On the Set


sexual catalyst
Sep 3, 2000
Romantic Lead Male actor: Brad Rivers (Arkontheroof)
Lead Female actress: Lauryn (mytasteislikecandy)
Male antogonist actor: Gary Savant (poohlive)
Director Male:
Creative consultant: Ann Ross (intriguess)
Camera Person Male: Reid Hassel (Black Apollo)
Hair and make up person: Millie Peterson (Deliscous Maiden)
Intern: Lorrie Davis (virgin rose)

The director had yet to show and I was looking over the cast, great the female lead showed up angry. Someone ushered her off to her trailer with a script.

"Actors" I muttered under my breath as I flipped through the pages I written. I hoped it would work, after all it wasn't everyday a simple romance novelist got the chance to turn her book into a movie.

I stormed into my trailer, script clenched in my fist. That, that bitch had talked to me like she didn't even know who I was. I threw myself onto my couch, and looked over the script. God, and this was some love story? Jesus H. Christ! What had my agent done to me? He knew I didn't do romance/love scenes. My body would NOT be bared for the bare amount they were paying me. I sighed and kicked off my slingback pumps, and then went to the bar to pour myself a drink. Lord knows I was going to need it.
Reid Hassel

The studio was quiet except for me and the Creative Consaultant, apparently she was the author of the book this shoot was based on. I had my shot book, just a rough outline of the plans and rehersal schedual for the comming weeks. It looked daunting but not impossible. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry up and wait mode so i double checked everything that i could, film stock, lenses, prisms. took a few light readings too.

Then I saw that actress Lauryn come storming in like a whirlwind, bitching and moaning about her flight. Whatever I thought. I mean its not like she has 2 hour commute to get to work and has been living off of cheap ramen in order to pay the rent.

I sighed as I heard he trailer door slam shut an killed some more time by taking some light readings. over the course of checking my meters I wandered close to the production deskthere were a few scripts laying about and I picked up oneand started flipping thru it. wondering what the director was going to do when he finnally arrived and if there was anything that I could suggest to him.

I had waited long enough. What the hell was going on? Why hadn't we started yet? I had stripped down to my bra and thong and was lounging in the trailer, waiting on someone to come get me. But it'd been almost 45 minutes since I had arrived and nothing was started. I grabbed my long white robe and tied it haphazardly around my body. I tied my long hair up in a sloppy knot and stormed out of my trailer and toward the production desk. A lone black man stood there, flipping through the script. He had to be someone important to be standing there so nonchalantly.

I strode up to him and looked up into his face. "Excuse me, but do you think someone can get this shitty piece of work they're calling a movie started? I don't have all year you know. Denzel is putting off his next movie to wait on me to play his romantic interest, and here I am, with you assholes wasting time!"
I heard the trailer door slam shut and looked up, seeing Lauryn charging across the set towards me with fire in her eyes. I took a deep breath and centered my self like they taught me in Tai Chi back in New York before I came to this god forsaken place.

it seemed that in the space and time that she took to cross the lot over to the production desk she transforemd in to everything I hated about Hollywood. the me-me-me that she seemed to broadcast to everyone around her. I returned to the script. Looking making some notes in it with a red pen.

then she started yelling

"Excuse me, but do you think someone can get this shitty piece of work they're calling a movie started? I don't have all year you know. Denzel is putting off his next movie to wait on me to play his romantic interest, and here I am, with you assholes wasting time!"

"Yes here you are, with us assholes" I said calmly evenly. Keeping my eyes on the script. not letting her break my concentration. When I did turn around and look at her I saw her white robe hanging loosely around her body. I couldn't help but admire her form. When my eyes met her face, I instantly recalled how much of a beauty she was, even with out the make up.

Christ, this lady could get me fired. Maybe I should just try calming her down a bit. I give her my best smile and say "I hope you don't talk to everyone like that. its not good for you strains the voice you know. Besides I'm not wasting a moment of your time. I've already saved this production about" looks at his watch "maybe two hours of prep time. I am ready to roll as soon as the word is given. Would you like a cup of tea? might help with whatever trauma you just put your voice thru."

I sighed and looked this man over. He was only doing his job, whatever his lowly position might be.

"Sure, I'll take chamomile with some honey. I'll be in my trailer when it's ready." I turned on my heel and started away, but his hand on my shoulder made me stop. No one had ever stopped me before and I felt my anger flare up again as I turned back to him.

