On UK TV this morning they've shown...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
a cross section of the Arab Press.

It does not make good reading for the coalition or for the invasion of Iraq.

Most newspapers are headlining "Massacres by US Troops". The most prominent photograph is the one showing the gentleman mourning the deaths of fifteen members of his family. The killing at the checkpoints are widely reported.

The tide was on the turn before, but it's now becoming a bit more serious. A great deal of damage has been caused between the Arab States and the coalition by this invasion and if we don't finish this war quickly we're going to be on the end of a massive backlash from not only Arabs, but Muslims the world over...

bump to let you know...

what we're probably storing up for ourselves...

oh god - I've tried to stay away from the news today. Its just so hard to concentrate on work. The worst thing about it is we'll still be fighting this war for decades to come, but nobody will remember. Nobody remembered Vietnam before this war started. Why do warriors have to have such short memories and pacifists have such long memories?
We've been having it coming ever since we began fawking supporting Isreal. Not one fawking thing we do is going to change the hatred until we smash the speakers and spreader of hate. People much like you.

No one is listening ARSEHOLE!

Kindly shut the fawk up. Please.
Why can't Pacivists get past Viet Nam while the warriors have?

Because it was the Left's Last Victory and the Warrior's Last Defeat!
p_p_man said:
a cross section of the Arab Press.

It does not make good reading for the coalition or for the invasion of Iraq.

Most newspapers are headlining "Massacres by US Troops". The most prominent photograph is the one showing the gentleman mourning the deaths of fifteen members of his family. The killing at the checkpoints are widely reported.

The tide was on the turn before, but it's now becoming a bit more serious. A great deal of damage has been caused between the Arab States and the coalition by this invasion and if we don't finish this war quickly we're going to be on the end of a massive backlash from not only Arabs, but Muslims the world over...


I'm amazed that hardly anyone is paying much attention to this. The Bush Administration seems to as blind to the horrors of this possibility as they were to the Iraqi people actually wanting to defend their country against the latest "crusade".

If this gets any worse, and I'm sure it will with all the blunders being committed, it won't just be terrorists armed with bombs that the USA will be threatened by.

The boycott against American products is growing in strength too, especially in Asia and the Middle-East. That won't be good for the economy either.
Orwellian unreality

Those who argue for restraint are labelled as "spreaders of hate," while the "warriors" are the ones spreading love and joy . . . The total inversion of reality is what bothers me the most about this. To paraphrase O'Brien in 1984, "Truth is what the Bushies say it is. If you think you remember something different, your memory must be defective. Let us cure you of your defective memory."
Your economical acumen astounds me...

You and REDWAVE must have the same financial advisor.
REDWAVE, you don't argue for restraint. You argue for American death, and the more the better that we get our come-uppance, plus you live each day praying for disaster, doom and gloom, in order to effect violent revolution...

Shut the fawk up!
]ooooo(chained) said:
Your economical acumen astounds me...

You and REDWAVE must have the same financial advisor.

Your posts would make more sense if you gave some indication who they're aimed at...

]ooooo(chained) said:
Your economical acumen astounds me...

You and REDWAVE must have the same financial advisor.

Not really.

I studied economics and have run my own business ventures. Main rule in business --- don't piss off the customers....

The USA has pissed off the customers, so they aren't buying.
Just to keep you up to date on this subject...

the early evening news (17.52 - 3 April) is now reporting that many of the Arab leaders, under pressure from the constant barrage of press reports, are now coming out and saying 'stop this war' and are even talking about massacres...

They are also deeply suspicious of America's motives (as are many Brits becoming) and are talking openly how this is now an invasion...

Oh George...what have you done?

]ooooo(chained) said:
Why can't Pacivists get past Viet Nam while the warriors have?

Because it was the Left's Last Victory and the Warrior's Last Defeat!

Those damn pacifists - keep dredging up all the killing that those silly old wars bring on.......
crazybbwgirl said:
Those damn pacifists - keep dredging up all the killing that those silly old wars bring on.......

Yeah, silly old wars! They're the reason why you can have 'Good and Plenty'.

That is not the first rule of business. While not having specifically studied ecomonics, just the modeling software, I have rrun a successful business, and the first rule is location, location, location, and we HAVE the location.
8ball said:
Yeah, silly old wars! They're the reason why you can have 'Good and Plenty'.;)

I can't fight or even argue with that mentality. All I know is that killing people to teach them that killing people is wrong is really backwards. War doesn't solve anything - there's got to be a better way. I don't pretend to have an answer - I just know that killing is wrong.
Then when it is your turn to go to the gas chamber, I assume you will go quietly and non-violently.

Not like Jessie...
Nothing can be resolved without coming from the use of force or using the potential od force. All laws and international aggrements are based on the possible use of force.

Nothign is solved cept with iron and blood
crazybbwgirl said:
I can't fight or even argue with that mentality. All I know is that killing people to teach them that killing people is wrong is really backwards. War doesn't solve anything - there's got to be a better way. I don't pretend to have an answer - I just know that killing is wrong.

A very altruistic outlook. I wish it were possible, but, it just isn't going to happen. I'm sorry.
Hey - a pacifist has to look towards a brighter future. If you guys would just think about the possibility - just imagine its your kids out there being slaughtered for a piece of dusty soil. Wouldn't you think twice about attacking another country?
p_p_man said:
a cross section of the Arab Press.

It does not make good reading for the coalition or for the invasion of Iraq.

Most newspapers are headlining "Massacres by US Troops". The most prominent photograph is the one showing the gentleman mourning the deaths of fifteen members of his family. The killing at the checkpoints are widely reported.

The tide was on the turn before, but it's now becoming a bit more serious. A great deal of damage has been caused between the Arab States and the coalition by this invasion and if we don't finish this war quickly we're going to be on the end of a massive backlash from not only Arabs, but Muslims the world over...


How many Arab press sources in favor of the US actions were in this "cross section"? And how biased is the British press?
Re: Re: On UK TV this morning they've shown...

phrodeau said:
How many Arab press sources in favor of the US actions were in this "cross section"? And how biased is the British press?

P-P isn't interested in balanced reporting, it doesn't serve his agenda.

I've just scanned the UK newspapers (not the comics) and the major news sources - no mention of massacres.
Re: Re: On UK TV this morning they've shown...

phrodeau said:
How many Arab press sources in favor of the US actions were in this "cross section"? And how biased is the British press?

None in the Arab press. Right across the board they're anti...

The British Press didn't come into it...

By the way I forgot to mention these news items about what the neighbouring Arab States are saying are coming from an American reporter...

Whether it's an American Channel I don't know, our TV is only getting the feed...

Re: Re: Re: On UK TV this morning they've shown...

bluespoke said:
P-P isn't interested in balanced reporting, it doesn't serve his agenda.

I've just scanned the UK newspapers (not the comics) and the major news sources - no mention of massacres.

You obviously haven't read this thread properly...

I said on TV...

Go back, start again, do not pass go, do not collect £200...
