One-on-one: just gonna put it out there


Really Experienced
Jun 6, 2012
I'm not into the fanboy thing of repeatedly posting on a girl's thread trying to get her attention. Of course I have posted numerous threads and comments in the time I've been on the forums, but I always end up losing interest with the group discussion thing. I'm more into one-on-one interaction with females. Whether we talk about sex, our interests or just plain shoot the breeze about music, movies, where we're from and what we do, that's all good in my book.

PM me if you feel the same way and hopefully we can find some common ground.
Just putting it out there.
Have a great day, people.
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I think mods might have a problem with you putting your contact info in the form of an email address.

Also, good luck bro - its not easy to just say what you did and put it eloquently. Which is the most beautiful place on earth, btw?
Thanks dude. It's fine if it gets deleted.
And that would be Cape Town btw :)