One of our own - Maonaigh - is no longer with us.


Missing my Muse...
Jan 7, 2020
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that Maonaigh has shuffled off this mortal coil. I will miss him. He had been a mentor to me and I had just received an e-mail from him last week about his next project, a lesbian story, that he was working on, so his death was unexpected.
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that Maonaigh has shuffled off this mortal coil. I will miss him. He had been a mentor to me and I had just received an e-mail from him last week about his next project, a lesbian story, that he was working on, so his death was unexpected.

He's going to be sadly missed. He was a great mentor to me as well, for a few years now. It was Maonaigh who sparked off the idea that got me going with the "Hammered" story event
I didn't have much contact with him (I think he left a nice comment on one of my stories) but it's sad news. I'm glad at least that people were able to pass the news on here; so often posters just fall silent and we never know.
I didn't have much contact with him (I think he left a nice comment on one of my stories) but it's sad news. I'm glad at least that people were able to pass the news on here; so often posters just fall silent and we never know.
Brian left instructions for those of us who corresponded with him to be told of the news. He was a gentleman to the end and I will miss him and his lovely comments.
I received a nice e-mail from Brian's stepson today with the details for his funeral - July 5 at 12:40 BST (7:40 AM EDT) He included a link to a website where you could watch the ceremony.

Contact me or ChloeTzang if you want more details or the link.
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If anyone would like to watch Maonaigh's funeral service, here is what you'll need to see it:


Username tiwu6549

Password 777542

It will be available until 03AUG23.

I will miss him.
Never spoke a syllable to the fella.

May God lay his healing hands upon the hearts and mind of his family and friends.
May they laugh and cry together, as they remember the lifetime of memories, he had with them.