Once Major E-Book Distributor Biting Dust


Literotica Guru
Jul 18, 2006
Fictionwise, once a lion in the e-book ordering Web sites den is being closed down in December. B&N bought it out a year and a half ago and hasn't accepted any new publishers since then. But before that, this might have been the most comprehensive Web site for ordering e-books and was probably the first one where mainstream publishers listed e-book versions of their print books. It was always obvious that B&N bought it to kill it--and in December they will have done so.
Well B&N is trying to gear up to take the market from Amazon(backed by Bill Gates saying "I hate Amazon, here's 300 million to compete")

So why not do what Amazon does and just try to put everyone else under?

Sad how in a lot of industries its the pioneers that usually end up being casualties to the new players.