One last fling


sexual catalyst
Sep 3, 2000
Maggie had only ever been with one man, and she was going to marry him in a few short weeks. Right now I was taking one last business trip out of town before the wedding as well as getting a final shopping trip for something to wear on our honeymoon.

Right now she was in a lingerie store and debating about the opportunity before her. She twisted her engagement ring a few times before taking it off and putting it in her purse. Her fiancee` was a great guy but luke warm between the sheets. He didn't really excite her, then again she didn't know what really excited her. Therefore she had decided to have one last fling to compare him to. For better or worse, if he was bad she would appreciate her fiancee more, if he was good then maybe it would point out what was not happening between them.

Maggie purchased a sinful black teddy and black silk stockings. Her fiancee would never even dream of her wearing such a thing probably.

She dressed to thrill, she was surprised that the lack of panties was actually exciting her under the black silken sheath of a dress that she was wearing. She had bothered with make up putting a dark maroon on her full lips a dusting of gray eye shadow on her dark eyes. She clipped up her hair and twirled the stray tendrils and barely recognized the woman who looked back at her.

She snagged a small shiny black purse and slipped on a pair of comfortable black heals. Maggie was off to check out the night life and hopefully pick up someone interesting.
Sam Beauregard, 6'3, Black hair, granite gray eyes

"Another Guinness."
"That's three. Is something wrong?"
I hate it when bartenders act like your buddy for an extra tip. Can't stand it when people aren't legitimate. I can be crude, insensitive, crass, lecherous, improper...but I'm honest. I think it's my best asset. Scratch that, my Bentley is my best asset. Scratch that. My ass is my best asset. Scratch that. Nine inches where it matters. I don't brag, but it works. I keep it a surprise, though.
I looked over my ray bans and made eye contact. The cross shaped birthmark in my left eye can look quite vicious when I'm not happy with someone. It's been called "charming" other times, but when I'm angry, it makes me even more intimidating than my height does. "Funny. I didn't know therapists tended bar in their spare time. It's a very eclectic hobby you've got there. But, listen, Freud, if I want empathy, I'll talk to my dog. He likes me, and he's not trying to bullshit me for a tip. I didn't come here to talk to you. I came here to get a little loose. Perhaps totally sloshed. Perhaps go home with some girl and later end up with an unsightly mole somewhere. The night is full of infinite possibilities, so make it quick with the drink."
I didn't feel like being social. The love of my life had dumped me three years ago, so my opinion of the human race was not all that high. He got me my drink and didn't try to say another word to me, that's the way I like it most of the time. I don't why, but I found myself watching the door. I didn't regret it either when I saw the lady that walked in. All dressed in black, from her dress down to her high heels, and with stockinged legs that killed. Maybe my night could be salvaged beyond ending up with some drunken skank or waking up at two in the afternoon the next day to find that my $1,500 a month two bedroom was still as lonely as it always had been. In my typical long strides I got up and approached her.
"Hey, angel. What brings you here?"

I was nervous at first and smoothed the short skirt of my dress as I entered the bar and began heading to the bar figuring I needed a little courage and encouragement before I went trolling for men. Before I could get there a tall dark handsome stranger strolled up to me and asked me what I was doing here.

He was tall and dangerous and his eyes, gave me chills and heat playing tag down my spine. "Just looking for some excitement," I managed to whisper as I looked up into his eyes noticing the birthmark and how he was dressed really well. It told me that if anything he was not some low life sleaze looking for a cheap lay, he looked the type that knew what he was doing. She blushed as she realized she was undressing him mentally and wondering how he was in bed.
"I'm looking for some excitement," she said. Her dress backed that up quite well. I found that my eyes were as tactless as I tended to be. They moved from her cleavage all the way down her sexy legs with their black stockings. It was hard keeping eye contact at first with such a body in front of me, but her dark brown eyes made it real easy. I moved a little closer and gave her a smile, I wasn't quite crowding her, but there was little space between her body and mine. And I was liking it a lot.
"I happen to like excitement, myself," I answered, "it's pretty universally appealing. Not only that, but it falls into quite a few categories. And, with a dress like that, somehow I don't think you plan on renting a go-cart. Buy you a drink, angel?"