"What?" I practically snarled, jerking my shoulder out from his grasp.
I had my hand on her shoulder before I even realized what I had done. There was something that I wanted to say.

I wanted to tell her that we are working together that we are all assholes and gods here even if we just have a line on the end credits, and whats important is that at the end of the day we can go to sleep happy that we are making something and not just eating it all up like 99 % of the world and that we should be either enjoying it or quit and become just another consumer. And if she wanted to get me fired that was fine, although it wouldn't help her get to Denzel any quicker.

then as I looked in to her eyes i realized that I was not thinking those things, I was talking aloud to her! inthe middle of the set! Part of me didn't care but in a small corener of my mind I heard a voice say, you are going to be eating 50 cent ramen for the rest of your life!. I squashed that voice and then said calmy.

"now Camoline you said?"

she nodded.

"well normally I would tell an intern to do it but since we are waiting any way I'll get it for you. we all have to work together right? Rest that throat of yours"

His tirade made me feel like shit, but I was kind of turned on by the fact that he was ballsy enough to talk to me that way. I arched one eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest as he went on and on. My eyes roamed over his body, taking in the muscular frame and the very professional look he had. When he finally asked me what kind of tea I'd wanted, I'd already decided that he'd be mine. As he turned to go make my tea, I followed along behind him.

"I'm sorry that I reacted so badly toward you." I stated, placing my perfectly manicured hand on his bicep. I squeezed it gently, watching as his eyes looked at my hand resting on his arm then moved up to meet my own gaze. I ran my arm up to his shoulder and then trailed my fingertips down his back before removing my hand from his body.

As he began making the tea, I leaned over the table, resting on my elbows. My robe sagged, and I knew that if he glanced to his left he'd see down my gown and be able to view the roundness of my surgically-enhanced breasts resting in my black lace bra.

Finally, his eyes turned toward me, and surprise surprise, he didn't look at my cleavage at all. Instead he looked in my eyes and said....
Ann Ross

What were they bitching about now? heck the female lead didn't even have any freaking nude scenes. The male lead on the other hand had one scene in a towel, and the love scene was only filmed in lingerie. I gritted my teeth and made notations in the margin of my script in case anyone asked my lowly opinion. I was here to insure things were authentic to my vision and in case one of the actors asked about his character. Right now I was fighting off a headache and debating paying a no name talent to play the lead. there were certainly enough struggling actresses, but no, the director had to have Lauryn with the dragged out first name, the women with the gravity defying tits.

I wondered how in the hell she was going to play the tough and smart character I had written.
"No, I know, just cancel the badmitton practice then. I can pick it up next week, I have production meetings, and with this new movie on the line, I don't think I can get to everything..." Gary paused, listening into the cell phone, "Oh, yeah, I know. Make it happen. Talk to you in a few hours."
He looked down at his scheduling sheet, eyeing the name of the set they happened to be on. 69. Funny. He liked that. The time was a little late, as he checked his watch, but with cut throat traffic, he was lucky to be here. A brilliant limo driver, he had earned himself a nice hundred dollar tip for that near impossible feat.
"Ahh," he glanced at the scripts all hanging there. He had wanted to get his hands on one of these for nearly a week now, but for some reason they said they wouldn't be available until the day of the shooting. He knew the basic premise, they had shipped over the book to his agent, and he had been impressed with it, but other than knowing the basics, he didn't know anything.
His trailer...
He began absent mindedly looking at the different trailers on the set. It looked like 5 or 6, although 2 would be for the director and probably the producers of the film. That left four or so...
He would deal with that later. Since he was a little late, they'd probably want him right into make-up and costume so they could wait a few hours to get the director's vision just perfect so they could all go out and get drunk, only to do it again the next day.
He smiled, "Ahhh, the theatre."
He saw a woman standing alone, glancing over a script of her own. Gary raised an eyebrow, curious as to who she was. The female lead?
She definitely had the body for it.
"Excuse me," he asked a passing intern, "Who is that?"
"Ohhh, ummm, I think that's Miss Ross."
Gary blinked, "The author?"
"Uh huh," she walked off to prepare something.
Gary decided to introduce himself.
"Hello. My name is Gary Savant." He held out his hand.
Ann Ross

I was startled than any one else was around yet and found myself smiling at him, I had been in on the casting except for Lauryn. Gary Savant, of course, the bad guy, he had the looks for the part. Basing a book upon what one knows means that one draws on the people one knows. I found it amusing that the creep in my book should be played by an actor who's work I had rather liked.

