On the other side of the tracks (closed)

I snaked my arms around his waist holding on. I felt the bike start up under her. The engine was very powerful. I was feeling quite nervous but felt he would keep me safe. He told me to hold on tighter so I did my arms holding on him more. They slowly start to drive away from the car park. “I bet it feel so free to ride down the highway on this. “I said.
"You are about to find out!"

I didn't shout due to the wind, I had to shout for her to hear me inside the helmet. I could feel her arms clinging tightly to me and of course her soft body pressed up against my back. With a slight smile, I started to accelerate and even if this wasn't the freeway, the road was in good condition and fairly flat, that was why I liked to come out here and just drive.

Going up a gear, I cranked the accelerator and we shot forward, I leaned forward to get behind the windshield and out of the worst of the wind. I grinned to myself and opened the throttle even more.
The wind was blowing all over as they sped up. She felt quite safe with him. She was breathing against his neck quite excited. Her little pussy was getting wet from the roar of the engine. Her arms wrapped around him tighter. Her hands slipped into his lap by accident and her hands rubbed against his crotch. "This is amazing. It is such a rush." She said.
He didn't reply, instead he geared up and opened the throttle further, the needle climbing up way beyond the legal limit, edging towards the dangerous side. He wondered what her father would do if he could see his daughter now, pressed up against a stranger, clinging on as she actually had some fun.

He grinned, seemed like half the fun would be to turn this little angel from the righteous path, but with the rebellious streak she had going, he doubted that he had much to do.
She was really enjoying being here on his bike with him. She felt so free here on the road. She was enjoying spending time with him. She knew her father would be so mad if he knew where she was and who she was with. Her father had told her since she was younger to stay away from him because he wasn’t nothing but bad news. She didn’t think he was bad. He was kind to her and she liked him. She so wanted to get to know him.
A few miles later, he started to slack down, not stopping, but turning the bike around. He drove back the way they had come, but well within the speed limit now, not wanting to draw undue attention and since the Police already had their knife in for him, it wouldn't do to get pulled over with the Reverend's daughter on his bike. "Are you enjoying yourself yet?!" He had to shout over the wind and the fact that she wore his helmet.
“Of course I am enjoying myself. This is such a rush. I am enjoying the company a lot as well.” She shouted so he could hear her. She was gripping hold of him tight enjoying the experience a lot. She was having a lot of fun with him and was really glad she choose to stay away from the party tonight and go to that motel.
He didn't know what to make of the compliment, so he didn't react to it. The road back seemed shorter even with them going slower. He drove into the parking area and stopped next to her car. His phone rang at that moment, stripping off his gloves, he drew the device from his pocket.


"Uhm hey boss, listen I have a reverend here asking about his daughter?"

He glanced at her, "Yeah?"

"Uhm he wants to know if you have seen her."

"Yes of course, working on her car right now. I will let you know when I am done."

I ended the call and gave her a grin, "Daddy's looking for you. How about we go have a few drinks."
“I know my daddy is looking for me. I told him I wasn’t coming home so I don’t understand why he is still looking.” She said. She had made it clear she was not coming home tonight. “I am sorry he seems to think it is okay to get everyone involved in a search party for me.” She said.

She was so annoyed by her daddy not just accepting she wasn’t coming home. “I really want get wasted and get my mind off my daddy and al the stress from home.” She said with a laugh. She wanted to just have some fun tonight.
He gave her a grin, "Oh totally wasted is a thing I can do very well."

Resting an arm around her shoulders, he led the way back towards the bar. This time they took the corner booth and he got them two bottles of whiskey, some lemons and a beer jug. He poured a shot for them both and then a glass of beer.

"You pour your own drink after this ok? Don't drink too fast, it will make you throw up and undo most of the work."

He took a sip of his beer.
“I am sure you do it very well.” She said with a laugh as his arm moved around her shoulder. She liked his body against hers. They took the booth this time and he went off the bar to get them a drink. She was surprised by how much he came back with him. She smiled at him.

She looked at him as she downed her shot. She tossed her hair back off of her chest looking at him. “So why do you want to hang out with the reverends daughter? It isn’t like I am extremely cool.” She said before taking a gulp of her beer.
He chuckled, "And I am not cool either. Slightly popular yes."

He downed his own shot and pressed a bit of the lemon into his beer. He leaned a bit forward, "To be honest, I am just trying to protect you. There's a few of the customers here that would think nothing of taking you around the back of the building for a gang-bang and just leave you there."