"Well anything can be exciting with the right partner," she smiled as her body made contact with his before she headed to the bar. She recalled what her aunt had told her, never turn down a free drink, "Sure I'll have a rum and coke please," she asked the bartender smoothing her dress down as it hiked up a little as she sat on the barstool. The lack of underwear was more evident now as the fabric of her dress caressed her ass as she sat. For a split second she wondered what the heck she was doing her, but looking into his eyes she was excited, nervous, and felt a strange exhiliration.

"The real question is what are you doing here." I loved how he called me angel, and for some reason she did not want to tell him her name.
I watched her sit down, the crease in the middle of her dress tantalizing. I soon reached the realization that this woman was unrestricted by any kind of undergarment. I licked my lips. She was flirting back, moreso than even most other women I had met at this bar. I saw that for a bit she was looking a tad nervous. I wondered why the sudden change in disposition. Of course, I admit, I didn't think about it too hard. With the way the lady looked, I was very off focus. My eyes once more wandered down those legs of hers. I wanted my hands to be there. And, seeing the outline of her pussy in the crease of her skirt, I wanted my tongue to be there. She asked what I was doing there. I was going to be honest. My one flaw. Okay, maybe not. "Well, I'm here because I was lonely and was hoping that maybe I might not end up sleeping alone tonight, angel. I don't know if there's anything you could do about that, is there?" I rested my hand on her thigh and slid a bit closer, to the edge of my stool.

His honesty stunned her and made her breath quickly. She slowly drank her drink and smiled at him, wondering if she was actuallly flirting with her long eyelashes. "I'm not very tired, don't think I'd be sleeping much," she blushed at her implication. Her dress felt very restrictive and she could imagine his hand running along her inner thigh finding her soft nest of dewy wet curls. "I know what you mean about an empty bed," she had slept relunctantly the past few nights as she tossed and turned in the hotel bed, missing having a warm body to snuggle up against.

She couldn't believe the thoughts she was having about this man. She noticed the bartender had quickly ignored them and she poured the last of her drink down her throat. She felt the warmth sliding down her throat and with a reckless smile she said, "I hope your bed is big enough for both of us."
What she said next really took me by surprise. Women succumb to me easily, but seldom were they as direct as she was. "I hope your bed's big enough for the two of us."
My cock began to rise in my pants, almost ready to burst out. It was almost up to its full length, which would have been quite embarassing. A nine inch erection in public was hardly something I looked forward to. What I did look forward to was her. I very discreetly moved my hand up her skirt and found my suspicions were correct. I petted her pubic hair with my palm before stroking her clit. "It's very big. Plenty of space to roll around, angel."

she felt a heady rush as his hand slyly slide up her leg brushed against her pubic hair and a finger slide across her exposed clit. She shivered a little as she slid off the barstool. She did not feel like herself as he said his bed was plenty big, "I hope it's not the only thing that is big for me to roll around," she blushed as the words tumbled from her lips her hand steadying herself against his warm broad shoulder. Maybe it was the clothes, after all she had been turned on ever since she had done up the teddy, she had even teased her pert breasts and had been stunned when her nipples got really dark and thick and poked up over the top. She could feel them rubbing against the dress as she stepped closer to him. Unable to believe the bulge that pressed back as she leaned slightly against him.
Our banter was moving along much faster than expected, not to mention other things. She gave a little shiver of delight as I took her by surprise with my hand on her clit and pubic hair. "Hope that's not the only thing big enough to roll around on," she replied with a little blush. Something told me she wasn't usually like this, and that turned me on even more. Though the chase was short for us, I wanted it to get even shorter since I was getting even longer. I licked my lips noticing how hard her nipples were as they tried to free themselves from her dress. I also noticed how pleasantly surprised she was when she felt how large I was getting. I still had a little way to go, though. "I drive the black Bentley outside. Shall we get going?"

