroft's justice department has had few victories to boast about lately.
Re: You know what I'd like to know?

LionessInWinter said:
I'd like to know if ANYTHING would stop the violence. I mean worldwide. Sorry if this is off topic, but I've been reading stuff all over these boards this morning that's just making me sick.

If the Palestinians got their own state, and the Serbs and Chechnians and whoever the hell else wants one got theirs too, if the US stopped trading with the entire world and prevented our citizens from even traveling anywhere outside our borders, if our government stopped talking to every other government, if Europe and Southeast Asia and China and fucking Antarctica never heard a whisper of media from the States, if every Hindu and Christian and Jew converted to Islam, if it started raining cats and dogs and all the deserts of the world turned green, would the mad, self-righteous bombers and shooters and haters of the Earth stop finding a reason to kill? I highly fucking doubt it. Death, murder, people with their skin burned off, dead children in streets, fathers of six with their heads blown to bits, all of it's turned into goddamned excuses and consipiracies and politics and idiotic sniping. You can see it right on these boards like a stinking microcosm. Ever seen a dead burned body????? Well I fucking have and it ain't pretty. Ever see a gunshot wound to a head? I've had to pick up pieces of a shattered skull up off a morgue table, and you don't want to fucking go there.

I found myself doing it too, the other day, when I got real mad about all those poor people dying in Bali. But you know what? I read post after post this morning about who's dead kid is more important, which shadowy organization is to blame, whose greed is bigger like it's just dicks in the men's room, and I realized how totally impossible it is to reach understanding. The victims are lost. There's no point in wanting justice. Who's justice would it be? How about a march on Washington? What a fucking joke. Our big hate machines will just roll on--everybody's, I don't give a crap what country you're from. People die at the ruthless hands of others in Borneo for chrissakes. We're going to brilliant ourselves right out of existance.

Sorry again SIN.


A fine post. Fiery. Passionate. Right on the money.
Re: Re: Re: You know what I'd like to know?

LionessInWinter said:
Thanks cool. I decided to take some of my own medicine and chill out with a glass of oj. Then I beat the shit out of my laundry.



A very fine post Lioness. I agree with what you say though it hurts my heart to do so. I have traveled extensively and seen brutality in many forms. I’ve been shot at a number of times, but luckily came out with only a nick. Barbarism will continue to exist regardless of the rationalization for it. If people we not killing because of religious reasons they would be killing for personal or political reasons. The human race is our own worst enemy.

But does that mean we just lay down and accept it? I can also think of all the wonderful intelligent people I have met that are prepared to lay down there lives to protect others, and to promote safety and freedom. Sometimes it feels like we are the minority. But isn’t it the human condition to strive against adversity? I think we need to accept the nature of human conflict, and then try our very best to minimize it. We will never live in utopia, but we can work towards the goal. Hell life often seems like one big fight against the force of entropy anyway right. :^)

Thanks for the post though, I enjoyed reading it.

busy - there's no evidence I know of that there's more than one shooter... in fact, all the attacks have been carried out with one gun, right?
I echo Lioness' sentiment, but wait for Ishmael to come on this thread and starts calling her post as emotional as well as unrealistic. Either case, the world is fucked up.