He drank some of the beer and then downed his own shot, filling the glass from the bottle. "And of course it does rise my cred to have a lovely girl like yourself having fun with me."
“I am glad you think I am lovely. I really want to have a fun time with you.” She said with a grin looking at him. She finished off her beer and poured herself another shot. She lifted her shot. “Cheers.” She said. She then downed it. She was getting very tipsy.

She leaned against his body. Her head rested on his shoulder. “You know you’re very handsome and you are cool. You have a super cool bike and your looks just cool nothing like mine. My style is just boring and conservative.” She said.
He chuckled at her, "You call this look boring and conservative? Then I would love to see you in hot and sexy."

He finished his own beer and shot, refilling both and adding that dash of lemon. He licked the lemon juice from his fingers.

"But thanks for thinking my bike is nice. It took quite some time and money to build her up from scratch."

So far so good. The news of the reverend's daughter in the bar drinking with a biker was sure to really get under the good reverend's skin. But that was far from his idea, he wanted open revolt against her father. That would be fun.
“I am not sexy.” She said laughing. Her hand brushed her hair behind her ears. She looked at him blushing and smiling at him.

“It is such a cool bike. I can’t believe you built it. You are so talented.” She said stroking his arm. She sipped on her beer. She was so happy to get away from everything in town.
He chuckled, "Oh I'd like to disagree. I have met quite a lot of sexy girls so I know sexy when I see it. All you need is the right clothing, makeup and to feel secure in the role and I bet you will make guys drool when you walk by."

He finished his shot and refilled, "Thank you, I am glad that I received the talent, it makes for an interesting way to make a living. Want to work someday on customizing vehicles or bikes. But that is a pipe dream."
“Really you think I am sexy? What clothes would you put me in?” She said. She wanted to know what he would choose to put her in. She listened closely to his wish of customizing vehicles or bikes. She thought it was cool.

“That is so cool. I don’t really know what I want to do with my life. I never have been given a choice to choose what I want. My father made me do my job but I do enjoy teaching the children.” She said.
He shrugged, "I am really not certain. There is a whole different world out there in clothing." He chuckled, "But you know what? I think you'd rock a black leather mini-dress and heels. Or maybe those fishnet mini-dresses with black or white underwear. Though for practical reasons I think a nice t-shirt and jeans will be perfect."

He drank his whiskey and refilled the shot glass, "You like teaching children, so why don't you take up teaching? I mean it is a nice conservative job that your father can't complain about. It isn't like you're doing a strip tease to toddlers during school hours."
“How about tomorrow if you have time you could make me your Barbie doll and show me just what you imagine me in.” She said batting her eyelashes at him flirting with him a little. She down another shot before returning to her beer. “My father only wants me working for the church because he thinks in a school I could be taken away from religion. He just likes controlling me. I hate it.” She said. She finished her beer. “Enough about my father. I want to do something crazy. There’s a pool outside and there is hardly any light out there and nobody out. I want to skinny dip. You going to join me?” She said. She was more than tipsy now. She felt good and wanted to do something crazy and wild right now.
He now knew what to do, how to get her to move away just that small amount from her father. Her suggestion left him a bit speechless, he hadn't think the drink would get her so adventurous.

"Sure, let's go."

He finished the last of the beer, picked up the two bottles and got to his feet, he was still steady, but definitely not driving anywhere soon. He noticed some guys looking at her, but when they noticed him looking, they quickly lost interest.
She walked with him out of the bar. She led him to the pool area. She looked at him as she ran her hand through her hair. “You ready to strip down.” She said with a laugh. She began unzipping her jeans. She was a little nervous about skinny dipping but had a pretty good buzz at the moment so was pretty ready for this.
Was he ready?

He took a swallow straight from the bottle, then resorted to taking three more. Placed the bottle down and slipped out of his t-shirt, then bent down to undo his boots.

"Well I guess we will just have to wait and see how ready I am right?"
He straightened when she slipped out of her shirt and got quite a good look at the underwear she had on. Then she asked him for his help. He was sure that she didn't need the help, but why refuse? He gave a small smirk, moved over to her and with a deft flick of his fingers unclasped her bra. He stepped out of his boots and stripped off his socks.

"The water may be a bit cold, have a bit of whiskey."

He held the bottle out to her, interested in what she might do next
She turned around taking the whiskey her boobs free of her bra. She sipped on the whiskey and then slid out of her panties. She was blushing a little being naked before him. She took another big sip from the bottle and then jumped into the pool. “Hurry slow coach and join me.” She said with a laugh.