One interesting thing about yourself


Doing better
Dec 6, 2019
I can't whistle. I never learned how as a kid.

For the past couple years, I've been trying to teach myself how to do it. I've progressed from a lip whistle, to tongue under the top teeth, and have been working on the classic whistle, with the pure tone, but can only manage to do it accidentally.

I can never figure out where to put my tongue. Different guides say different things, and I feel like I'd need to be a tongue contortionist to do some of the positions they say.

And the putting your fingers in your mouth? I think they are trolling when they describe that.

Anyway, this is what I'd like to get to at some point:

So what is something about yourself that you think is interesting?
At age 76, after a life time of relatively low libido, I experienced several weeks' worth of what I know understand to be the same as "prostate orgasms," that is, intense erotic contractions of thigh and abdomen muscles. Little, if any, genital involvement. The thing is, I'm female. I was advised online that I was experiencing "a hormone storm," and was advised to tell my PCP, which I did. No advice.

These experiences were accompanied by vivid, intense fantasies, which I wrote down and published here and else where.

In the last three years (I'm 79 now) I haven't bumped into anyone else who's had such an experience.

But it was great fun!! A real gift!!!
Not sure about interesting, maybe more towards creepy, but I have a borderline uncanny ability to move around silently.

I constantly sneak up on people without trying, no one ever hears me coming. People turn around and I'm just there. My wife-and a couple of co-workers-have sworn they're going to tie a bell around me. Even in work boots and a hardwood floor I don't make any noise.

Where this stems from is one unfortunate detail of growing up in an abusive home you learn to be extremely quiet and move in a manner as to not gain notice or wake anyone up. Also years of martial arts and a few years of modern dance classes(um, yeah, so...I took dance lessons) has given me great balance and I move on the balls of my feet very lightly

Between being 'sneaky' which is how most people describe it, and my penchant for wearing all black all the time, a long time friend refers to me as the wraith. My sister says I skulk around the same way her cat does.

One memorable instance of this was a few years ago at work the power went out. Building was in near darkness and my supervisor comes out of his office with a flashlight. I got behind him and followed him through the entire place, barely three steps behind him. he seemed to feel me, and several times turned around quick and I'd just move to the opposite side he was aiming the light.

We get all the way to the exit and as he was opening the door I grabbed his shoulder and hissed horror movie style "You almost made it!"

He literally pissed his pants.
Yeah... I do this too. Pretty sure it heavily stems from the bold. 'Cause I can't dance for shit and have no martial arts skills.

As for an interesting thing about me:

Apparently people expect me to come across as morose and depressed when talking to people on the phone/in person, but I'm oddly cheerful sounding and laugh easily.
I am a moody sort, its no act and I'm sarcastic and well, not the most pleasant person. People expect me to sound a certain way, but I'm soft spoken and been told I have a nice voice. I posted a link here to a radio interview I did and people commented on my voice not being what they expected.

So I can tell you to fuck off in a very pleasant tone.
I can never figure out where to put my tongue.
Dude, how did you manage to get married twice? :D

My strongest nervous trigger, an idiosyncrasy if you want, is hearing someone eat loudly, especially without closing their mouth. Boy does that get my blood pressure up.
absolutely the same. People often also assume I'm joking when I'm being entirely serious in telling them to fuck off, lol.
Yeah, I've delivered some seriously nasty insults and threats in the same tone I'll say "Have a good day" and some people who've heard it say its unnerving that I can be one step from completely losing my mind and still sound conversational.

I think the therapist called it stunted or blunted or something like that where no matter how bad a situation is you're kind of numb to it. Accompanied by the thousand yard stare I still sometimes default to(and the stealth mode) I can give off a serial killer vibe.
People think that I don't have a filter, and say whatever comes to mind.
But I actually have a very, very good filter.
I spent twenty years training martial arts with a variety of hand to hand weapons - swords, spears, knives, etc, in various European styles.
I've always had rather heightened reflexes and hand-eye coordination. It made me a rather good short-stop/second baseman and an outstanding racquetballer. Sadly, as a stocky SOB, I never had the foot speed to be a great baseball player, and an injury sidelined me as I was completing in local three-wall racquetball tournaments in Tampa Bay. I met my wife while recuperating and never went back. But reflexes die hard, and occasionally they still come in handy. Saved my boy from a fall off a pier once, snagged my wife's parrot as it was headed for an open door, and caught a cordless drill as it fell off a ledge above me.
I write erotic stories on the Internet under an assumed name.

No, wait, you knew that already... Ok, um, second most interesting thing then. In college, I ran an unsanctioned club that would break onto the roofs of buildings around campus and rappel (abseil) off of them in the middle of the night.
I have an impressive vocal range… female soprano to male baritone. When I was a teenager I got sick with strep throat some four or five times in a back to back window, and at the end of that run I sounded like some kind of thrash metal frog, and then a very believable man. My friends got a kick out of that… honestly they still do.

When I recovered, so did my voice, but I discovered later on just by attempting that I could still drop my voice to that super deep octave. I’ve taught myself to sing in the male octave even, for shits and giggles… I can now sing a male/female duet by myself. 🤣
Worked at a mall when I was a late teen.

One of my night manager shifts, a few doors down, after close, 2 women were brutally murdered in a store robbery. Was all over the news for a time.

Our ownership didn't institute new safety protocols after or nothing.

A real lesson in fungibility of "people" in business.

Only thought of it (guess I've repressed it a bit) b/c we're closing in on the anniversary (still unsolved) and it popped up on a feed.
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When I was seven I got bit by a harbor seal. I got five stitches on my foot and had to get a tetanus shot.
I've never been bitten by a dog, but I was bitten by a bear once. I was at Marine Land, and it also had a small zoo area with a few different animals. The bear was behind a chain link fence and I noticed a little boy was feeding it popcorn, by squeezing his fingers through the openings in the fence. He offered me some popcorn to try and feed him. When I put my fingers through, the bear chomped down so hard, my eyes started watering. Luckily, he didn't break the skin, but it did leave an indentation and my fingers were sore for days. I told the group I was with, and they thought it was crazy that you could even put your fingers into a bear enclosure. I imagine they've changed it by now, but getting bit by a bear is one of those things you don't forget.