I took his hand and tucked the pencil behind my ear, "Ann Ross," I shook his hand firmly and politely. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you." I was not sure what else to say, I was far from the Hollywood type and I had no idea how I would fit in with those more experienced. Would they ignore me, or would they pepper me with questions all day and night.
"Finally meet me?" He gave a little laugh, looking down at his shoes for a moment.
"I didn't know my reputation preceeded me. I was about to say the same thing to you. I loved your book. Thought it was one of the most intriguing things out there on the market. I'm not a big fan of reading or anything, but yours was impressive."
He looked down at the script in his hand, "So, how much creative control did they give you on this?"
Ann Ross

"I have a pretty free rein, except for the choice of lead. The director pulled some strings to get this Lauryn person." I smile at the compliment. "The script is actually pretty good, a few things got cut for time and expense but otherwise it's fairly close, I simple hope those that read the book will believe the movie is true to the story. Then again, I suppose that is your job now, not mine." I feel like the farmgirl that I am as I ramble.
Lorrie Davis - intern

Oh dear, I am so dead. First day and I'm already late. i just hope nobody noticed that i'm not there or else, i might loose this job. and my first one too. why must everything go wrong on my very first day.

i sneaked into the set, doing my best to look busy while trying to find something that need to be done. maybe someone would want some coffee to start the morning.

Brad Rivers

Turning through the studio gates and accelerating down the service road towards the lot, I'm more than a little annoyed with myself. A month ago I'd figured I'd have to sell this car - now, new movie contract signed, first advance payment in the bank, I could buy ten of them. My ass has been saved. You'd think I'd bother to be on time? Yeah, I'd have thought I would, too.

I phoned ahead. Apparently the director's even later, so maybe I'm off the hook.

I pull up by my trailer, and glance around: the place is a hive of frustrated activity. Can't be bothered with being sociable now - and this'll give me a good chance to look over the script for today's scenes once more.

I vannish into my trailer before anyone sidetracks me, and scrawl a note which I hang on the door by the handle:

Unless you bring:
World Peace
or Cocaine"

Then I think better of that and add:

"Last one's a joke"

Then I throw myself back on trhe sofa inside and check the script for last-minute rewrites.
"Yes, of course. It is all about entertainment."
He took a long look around, seing that in no way any shooting would start for the next hours or so.
"Hey, you wanna come over to my trailer? A drink or something. I would love to ask your advice for this character. I have my thoughts, but I think what better way than to head for the source, right?"
He motioned to the bulk of trailers in the back. One of them had to be his, he just hoped he knew which one.
Reid Hassel

Hearing her apology made me a little less weary of losing my job. I think I actually had some effect on her. Maybe the next few day would be better, I thought as I gave the teabag small jerks in the cup. Hopefully I'll be able to survive all of this hollywood bullshit and get a chance to make my own films.

I felt her hand on my arm and looked at her eyes as she said "I'm sorry that I reacted so badly toward you." and her fingetips caresed down my back. Was she trying to charm me? or just smooth things over so I give her a closer shot when we sart rolling. I couldn't tell.

"Thats ok. I just hope we have an understanding of each other now. We are both professionals right? I have my IATSI union card and you have your Screen Actors Guild membership."

I handed her the cup of tea and then poured one of my own. I looked around for some sugar or honey finding only SweetNLow and Equal. A slight frown passed over my face as I wodered if this was a conspiricy to make all of us brain damaged. then I said to Lauren, "I know the studio keeps your trailer well stocked. You think you might be able to spare a bit of real sugar? The stuff they have out here will kill you."

"Yes, they do actually. I have my own honey in there. It's pure, not that stuff they sell at the local market. And as for the pink and blue packets, that stuff doesn't get near this body." I turned in a slow circle, my robe opening a bit giving him a nice view of my long tanned legs.

I began leading the way to my trailer, my ass twitching from side to side under my robe. Opening the door, I allowed him to step in first, and when he did, I followed closely behind, my body pressing against his from behind as we entered my trailer.

"Ok, I know there's honey here somewhere." I moved into the kitchenette area and stretched on my tiptoes to retrieve the bottle of honey from the cabinet. As I did, my robe loosened even more, and now a thin strip of my body coud be seen down the front. I didn't bother to adjust it, and handed him the sugar and honey.