I whispered softly, wanting only him to hear, unable to believe how easily I acquisesed. I wanted him though, my body calling out to his, amazed at his reply. I blocked off the part of my mind that thought about my fiancee not wanting to compare this man to him, especially as I thought that tonight would be beyond compare. Something I would undoubtedly recall and fantasize about for the rest of my life. I put that all aside and just whispered, "Yes," and nodded as I felt his body against mine, I had this sense that his pants were becoming uncomfortable as my nipples pressed against his chest. I felt free from everything as we headed out of the bar and towards his car.
We walked into the car, both awash in eagerness. It took a level of temperance I’m not used to to resist throwing her down on the bar and taking her right there. But, there was some degree of decorum in me and it’s not the kind of thing a lady tends to appreciate. Inside, we sat down on the nice leather seats, and I couldn’t help but think about the stain that was likely to come out of it. We sat down and I adjusted the temperature to 75, not too hot but still quite warm and comfortable. I put my hand on her thigh and without a word leaned in to kiss her. I was rough and voracious with the kiss. Thrusting my tongue into her almost violently. I wanted her so much, I could hardly be expected to wait until we reached the apartment. From the look on her face and the obvious state of physical excitement she was in, it looked like she could definitely forgive me this little trespass.
I was not sure how either of us were going to make it to his place and when he turned up the heat and leaned me back against the seat I was a little stunned at first as his tongue invaded my mouth and I tensed for a split second before I realized how much I wanted him right now. I did not care about how much the dry cleaning for my dress would cost as I undid his pants. I heard his moan of relief as his cock was given room to move. One hand moved to his back pulling him into me. I was more than ready and while I was excited about the idea of his tongue venturing other places I needed to feel him buried inside me and soon.
Suddenly, she unzipped me and grabbed for my cock. I suspected some degree of foreplay, some fondling of it, some kissing, but she took me very much by surprise yet again. I was relieved that she was already directing it towards her. The smell of womanhood, the feminine perfume, the obvious wetness, they were getting to the both of us and something had to give. It might sound selfish, but I was glad it was her. I didn't want to seem like a creep or overstep my bounds. So, I went in. I teased her a bit, I just sort of felt the moist willingness and then withdrew. I kissed her once more and then returned inside her. My pumping grew more intense to reflect my own desperation. At first I had it in my head that I would be smoother than her, drive her crazy make her want me so bad it hurt, but it turned out she was turning the tables. I felt her moving her hips, pumping with and against me, making me go deeper, harder, faster...
For a moment she was really glad she was on the pill, and prayed for a second that he was clean. Then it didn't matter as he dipped inside her, withdrew and then gave in to her body's urging to fuck. At first she bite her lip to keep from moaning. It was wild, sexy, and just fucking amazing as their bodies moved together in the small space to sate us both. I wasn't sure who needed it more at any given moment as we fucked. I knew now that I had never been fucked before and I was stunned that I liked being fucked, and was looking forward to fucking him for the rest of the night. I wasn't sure about his endurance and I didn't care as my body clung to him in the pleasure filled haze that was undoubtedly the fastest and hardest I'd ever cum.
My breathing got really heavy as the two of us thrashed around. Her moist, tight hungry pussy was eating me alive and my body wasn't sure it could take it any more. I tend to have excellent stamina, yet here I was in two tight places- the car and her, and it was getting to be overwhelming. I resisted coming, though. I wanted her to shake and twist and scream out loud. I wanted her to really feel it. She came really hard and soon I felt myself ready to come too. I rolled my eyes as I knew that I could no longer fight back against the flow in passion shooting through me.

It was a sinful feeling to feel another man explode inside her, and reason fought with passion as she slowly regained her breath. So this is what it was like to not make it to the bedroom. She still did not know his name and she didn't care. Her hand slide around his neck and pulled him in for a hot thanking him kiss. She didn't trust herself to speak yet as the darkness of the car surrounded them.
The things this girl was doing to me! I had been with so many women before, many of them in such circumstances, but never did they get me where I needed to be so quickly. I had been trying to keep control, always feeling that doing so was important, but I couldn't help it this time. The fight to keep back my juices was lost to the tightness of this woman's pussy, the way she looked and the way she seemed so on top of things. There were moments before when it looked as if she was very innocent, with a bark worse than her bite that came to flirting, but here I was and the bite was there full force. It had just ripped my self restraint to shreds. I finished our long kiss and with an idiotic smile on my face, I went back to driving. "Sam," I said to myself, "there will be plenty of time when we get to the condo. You can wait. She's not THAT fantastic." Usually I am an honest man.

She was a littel confused as he settled into his seat and began driving. 'Well if he is going to play the cool calm collected bastard, so be it,' she thought. Her hand strayed to his leg and thigh wanting to break through the confident exterior once again to make him want her as much as she wanted him. She knew better than to attempt much more, as she didn't want to distract him so much from his driving that he could get in an accident. She could feel the bulge again, she had not gotten a good look before, she just knew how it felt buried inside straining to be free.

"Do you live nearby?" was her only question as they approached a stop light.
I felt that my chill was getting contagious. Being aloof was one thing, but maybe I'd taken it a bit too far. We had already been passionate enough to have insanely hot sex in my car at the drop of a hat, and now here I was trying to keep my composure. And she was looking like a movie star and smelling of passion and womanhood. Her neat hair was already getting tussled and sweaty. She looked like she had been on some hot, desert island for too long and it was intensely sexy. "Not far, angel," I said, putting a hand on her thigh, "I can't wait. You were so good, I want you again right now, but I'll wait."
I smiled coyly and licked my lip at his comment, good he did want me. "I'm sure that it will only get better given more space and time." She softly said feeling his hand brushing her leg feeling the heat flaring up between her legs again. "A little rest is good for the body anyway," she purred as they drove along quiet streets.
I finally stopped at my building. The kind of place Gothic novelists would have to use the word "edifice" for. It was a large, brick building, over a hundred twenty years old, a former tenement bought by a developer and classed up to no end. You wouldn't have thought that not so long ago this was the end of the hopes and dreams of many an idealistic soul who'd come to America for something great. As it was, it was big, lavish and intimidating. Words I oftened used for myself. I smiled at the doorman and he tipped his hat. I always smiled at the doorman. I think it's because he never has anything to say to me. We don't waste each other's time. I took her hand and despite myself, my movements took on a certain bouncing quality as I led her in. My living room is mostly dominated by a black leather couch and a big screen tv. I'm not overly fond of television, but I wasn't overly fond of my father either, so squandering the inheritance of the cold, vicious old man was a priority to me. Thus, I got an expensive TV. It didn't make me any happier. I sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to me. "Sit down, angel?"
I looked around his place, it was expensive, I found myself wondering what a guy like him was doing picking up women in bars. Then again what had I been doing there? I smiled letting none of my thoughts show as I sat down crossing my legs smoothing the short skirt. Wondering if he would offer me a drink or ravage me on the couch. My hands moved over the leather and wondered how many others had been seduced on this couch. Then again was it really a seduction if she was willing? Perhaps, she thought, smiling at him and uncrossing and recrossing her legs as she watched him move through the room.
I couldn't keep my eyes off of those legs. Sure I had been between them not ten minutes back, but they were different now. They were not in my possession on the couch. Her body was once more something that I had to work towards and let her give me. Shit. I was kind of disappointed by that fact, but at the same time excited. It was as if we were flirting backwards. I prepared to sit down when my Newfoundland, Rochester (yes, I named my dog after a character in Jane Eyre) lept onto the couch next to her, setting his huge, furry head in her lap. I sat down next to him, a little crowded. "Not a bad idea, fella."

My fingers combed the thick furry skull of his dog, of course he would have a big dog. I kicked off my shoes and tucked my feet under me for a moment as I scratched behind his ears and got some serious tail wagging adoration.

"He's beautiful," I whispered smiling at him, wondering if it was a good or bad intteruption at the moment. "How long have you had him?" I asked as I looked back at the mysterious man who had created a fire inside me that was in no danger of going out.