"Here we are. Ready for some real sweetness?" I said, smiling at him.
I followed her to the trailer. My eyes wandering down her body noticing the sexy sway of her ass as we reached the door. I almost bumped in to her as she showed me in. I looked around and saw that the trailer was decorated much better than my apartment, probably more spacious too.

I suddenly felt her body grindig agaist me as she slid over to the cabnets. I watched as she stretched her body out to reach the honey. started to move towards her to help but my eyes and mind were busy watching the curve of her back.

she turned around with the jar of honey in her hand. for the first time I noticed just how revealing her robe was. The front showed a georus strip of her skin and I could easlily see the lace bra that held in her clevage. I felt my heart skipa few beats and wondered if I had walked in to some plan of hers. I set my drink down on the coffe table and said thank you as I took the sugar ad honey from her hands

then she said with that million dollar smile of hers "Ready for some real sweetness?"

I looked at her as a smile crossed my face. I decided to call her hand.

"What real sweetness do you have in mind Lauryn?"

When he asked me, "What real sweetness do you have in mind Lauryn?" I looked him over again. This man was smarter than I had given him credit for. I thought it over and decided to just go for it. Who would turn down Lauryn, for heaven's sake?

I stepped away from the counter and untied my robe completely, letting it fall to the floor. I ran my hands through my hair, loosening the knot I had tied in it earlier and allowed it to fall around my breasts. My black lace thong and matching bra were all I work, and I placed one hand on my hip, thrusting the other out in a saucy pose.

"This sweetness." I replied, licking my full lips and tossing my hair once. "Think you can handle it Mr. Cameraman?"
Reid Hassel

I felt my cock swell slightly as my eyes took her in, not wanting to give in to her completly yet still being drawn in to her beauty. I didn't want to spend this whole production being wrapped around her finger, yet this was a chance that I didint want to let go of. In an instant I made up my mind. If i wasnt going to be wrapped around her finger, I would make damn sure that she was wrapped around mine
"Its Mr. Hassel" I saytaking two well timed steps toward her and putting my hand on her thrusted out hip, "Reid Hassel"

I whispered to her "be careful that your sweetnes doesn't melt" I say as I slip my hand over her ass lightly figertips slowly tracing the skin along the outside of her thong.

I never took my eyes off of hers as I slipped my finger up under the the black thongs waistlineslipping it around between us. i placed my other hand on hers holdig it to her hip.before I realized it I was kissing her deep and hard, my finger pulling up on her black thong, pressing the fabric against her lower lips.

When he stepped over to me and began kissing me, I knew I had him. The tension of the thong pressing against my pussy was about to make me come, but I didn't want to, not yet anyway. I kissed him back, sucking his full lips into my mouth, and nibbling gently. Then I pulled away and ran my hands down the front of his body.

"Nice, Reid. Very nice. You know, I've never been with a black man before? Is what they say true?" I slide my hand down and grasp the bulge growing in your pants. "Mmmm....that's nice as well. But I want to see it." I release your hardness and begin unbuttoning your shirt, revealing your brown skin to my hungry eyes. As your flesh is revealed, I kiss each section, licking it with my hot tongue and biting it gently with my sharp teeth. I finally reach your belt and tug on it. "Shall I or do you want to do the honors?"
Ann Ross

"Sure, after all nothing is going to happen until the director gets here anyhow." Like I was going to pass up an opportunity to talk to him? I found it funny that I was going to talk about the complete asshole of a character I had created. He would have to make me hate him on screen in order to convince me and right now I was far from hate. Though if he had any talent any Lauryn any sense they should be able to make it happen.

"My trailer is actually the one on the far left," I said as I noticed him looking around. "I believe yours is one of the three on the right."
Reid Hassel

I could feel my nine inches thikening inside my pants waiting to be released as she kissed my skin

It seemed as if we were continually upping the ante on each other. Trying to get the other person to some how submit . I felt her moans when I pulled on her thong and her heart beating. I knew I was getting deep to her.

the more she played with my flesh as she unbuttoned my shirt the more I wanted her. if this was a game of tug of war i would be slipping towards her. Falling more under her controll. I needed to do something but what.

then she asked "Shall I or do you want to do the honors?"

I saw the opening that I needed. "mmm the honnors are all yours. i think you will like what you find."

I felt my pants slip down I knew that my hardness was already showing down the right leg of my boxers. I put my hand on the back of her head gently and said "go ahead, I know you want to touch it"